At least in my case it is not exclusively towards you. I have also discussed these issues with Erevien, the nightborne from above and more people.
Don’t worry about it Dely. We have barely talked to each other in this thread. It’s just Everything I say every closure I try to make. Every end I try to create. Just opens a new can of worms…
Just saying that the warchief marry-go-round is because Blizzard have no clue what to do. I’m not arguing.
But for real Cairne should have been warchief after Thrall and at the least Vol’jin should have stayed warchief after Garrosh. Imo at the Broken Shore if they really needed to kill of a faction leader on both sides the one on Horde should have been Thrall (even though in hindsight I think that killing off Varian was a mistake).
I’ll take it… And I wont say anything…
Well besides that I agree with your about Cairne and Vol’jin…
Oh cmon argue with me about the Varian bit at least XD.
I am so beat and burned out arguing with people. I am sorry I am no fun tonight… I just am burn out on debates. I really should stop forum posting Lmao!
No hard feelings or ill thoughts. I am just spent! At least for tonight
Both sides are awful for different reasons.
If I were to join a faction it would be the Pandaren on the Wandering Isle. They’re just chilling on a gaint turtle and not hurting anyone.
And why did the alliance build base in barrens…because the horde attacks.
Alliance opened a second front to put pressure on the horde
Ita like in 1942, the. Barrens were like Normandy (France) and ashenvale rhe eastern front (there were a third one with Italy…but no ine cares for Italy)
They did, but the horde don’t, the horde force them to act.
Just a reminder, in darkshore is an hrde outpost in cata, ot the horde invaded ashenvale
She was evil before that
You don’t drag back peoples soul kicking and screaming from their deserved afterlife to their rotting corpses to fanboy you and your own personality cult out of good heart you know
She wasn’t creating undead before Cata. She was evil for other reasons before cata though.
Sorry, it was my mistake
I assumed, since there are at least two necromancers who joined the Forsaken - Gunther Arcanus and Helcular, the former apprentice to Kel’Thuzad - they used their dark magic to “help out” before Agatha and the other Val’kyr
It’s very iffy, I assumed she was using necromancers but Forsaken fans argue that she didn’t raise any dead until Cata.
I assumed it too, since a Forsaken is basically an undead who was liberated from the Lich King’s grasp and both of those Necromancers (like other necromancers in vanilla WoW. and we had a bunch of them) had zombie minions, rising the dead…
It is not really that farfatched to assume, Sylvanas not just sat twidling her thumbs while Necromancer Forsaken desecrated the corpses of others but grabbed the opportunity…
But these are just assumptions
No. Don’t let the posters in question gaslight you - it’s the usually nonsense where they’re making excuses for how atrocities are perfectly acceptable so long as the one conducting them is either Alliance aligned or an attractive woman. In this case, it’s both on two counts.
Jaina has the blood of innocents staining her hands and is both Alliance aligned and a woman.
Vereesa has the blood of innocents staining her hands is both Alliance aligned and a woman.
It’s understandable for innocent civilians to put up a fight when they are being dragged from their homes with no forewarning and accused of treachery they have no part of.
Many of the innocent Alliance civilians involved in various quests also put up a fight if attacked, yet doing so does not render the related atrocities any less of an atrocity.
Victim blaming does tend to be the go to for those obsessed with defending specific factions at any cost, though.
They don’t look that innocent to me.
Ignoring what posted ealier, tbe questlog and the mention of that jaina teleport them away, NOT killing the.
The discussion about it was actually finished, we had clear facts now bu ypu still pot do that dead horse but you still insist on that now obsolete argument.
Oh really, show me the civilians who fight back the nuke of theramor or the bombs falling on Brennadam of the napalm shells on teldrasil
You’re acting like this hasn’t been discussed to death already, back when the quest chain went live which was…what, roughly a decade ago?
You’re also quoting the Alliance side of the quest chain, whereas the Horde side of the quest chain showcases that, yes, the Silver Covenant was actively torturing Blood Elves for fun by feeding them to beasts and Alliance troops were stowed away dispelling the myth that Dalaran was ‘neutral’.
I don’t care about either the Horde or the Alliance, personally. I’ve actively played both factions over the years but it is specific playable races within either faction that appeal to me - mostly the various Elven races. Who have been screwed over repeatedly by this sort of nonsensical storytelling and the inability to hold characters accountable for even horrific crimes if they are Alliance and/or women.
It’s not just a problem with this game, either. Final Fantasy XIV suffered similarly in its most recent expansion by suddenly deciding that after spending a decade being exceptionally preachy about the subject of genocide, suddenly it’s an acceptable thing so long as the supposed ‘good guys’ happen to benefit and the culprit there, was a mother goddess figure.
It’s the same song and dance. I’ve heard all your petulant excuses before and bore witness to the trickery. You’ll crow on and on about how X, Y or Z is completely unacceptable when the ‘bad guys’ do it and then bend over backwards to proclaim why it’s actually justified or somehow the exception to the rule when the supposed ‘good guys’ do it.
Yeah how the elves were treated in wow, it is so awful and embarassing. First we get various crimes against blood elves committed by Alliance (regardless was it lordaeron or not) and that blizzard literally wanted to screw all relations between these elves and Alliance, and then we had burning of Teldrassil in bfa which was the greatest tragedy for night elves. I still can’t understand all of this writing
On the topic of Morality. It is interesting to see the back and forth.
The danger that comes with Compromise is that when it is done Even Once. There will always be another compromise. Then there is the danger of justification.
To clarify. Some things are objectively / morally wrong. No matter what justifications one comes up with.
Undeath is a curse. Many forsaken self-delete than to accept their state of Undeath. The Scourge was stopped as to prevent the tide of Undeath from washing over Azeroth.
Finding good reasons to do bad things is an easy trap to fall into. That inevitably leads to no longer finding reasons for bad things done.
The races outside of the Horde will not survive without the Horde.
But with the time Zekhan (Zappy Boy) and Saurfang spent you see that the Horde is a family.
Without the Alliance there is no force on Azeroth powerful enough to defeat the Horde. For the trash talk of the Alliance without the Alliance the Horde will continue using defenceless civilians as: Fuel for the Fel.
IF people were considering “morally questionable” things the Alliance done. Then the Defias Brotherhood have got legitimate grievances against Stormwind and the Alliance.
Arthas Menethil is one of if not the most iconic character of World of Warcraft.
He is an excellent example of this. You see by the time one realizes there have been too many compromises it can be too late and then they have to live with or accept what they have become.
No matter what he had become. A part of Arthas still remained. but was too late.
The Horde constantly compromises. Had he not been disenchanted in Shadowlands. Garrosh would have been ashamed of what the Horde has become. He would have never allowed Horde to be turned into Undead.
Horde players had a choice: Save as many Horde as possible from dying to the plagues of the Forsaken or try and kill as many Alliance soldiers as possible. Not caring that every fallen Horde will be turned into Undead.
The Horde committing atrocities on their own.
2:47 timestamp
Invoking Moltensage is quite funny. Delenis seems to have got this.
Just have to scrutinize the claims against the Alliance. Few if any holds up to scrutiny.
The Horde thrived under Orcish rule. This Council for everything actually cripples the Horde by indecision. In time the Horde will need a Council for the Council’s Council.
Horde are the bad guys.
There was the Pandaren Shaman that levelled up to 90 or 100 by doing nothing but mining.
The talks of eating Vulpera meat. Is not healthy. Those scavengers probably chew on the bones of the Undead Zandalari.
This thread actually proves that. At least for those that are posting. The Horde have blind hatred toward the Alliance.
Accusing the Alliance of this or that then not accepting that it was scrutinised and debunked.
Imagine being accused for what High Exarch Yrell done?
That is the Horde for you.
Girls can do bad things too. Just look at Sylvannas.
It was simple deportation. You justify Sunreaver violence.
By “petulant excuses” you mean refute and disproving.
Alliance of Lordaeron is a different organisation.
The Burning of Teldrassil was a reminder to the Alliance of Horde “mercy”. The Alliance can not afford to fail those that would be victims of the Horde. Alliance players tried to save as many as we could from the Horde flames.
Neutralising the Horde threat is essential. Just as the Alliance neutralised the Zandalari Troll navy.
The Horde butcher defenceless civilians whenever they can. The Alliance does not. Many Horde players judge the Alliance by Horde standards.