Who's looking forward to classic TBC/WOTLK

If wow classic does well, who would be excited to get classic TBC and WOTLK?
I really hope one day we can get Classic WOTLK as thats my Bae expansion.
Plus we get some of the QOL items that come with them =D.


If its new servers, I might give TBC a shot. WOTLK I never liked and skipped it mostly, so I couldn´t care less.
But it must be new servers, not transition into the next expansion on already existing realms.


4 days into Classic btw


I’m fine with that that way we can leave the Purist Narcissists behind and never have to deal with them again. Win win


Even if it is going to be a thing, it will a couple of years away but, give me WoTLK and I will as happy as a pig in ****.


WoTLK was my favourite expansion and was the last time I played World of Warcraft properly. I’d be so happy to see WoTLK servers and TBC servers :slight_smile:


If it’s TBC, definitely won’t play a mage. Incredibly frustrating to play back then. PvPing in a time when they added loads of anti CC, but my damage relies on freezing/shatter? Nope. Fingers of frost fixed that problem mages had in TBC.

I’ll stick to Burning Crusade most likely, but I’m not sure about that. Vanilla seems to be the most believable and living. Burning Crusade I love the most, but it renders Azeroth irrelevant and it changed Horde for worse (too many play BElves). WotLK I don’t know. Lorewise it was great, but Dungeon Finder and Heirlooms wasn’t. Probably I’d have chars on all three servers:-)

Classic is not Vanilla and is not a restarted version of retail. If you add TBC you get flying, arena, achievements & Class changes. If you add Wrath you get 4 Raid difficulties for the same tier and LFG.
Classic needs to be reboot and follow a different path.


yes if it’s new server + copy caracter lvl 60 … i like both expans.



I’m not interested in WotLK, as I played that expansion and saw everything. I don’t even think it’s that good, because outside of Ulduar and ICC there’s nothing good about it. Dungeons are too easy, other raids are not interesting.

I’d like to check out heroic dungeons in TBC, though, as I’ve heard a lot about them. I always liked good old 5-man dungeons and TBC heroic dungeons seems to be a pinnacle.

Ideally I would like a character copy from Classic to TBC, as I probably will want to keep visiting Classic.

Sure but not as much. TBC is hardcore PvE content, truly. The perfect mix of productive grinding and challenging bosses. Maybe not for everyone because most people seem to only do Karazhan.

WOTLK is very nostalgic for me, I avoided playing private servers of it but before Classic launch I felt the need to try DK again(3.3 talents though zz) but I only got to level 72. What I do like about the PvE is the lore behind it, 3.2 excluded, and I like the PvP meta.

But vanilla is just a much better game for me overall.

Yes after Nax etc, I’d like tbc, and then wotlk. And imo it must be transitioned from clasic vanilla, no seperate/new servers.

TBC honestly does not look complete, it looks like a scuffed version of Wotlk.

What do you mean, aesthetically or the gameplay?

Gamplay is fun but the classes were not complete.

I think the best patch was the patch before wotlk has released, which was the pre-patch to wotlk.

In my opinion, Wotlk class design was the highest peak that wow has ever had.

Maybe, though tanking was made alot less interesting.

No. Not the same path again. Expand on Classic.


Would be cool having having different clients on classic, tbc and wotlk. As a newb, who joined at start legion, I kinda like classic faaaaar more than retail.
Seeing where this instancecraft going I would rather check out two first non-ps expanisons.

I enjoyed RET the most in TBC because in PvP SOC procs where insane with Deep Thunder