Which side is morally better?

The Horde does not respond to niceties please and thank you’s anyway.
But a show of strength.

Not sure how much more evidence can be presented to Horde and their apologists. But Jaina done that “purge of Dalaran” thing on her own.

Time stamp 6:06
The High King of the Alliance Varian Wrynn can be said to know a thing or two about the Alliance operations.

Why does nobody respond to one of the differences between the Alliance and Horde?
The Horde kills children but the Alliance does not. Does this qualify as morally bad?

Even in Northrend. Garrosh Hellscream kidnapped the children of the Magnataur to force compliance only to murder their children anyway.

The Horde has a long history of killing defenceless children.

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You mean the horde corrupted by demon blood? Funny you ignore facts when it suits. Your type always does

You mean the Horde freed from said corruption since WC3…?
And before they drank it they were not the most pleasant to be around…
I will confess that I look forward to the day when we have cleansed the Universe of the Orcs and carved their bones into little flutes for Draenei children. It is a dream I have.

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We can teach you a thing or two about carving and flutes

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What about undead poisoning humans in hillsbrad and silverpine, and later down the road completely vaporising southshore? Alliance also probably killed defenceless children while burning Taurajo

Ah, typical horde double standard.
Like you horde players always try blame the whole alliance for the doings of Garrithos (or the grand alliance) which now lay back 2 decades.

Many Horde did not drink the demon blood. This only unlocked what was there. The Iron Horde still genocided the Draenai without a drop of demon blood consumed. Can’t use the: demon blood made us do it. Excuse then.

There is not much to learn from Vulpera.

More false accusations from the Horde then.
The Barrens are a dangerous place. The Horde knows this. Many Horde champions have fallen to the threats of the Barrens.
The civilians of Taurajo took their chances. So once released unharmed by the Alliance of the Taurajo operation. The Alliance bears zero responsibility for what happens to them.

Had the Horde improved diplomatic relations with the Quillboar then the Barrens could be safer.

Do not judge the Alliance by the Horde’s standards. Children and defenceless civilians need not fear the Alliance. The same can not be said about the Horde.
Draenai - Humans - Magnataur - Night Elves, Dragon eggs, Eitrigg regrets smashing Alexstrazsa’s eggs and rubbing it on her face.
For all of the back and forth talks about morality. The Horde has the blood of many many children on their hands.

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I usually only use this to point out alliance double standards but certain people refuse to listen to reason

Released and the only means of escape was through the quilboar? Sounds like a war crime.

Does Voljin dying to protect the horde and alliance and saurfang dying to prevent further casualties in a siege not count. Or thrall stepping up to protect Azeroth in cata not count. Or does the minority only matter when it’s something to hate

Typical chat total bs and then nothing

I’m kind of surprised we haven’t gotten any of the forsaken apologists in here yet.

putress did nothin wrong. in fact was one of the few that almost killed (of not exactly - but wounded) arthas at wrathgate.
Make undercity great again!

Oh yeah forsaken are straight up evil at times but there’s many noble races in the horde. Tauren for example and belfs. Trolls too mostly

Tauren yes, the rest of them no.

So nice being able to discuss with sane alliance players. Much better when they’re rational too

The Alliance is not responsible for Horde & Quillboar diplomatic relations. Had the Quillboar defeated Taurajo they would have taken out the civilians there and then.

Those of Taurajo had a fighting chance.

The topic is not: did the Horde do some good. But who is morally better.
Child murderers is not a title that describes the Alliance but does accurately describe the Horde.

Sylvannas took a page from Putress book. What Putress done at the Wrathgate Sylvannas done at the battle for Undercity. Plague and blight the living both Alliance and Horde except Sylvannas forced the victims and still dying into Undeath.

What do you mean “at times” they are literally a curse designed to weaken live on Azeroth by the Burning Legion, otherwise known as the Scourge.
Victims and captives of the Forsaken are their play things in gruesome experiments every day.

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I was being generous. Another example of you ignore circumstances btw

Child murderers while corrupted by demon blood. Look I know you guys like ignoring facts but come on

Not saying you are but if the only means of escape for civilians is through enemy territory surely that’s wrong?!?!? You’d crucify the horde if they did that to an alliance town. Last I checked that was a war crime.

They weren’t corrupted in the War of Thorns.

I wouldn’t, but then again the Horde doesn’t exactly do “prisoners” and “means of escape”.

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Ah just when I thought some of you could have a reasonable conversation

Grommash Hellscream had long since freed the Horde from the demon blood. You keep blaming this as if Horde has no agency despite choosing to drink this twice.

What excuse do you have for Teldrassil? Not a drop of demon blood as the Horde genocided the Night Elves.
There was no demon blood in Northrend where the Horde murdered the children of the Magnataur.
No matter what the Horde does it is excusable: because demon blood. Correct?
At least you admit that you are the faction of child murderers. Some progress has been made.

The Horde will murder or enslave all they could was it an Alliance territory. They done so to Brennedam that was neutral at the time - Stormwind when Garrona Halforcen betrayed Stormwind from within. Before the Horde was defeated by Turalyon human villagers were rounded up and their souls tormented as fuel for the fel.

To clarify.
The Alliance is not responsible for the safety and wellbeing of Horde civilians. Prisoners of War perhaps but they were not prisoners as they were released. Alliance tax payers were made to take care of the Horde after Turalyon’s victory.

But the Horde of Taurajo understood the risks of the Barrens but chose to take their chances regardless. So whatever happened to them was on their own hands. Not the Alliance.
There is no blame to be shared here for the Alliance.

The Forsaken understand what they are. Many come to terms with it but others embrace it.
There is no PR team that can make the Forsaken out to be anything other than Undead abominations.
Despite the war being over. Derek Proudmoore is still a weapon welded against the Kul Tirans. As an example of what the Horde will do to you if victorious.

Exactly. The Horde is known across Azeroth and beyond for it’s “mercy”. Better to make your last stand and fight until the last man or woman is slain. As the Horde might force you into Undeath as they done in Silverpine Forest or just burn you alive as they done with Teldrassil.

It is such a convenient excuse that everything can be blamed on the demon blood.
Demon blood probably was behind Sylvannas blighting both the Alliance and Horde at the battle for Lordaeron as well :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:
Knowing that the Horde soldiers will not die to the might of the Alliance but the plagues and blights of the Forsaken. Yet marching them from their homes families and people and nations anyway. The Horde seems to have no problem with killing their own.

Yet another thing that sets the Alliance and the Horde apart.
The Dwarven wars came to an end when Dark Iron Dwarves joined the Alliance. Despite old rivalries or grudges.