Why all the hate for female leads?

I do miss Varian!

They’re outsiders, so that wouldn’t make much sense.
“oh stranger, you helped us, now be our leader” :wink:

And it’s a well known trope: The best leaders often are people who do not covet such a position.

I like her the most of the new characters. I don’t get the issue with her name; but I must admit I’m not greatly into WoW lore. Why does it break continuity?

Fair enough; I like Anduin’s arc just fine. Sometimes a hero has to fall to his/her lowest point to rise higher than ever before.

I’m calling you a boomer yelling at clouds, if it wasn’t obvious enough.

No, there isn’t. You’re just parroting opinions you read 10 years ago like a sheep.

because the “WHY IS EVERYTHING POLITICAL” crowd wants to make it political.

don’t get me wrong, it’s political, in the sense that it’s cultural and politics are involved…i just don’t get it why we pretending it’s a one sided thing. could just ignore the political intention and enjoy it for what it is.

My point was more the fact that she should have been more of a driving force during the story for that pay off to feel warranted, maybe a few more quests or something it all felt a bit rushed. Not that the dwarves should rule but i could have been more clear.

The Lore thing is mostly because this great empire that they descend from, upon who’s emperors orders they took the boat, fractured and disappeard thousands of years ago. Anduin Lothar is stated to be the last of his bloodline so that would mean its another time jump story (God help me if that is the case) or she would have to be like a thousand+ years old.

On the Anduin thing i really just like the badass king of stormwind charachter and while he might never truly be that, he was getting close to it during the war with the horde. We Alliance lads need our leader back :pensive:

Save the only two times they were mind controlled was because he led the way to it. An Orc literally tells him “this is a bad idea” and he does it again anyway. I like Grom, he is an interesting character, but to pretend his anything other then a weak willed cretin is just dishonest.

Never said he was evil, said he was a crybaby. I stand by it.

Yeah no, the guns are pointing right at it. If stabbing it makes it let go, so will a volley to the chest.

Right which was part of his sacrifice, he died to free his people and let thrall lead someone who would take them in a better place. It’s his attempt at redemption.

Rewatch the cinematic it’s got it’s hand on the ship the crew are being thrown off and the guns are not pointing at it as the ship is almost at a 80% angle. There was literally nothing they could do. He was hanging off a ladder, with Glenn hanging onto the side of the ship while the crew were being thrown from the sides.

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Probably because the entire Expansion seems to be filled to the brim with Female Leads with Males being replaced entirely or pushed aside.

And if there is a Male Lead there is a good chance that they will turn out to be evil and be replaced by a Female. Just take a look at all Faction Leaders of the Zone Factions.

That trend is not exactly new and they really went overboard with it in TWW.

They are trying to overcorrect the lack of Female Leads in the past by swinging way too far.

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And there is the name calling. How adorable.

Sure mate. Thanks for confirming the lack of reading comprehension btw. Next time don’t butt into conversations you fail to even remotely comprehend.

Stop acting like some nerd off r/iamverysmart and maybe you won’t be laughed at.

Sure mate. Thanks for confirming the lack of reading comprehension btw. Next time don’t butt into conversations you fail to even remotely comprehend.

Comprehend what exactly, you’re just parroting a recycled bad opinion from a decade ago. You are neither smart, nor original.

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So he led his people to corruption… twice. Then died because he was too weak willed to not do it again, and also had a god complex.

Yep. Peak male role model right there. Really displaying that ‘resilience’ and ‘convinction’.

Far as the Varian thing, we’re just going to have to disagree there.

Forum changed my toon for some reason.

I mean there’s no disagreement to be had, there was literally nothing Varian could have done. I will agree Grom is not a good role model, not every character is supposed to be a good role model. Some are supposed to be a warning, for example Garrosh is a warning of the path of zealotry and the self destructive nature of ends should not justify the means.

The problem with the new cast is that they do not act in the manner they should based on the established lore of their character e.g Alleria have zero brains and running around like an over emotional moron giving away her position with no real gain etc. And when they do screw up they don’t become an example of what not to do instead every tells them they understand and how stunning and brave they are.

He has been written like a soldier with PTSD which is a condition that was on full display in the cinematic when he recalls the events in Shadowlands. He’s victim yes… the emotions are akin to how a soldier could be affected when coming back from war. Read up about how soldiers coming home from WW2, Vietnam or Afghanistan may have been affected. PTSD is something that all the soldiers coming back home in Azeroth will have too. Old Mary walking in Stormwind complaining about having to haul buckets of water is an example of a civilian affected by PTSD… she lived in what’s now Eastern or Western Plaguelands. I would regard this topic not so dismissive…

The moment when Faerin takes Anduin’s hand and then he sensed the presence of the Light that was the beginning of his healing process. PTSD takes years or even decades to recover from and some people never fully recover from it. This situation with Anduin is an homage from Blizzard to all the soldiers… Btw, the Old Soldier cinematic was another soldier dealing with PTSD and the loss of a son to war who was dealing with its effects.

I wish people would stop blaming Grom for the first time the Horde drank the blood. They were going to drink it anyway. It was MANDATED by Gul’dan and Blackhand. Grom just barged in in front of Blackhand because he’s a chad like that and everybody knew Grom would effortlessly kill Blackhand if he tried anything.

I mean there 'cause we… disagree. But all that’s going to happen is we say the same things over and over ad nauseam with neither budging. Kinda as proven there really.

I wasn’t saying they have to be to clear, the original post was in response to declearing Grom as an example of some peak male role model that appeals to men because of a list of traits. Traits he doesn’t really demonstrate.

Anduin is a manbaby, Thrall is useless and Dagran should be bullied.

There, somebody said it. But most female leads do have bad stories or are just dumb characters. (Surprisingly, Faerin was quite alright)

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I critize a lot of the obvious politics in the game and I regularly voice my opinion by making threads etc. - Yet I didn’t really notice that. Also the black women with one arm. Saw her in the trailer and thought “cool character” and lot sof people talked badly about it.

In the end, the reason people act that way is because most don’t like all the forced politics and are hyper focused on it now.

It’s like if you beat a dog it will bite even if you pet it.

That we talked about the past and the reason why he was hated in the past because he wasnt “hated for no reason” as the person I talked to stated. As such using past topics.

I repeat: “Next time don’t butt into conversations you fail to even remotely comprehend.”

That was rhetorical, mister reading comprehension.

Your entire stance on the matter is regurgitated bogus from people who are still mad WOTLK ended.

Whatever ya say buddy. Also the “mad” part is kinda ironic considering the tantrum you’re throwing.