Who's looking forward to classic TBC/WOTLK

Yes, when I’m done with Naxx, I would like to continue to Hellfire Peninsula. Classic+ sounds all fine and dandy, but I don’t trust the 2019 (2021?) Blizz to make it. TBC on the other hand was good, and they have the templete. I am not sure about WotLK, as I had probably the best days of my life raiding Ulduar and ICC, but looking back at it, it was the beginning of the end with LFG and homogenized roles instead of classes…
Long story short, yes, TBC after, and than we’ll see…

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As much as I look forward to potential BC classic I can’t get the thought out of my head that I’ll have to do 1-60 again, since I’d absolutely be an spriest. Big yay besides that though, especially if It’s gonna be structured like Classic is with phases and mandatory attunements. As for Wrath, If it will happen I’ll be happy for the people who wanted it, I personally don’t really care for Wrath.

Leave classic alone. My heart would break if they took it away from us, again. I dont even like that it has layers and phases and whatnot. I would prefer if they had just launched it with more and smaller servers instead, at the correct patch, and didnt do anything to it after it runs smooth. No changes, ever!

I’m not looking forward to WotBK not one bit. Garbage expansion compared to TBC and Vanilla.

I want Classic to take a different path. Add to the experience. Maybe TBC without flying? or Wrath without heroic difficulty and such? Not gimping vanilla content. I would like to see that.

Personally i’d consider it only on the following conditions

  • they’ll remove all crap systems from BC/WotLK: no flying, no LFG (even the manual ones), all the QoL trash has to go
  • class design stays as it is now, including talent system, class balance
  • they’ll keep old honour system
  • keep oldstyle raid design: 40 ppl (25 for some) and ONE tier
  • all profession mechanics stays the same
  • NO HEIRLOOMS!!! (and mount spam)
  • achievements is tolerable but better without
  • itemization quirks has to go: no reforging, transmog, any of that kind of crap

Again this is my personal views on how i gonna accept something beyond classic

TBC? Naw.
Wrath of the Lichking? Yeah!

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A bit premature, but sure, TBC was my all time favorite time in WoW. But right now I’m enjoying Classic too much to think about what happens after :slight_smile:

Edit: And also one condition would be: Leave vanilla servers untouched for the people who want to play them.

Its the reason i play classic wow! So i can prepare for TBC LETSGO BOYS

no thanks, TBC was one of the most awful experiences ever.

I’m looking foward to play without spending 5 hours in queue.

I have super mixed feelings about Wrath. For me that was when the game began to go in a direction I didn’t like. It was when the lvling content started becoming very trivial due to nerfs and changing how it was balanced as the game continued after that.

I didn’t hate Wrath, I loved a lot about it, but it’s when Blizzard started really giving in to players who kept asking for easier and faster ways to progress.

Would play them if there was no flying and no LFG, otherwise, I’ve already seen that pitch dark void, and know what lies inside.

Can tell you didn’t play TBC based on your ill-informed comment - Achievements weren’t added till WoTLK fyi - Flying is essential to outland due to world design, anyone complain about areana clearly didn’t play/utilise such a great pvp platform, that was in massive demand from dedicated pvpers. TBC and WoTlk ofc deserve their own servers, typical Classic purists who are selfish. “Only I can play with the toys I want, but no-one else can”. How would it effect you there being legacy realms for the two greatest WoW expansions? I think you’re just a very bitter individual and selfish, something that seems to be a common theme on the Classic sub-forum.

Void elves. Those nasty flying lfg-doing content-nerfing game-watering void elves!

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I don’t understand the disconnect - Demands Vanilla is unchanged, but also demands any legacy for future expansions must be dictated by the vanillia purists. Like no! This content is clearly not aimed at you, it’s aimed at the communities who, like you, like a certain era of WoW. I want TBC and WoTLK as they were, UNCHANGED, none of your awful vanilla suggestions, then it’s not TBC/WoTLK it’s a terrible vanilla hybrid. Thank you but no thank you. (And a lot of your suggestions aren’t even game features of these expansions, like heirlooms! lol like they existed in TBC/WoTLK.

Pretty sure heirlooms were released during Wrath. I might be wrong though. It’s been a very long time :slight_smile:

They did exist in WotLK, actually.

I did play in TBC. But you are partially right We got achievements in the Wrath prepatch. But it was still TBC.
In my eyes it is the best wow expansion ever, this said when TBC came out Azeroth was empty. I leveled my main whom I played from TBC until Legion in after TBC came out and I remember an empty world with a lot of obsolate items, rep, profs and content.
Classic should have different life span and they should continue making azeroth the main area where you live and play.

They’d leave a few dedicated servers but most would be transitioning servers due to people would not care to re-level the same content from 1-70 just for the extra 10 levels, not to mention, rep, professions ect…

That’s like blizzard saying they’re shutting down the servers and you’ll all have to start again.

PS. Wotlk was the best exp :ok_hand: