Why all the hate for female leads?

That’s fine.

I don’t share that opinion, but that’s fine as well.

And it’s THAT opinion that I just find extremely strange, but also just … so … a hundred years ago.


I’ll keep this brief since it’s almost 10 PM and I’m heading to bed.

No one cares about your personal grievances over an internet forum. It’s laughable that you deny using names after labeling me as a “rotten person.” Your issues with a World of Warcraft forum post highlight that you definitely need to grow up. People have different perspectives, and your inability to handle that is your problem. If you disagree with an opinion, tough—no one is concerned with your moral stance you’re not a priest.


I hate being referred to as champion all the time… One expansion sure. But im a person, I’m unique, I have a name. Imagine standing Infront of 5 archmages and calling them by their title only. Instead of Archmage XYZ or XYZ.

It feels like I’m a nr. In a line of Champions, not recognized by name because they can’t be arsed remembering it, I’m a insignificant tool in their story. It’s pathetic tbh.

Especially since the time Khadgar has spent with generic Champion nr. 2.153.334 is quite significant, arguably enough for him to call me by name. A respect I show him.

Now you could argue that I’m THE Champion, but that isn’t the case either or I’d be alone in my endeavours.

Probably pisses me off more than it should, but it really gets me every time I hear it. :sweat_smile:

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They’re not personal grievances. Being a racist is fairly universally seen as bad. For example.

I never used that term. So you’re making up examples that don’t exist.

No, because it goes well beyond that. And you are aware of that; so don’t try to gaslight me.

Yes; and some perspectives are vile and shouldn’t exist. I can handle it just fine; as proven.

Are you religious by any chance?

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No one cares what you think is good or bad nor will lecturing someone change their mind.

You inferred this in your previous post to me, so just stop the BS semantics.

You are the only person on this thread who has an issue with the ideas others have in a moral manner.

No and I don’t like them either because they try to moralise since it’s their job.

Good bye I’m off to bed.

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Yeah, but that’s just a ‘game’ thing. It would be awesome if they would develop tech where characters would call you by your actual character name, but we’re not there yet.

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I think the problem with that is the audio. Although with some of the really cool new AI coming along. I can see that changing in the future. Or we could just pay Laura Bailey to record every single WOW players name…lol.

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You’re wrong. There’s people who care.
Now who’s projecting?

You’re right about the second part. It won’t change their mind; but confronting someone with their wrong-doing is okay afaiac.

Inferring is not using slurs and calling you names.
So you lied. It’s libel.
That’s not semantics; that’s fact.

No, I’m not. You obviously have not read the 200+ posts.

It’s weird that you used that example then. Very weird.


Yeah that’d be cool.

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Not sure about the tech in Starfield but I know the Robot in the beginning address me as “Knight”, that being my last name in the game. During voiced dialogue.

Would be cool to see that sort of tech in this.

But is the last name fixed?

Like Mass Effect, you were Shepard; you could give yourself any first name, but they’d refer to you as Shepard in the game (or commander).

Yes it would.

I would also like to see WoW incorporate a first name, last name system.
Because that would open up so much more possibilities for names; because the first name, last name combo just needs to be unique; you can have loads of ‘Jack’ characters for instance.

No, you choose you first and last name in the game. Resulting in the voiced dialogue reflecting that by example calling me “Captain Knight”. Now I don’t know if other characters name you out loud, as I haven’t played much. And it’s a robot, so probably some ai behind that robotic voice, making it possible.

Ah I see. Sounds interesting.
The game wasn’t for me; I played like 15 mins and asked for a refund of my Xbox gamepass sub. Which I actually got; that surprised me.

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Got it with my graphics card, don’t think I’d pay for it either tbh. :sweat_smile:

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They probably did what they did in fallout 4 and had that specific voice actor record hundreds and hundreds of names.
Bruteforcing it ^^

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I think there is a pretty logical reason for this. And if someone choses to respond or have a discussion about this i would love to engage in good faith. Well the way i see it is most of the new female characters come across as creating their greatness or advancment at the expense of both new and old male characters around them. To me this started heavily in DF but a concrete scene where this is highlighted is in the first zone where we see a sort philosophical battle between the bird rider and the beard lady. To me the bird rider was making logical decisions. Focused his depleted defence around a more defenseble location a walled city, while she abandoned her position to aid people in less defensible areas, while heroic and kind she then chastises him for not defending these people. It is clear that this was an imposiiblty as the city defenders are low on resources and ravaged by the nerubians, yet he is still made to be the fool for not having a big enough heart. In modern WoW it seems that war is won by love, family and kindness not sound strategy and pragmatic leadership. Also the machine lady while seemingly also a kind lady does very little to show her quality as a leader except pointing at stuff we have to kill. She then on this basis becomes speaker. The messege to me seems clear the men with their old ways of war, sacrifice and cold calculating ways have to go, a true hero is always shows empathy first and makes decisions based on their heart not their head. Now why is this sooo frustraing. Because blizzard have shown in their past stories that this type of gender sterotyping is not needed to build great meaningful relationships with charachters. I mean i can honestly think of few fantasy universes that historicaly have had as much of diverse cast of both genders with wildly different ways of viewing the world, what i means to lead and what philosphies drive them. It feels like we have taken a step back. In modern World of Warcraft the man in armor is no longer supposed to lead, he is supposed to die while appolgizing for not having the same world view as his female companion or spend the entire story in therapy with someone he just met, who will lead him on the being a more kind and loving person to the point of cartoonishness (Looking at you Anduin, god im so dissapointed he is back to being his old mop self)


That would be so mean. :sweat_smile: But I love it!

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Your first example I can agree with to a degree (although I personally didn’t experience the rider made to look like a fool). But the above claim is nonsense.

First of all; most of the time that’s exactly what quest givers do; even the very powerful ones; ‘no, you go do the killing champion’.
But also: She made decisions, while the current leader of the people down there was not. She was direct and took action; that got her the gig eventually.

So I think your description is lacking.

On another note: Please use paragraphs.

Maybe, the thing is i struggle to remember a single decision she made tho ? I mean we were lead around the zone. What decision do you feel made her qualified, yes the current speaker was a prick that was clear to see, but i think arguably that Magni and his family have a greater claim to leadership based on actions taken during the story. Maybe a missed opertunity to let her take charge and show the qualities she posseses to us the player. I mean she even seems reluctant when given the role.

However to not just dunk on the female stories this xpac i do really like Alleria so far. She still seems to have that old blizz writing in her and im enjoying her story quite a lot.

Faerin is alright so far, just really struggle with her voice actor and them chosing to make her a Lothar as this seems to break the continutiy a bit. She also is unfortunatly a part of the bigger problem that is Anduin. I personaly feel like he is the biggest victim of DF writing so far and it saddens me as i loved his evolution during BFA

Imagine being that wrong.

Grom broke the orc’s free from what was functionally mind control, it was his redemption for his part in drinking the orc blood. As well as leading his people on this path of destruction. His sacrifice was to both free the Orc and leave them in the hands of someone who would hopefully help their people find a better way.

Garrosh, was not evil at the beginning, he was an Orc. Wow is trying hard to disneyfy the orcs in modern wow. But they as a culture did not mesh with human culture, violence and might makes right was the corner stone of their values. The strong lead and the weak follow, this was basically the exact path Garrosh took, however Garrosh became a zealot for this belief and the dangers of zealotry is you become easy to manipulate/fall to extremism, which is why he ended up corrupted and insane.

No, just no, Varian had literally no choice. The fell reaver was literally breaking the ship apart, the crew were falling off, there was no way to fire the guns. it was a decision that had to be made, which is why it was a good sacrifice.