Which side is morally better?

Uhh because If I cant do it… You cant either? More like. Your the absurd one Lmao

It’s basically what the alliance has done IN EVERY WAR.

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Like it wasn’t just me? Molten couldn’t either. No real world politics allowed.

In terms of superpowers they should be both able to wage war when there is a need, and not like one faction (horde for you) should dominate the world actually. In your thinking the alliance can be reduced to dust and it will be totally fine for the world. If we want to paint one faction good then makes sense for Alliance to not wage wars at first place but if the war already started and quite massive war with civilian losses then the best they can do is try to push into the enemy and try to take out the lead. And these actions don’t require crimes like purging dalaran, burning Taurajo, they could just straight push to org gates with ultimatum.
Alternatively if the war is still not bad like one city was burned, trying to deter another superpower from further war and continue defend territories, make some sort of truce

Is this supposed to be a justification?

By the way, Sylvanas didn’t believe in this. Sylvanas invaded the alliance because he simply served the jailer’s plans. What you mention was the excuse she used to instill fear in the horde and encourage them to go to war.

As for Garrosh, in one of the books, in a meeting they held in Theramore, when Thrall was still in command of the horde, he said that why “trade with the alliance” when they could take what they needed by force.

Garrosh has never had peaceful intentions with the alliance, no matter how much the alliance wanted it.

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Sylvanas in the book before the storm… (Before the jailer stuff happen) Believed that it was only a question of time before the Alliance would dominate the Horde on the world stage… She has utilior motives though as was revealed later… But she convinced Saurfang that defeating the Alliance before the Alliance could defeat the horde was the right course of action…

Originally Sylvanas only wanted too occupy Darnassus to force a deal with the Alliance… that was until Delaryn touched a nerve about Hope… And Sylvanas wanted to destroy any hope they had left…

Sylvanas has been serving the jailer practically since she committed suicide in Northrend after the fall of the Lich King.

She already had plans to invade Stormwind for a long time. Varok simply convinced her that invading Stormwind was impossible, and hence they attacked Teldrassil in it place.

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That was retconned after the book happen -.- and we all hated it.

Whether you like it or not, the retcons are official.

If we are going to talk about lore, we have to stick to the official lore.

To get to the leader, you first have to break through. I give the example of the Second World War again. None of the armies could reach a certain man with a mustache (who ultimately committed suicide), without first conquering Germany. Well, it’s the same in world of warcraft.

The horde was using Dalaran to gain advantage in the war, and Jaina put an end to this strategic element.

This is what they were doing when they attacked the Barrens xD
To get to Orgrimmar, you first need to take control of the barrens and Durotar.

So they pretty much just wanted to not let Alliance dominate the world and instead going to dominate world by themselves. Very nice justification for war

Sylvanas tells Saurfang in the book… How long he believes in peace… the ‘‘Boy king’’ Sure sounds nice… but How long can Anduin guarantee peace?? There are more leaders than Anduin leading the Alliance…

And they want blood… Sylvanas asks Saurfang if the peace will last 5 years? ten years? fifteen?.. She convinces Saurfang that Peace has for the horde without being dominated by the alliance has too be secured…

But yeah… this all happens in the book ‘‘Before the storm’’ way before the jailer bs happens -.-

the whole of the horde believed in it… and thats why all their leaders believed a war with the Alliance for Sylvanas during the 4th war was right.

Sylvanas does not have a crystal ball to know if the alliance would attack them in the future or not. I’ll repeats again: this was a ruse to scare the horde and have an excuse to start an illegitimate war.

She mentions Genn graymane… and Tyrandee… It wasn’t completely unfounded claims.

Greymane, the king who lost his son and his nation to the horde and Sylvanas, who blighted the city against the orders of her own warchief, when Gilneas did not even belong to the alliance at that time.

Tyrande, the leader of a race that is under constant attack by the horde.



So far alliance did not start the single war, so why they should occasionally start now, and I doubt that the horde wanted just to keep the balance in Azeroth, they probably wanted to just take whole world for their dominance

If we talk about Garrosh, that’s right. He wanted to dominate the world.

If we talk about Sylvanas, she wanted to eliminate the alliance to send the souls to the Maws and thus feed the Jailer’s machinery

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The horde had not forgotten Genn greymanes call to execute them at the consentration camps the Alliance had made during the second war…

They had not forgotten how the Night elves wanted vengeance for Cenarius

And revenge for Gilneas…

The horde believed at the time the only way to secure peace was to subdue the Alliance from ever waging a war of revenge against them again.

The belief that the Alliance would never forgive the Horde for the war they waged under the legion remained strong. And sooner or later… the Alliance would attack.

Thats why all the Horde leaders eventually agreed with Sylvanas’s plan to wage war on the Alliance during the 4th war… as far as I understood it.

(This is before the jailer lore happen)

If that were so, Varian would have ordered the horde to be dismantled at the end of MOP, when the horde was more vulnerable than ever. Instead, he decided to put an end to the bloodshed. Even the night elves ceded “Azshara” to the orcs so that they could exploit its resources and not have to resort to Ashenvale.

Would someone who wanted to eliminate the horde really do that?

Why would the night elves give territories to their enemies if they had plans to start a future war?

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Like I said… When Sylvanas made her arguement to the other Horde leaders… She argued what the next kings of stormwind would do in the future… She Taunted Saurfang asking him ‘‘What about five years…? Ten?.. What about 20 years from now’’?

No one doubted Anduin would keep the peace. But what about the future Kings of the Alliance? After Anduin? And even then… they knew Anduin had Genn greymane and Tyrande whispering in his ear. So they didn’t even trust him…

Truth is the peace between and the Alliance and the Horde was too fragile to put into good faith in Anduin alone.

As far as i understood it from the book.