Why all the hate for female leads?

Removed, so no way to prove or disprove your claims?

Well that’s not what I saw. If you interpreted it that way; that’s fine. But I did not.

I don’t know what to say. In my mind that’s completely overreacting.
But we feel what we feel, I guess.

Unfortunately. :frowning:

That’s kindda the point of doing what they’ve done.

Although the stuff they couldn’t remove on places like MetaCritic is of course still up, but it’s not a big community anymore.

How did you interpret it then?

I have to get moving; I’ll get into it later. Busy day ahead.

Please give this reply a thumbs up so I’ll be reminded when I get back. :kissing_heart:

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Haha sure xD

Theres no issue with female lead characters, we just need to understand that there needs to be a balance on an emotional level… also physical.

Like, don’t just have one go (Using body 1 and 2 as an example here):

Body 1: “I’ve done… a lot of horrible things and I don’t think I can live with myself because of it…”

Body 2: “I’m curvy, therefor all the horrible stuff you did is nothing. Stop crying, now if you excuse me, I’m gonna grab wine, cuz I drink a lot of it because of how pathetic you all are, go to my Body 2 wife and go to the gym and lift 1500000 ton weights because I was born with that power with -zero- muscle mass or even -zero- training, heck I don’t even knew that weights were a thing until 5 seconds ago, while you’re there being a child, sobbing, grow the “fel” up you big baby. You don’t even know the pain -we- endure. Oh did I mention I had a wife? Yeah, so my wife, oh yeah I’m also [Add more unnecessary information here and repeat it x20], so yeah, screw you, I’m a Goddess, you’re pathetic and if you think otherwise you’re an even bigger monster than all the monsters we’ve faced that did MUCH more terrible things.”

Same thing could happen vice-versa yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that anyone who talks like that is a big dummy that needs to be humbled.

Do something like this instead:

Body 1: “I’ve done… a lot of horrible things and I don’t think I can live with myself because of it…”

Body 2: “It is not your fault for what you’ve done and you’re not alone in this endeavor, it’s not easy but together we can fight this off and bring a brighter future for tomorrow!”

See how both sides are working to cooperate rather than going around flexing who is stronger or sadder than who? No “But I suffer more than you!”, no, none of that, sure there are many who had suffered a -lot- more but you don’t see them bragging about it and if they do brag about it, just walk away, they seek unnecessary attention.

Why the hell can’t I swear? Stop this Newspeak. Jesus christ. :military_helmet:

Yeah yeah yeah, sure. Especially her dialog with that crafter but it’s still a dope character that works. I’m the first to hate on stuff like that but if it works it works, no shame in that.

It’s not an issue with female leads as much as it is an issue with the lack of solid male leads. But the common denominator is bad writting that almost always tips the balance in favour of the female. To be clear, it would be just as bad if it was the other way around, the key is striking a good balance. In the end it looks like a harmless thing, but in my opinion it ends up making the story worse because it ends up affecting already stablished characters.

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Here’s a thought experiment, what if Barbie and Bratz started including jacked up 40k ultramarine dolls in their collections? In fact, what if they completely replaced Barbie? I mean surely some proper diversity is warranted after all these years, right.

I bet we’d find out that little girls are actually very sexist.


I am not following the lore that super close so there might be many inaccuracies of what I will say, but my problem with Anduin is that he was never that high, he just fell then, there is a good moment then he falls even more.

When his dad died and the legion was still high that was a fall for him kinda, he did not knew how to be king and all, then he started to rise up, but then shadowlands come and he got controlled and with that kinda fallen, shown he is vulnerable and all in a way, then there was the moment when he got back control with the vision of Saurfang + Varian. That could have been a good moment to rise back up, but instead he fell down even more. Why don’t he seek the guidance of Velen to help with his light problems. After all he is his mentor.(unless he did which I am not aware of)

And this whole he does not want to be king, and all just completely negates his character progression for me. When he found his father’s sword at where he died, then the vision came “what a king must do” and he rose up with a determined look.

One step forward, two step backward.

95% of the player base is male, most of us naturally prefer a badass character like Garrosh to emo Anduin and girl bosses. The game is being designed around pleasing a tiny minority of the player base.


You might be surprised but it does not work.
Males and females are not the same. Never will be.
Something like this was done with Amazon’s Rings of Power with Galadriel.
What they done is similar to turning Merlin the ArchMage into a Garrosh Hellscream. It does not work to completely change a character into something it is not.

For the players. It might be a new expansion. But this contributes to world building. Especially on older characters. Whenever they were created. The content ran - renown built - achieves earned. So to the NPCs…the WORLD of Warcraft you are not a simple person. Well known for past accomplishments.

Not necessarily. Nothing wrong with ingame racism for example. Like the Human vs Elves rivalries and wars of the Elder Scrolls franchise.

Garrosh was never evil. He was just an Orc. A true Orc.
When he was arguing with Voljin at Domination point the Horde base in Mists of Pandaria. He placed the needs and wellbeings of the Orcs and the Horde as number one.
The Horde always saw themselves as conquerers. Take what they need sometimes got greedy, sometimes they overreached.
Ruining the character and legacy that was once a formidable Warchief. Is a shame.

Same. What have become of the line of Wrynn.

So far it is a Matriarchy expansion.

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This is so stupid. You people are debating the meaning of racism, why? Cause some people dared to say that the DEI insert that is that poor girl they made ugly and disabled for brownie points.

I got a question for you people. Why? Why does she have to be so ugly? Why did she have to be disabled? She couldn’t be just a simple girl? That’s too vanilla. Oh no, I said vanilla. I’m racist now.

Hate to break it to you, but 50% of gamers are female and the playerbase of WoW has been split pretty evenly for a very long time.


Ehm… Okay so:

I saw a father who just has personal regrets that he didn’t get to spend enough time at home. Something very real in our world as well.

Nothing insulting about it towards veterans at all, in my opinion.

I also don’t know where you got the ‘berated’ bit from? Maybe I missed that, but I don’t remember that happening.

I do always find it interesting how things hit people in such vastly different ways. It’s not a bad thing, mind you. Just interesting. :blush:

I strongly disagree. It might not work for you, but it’s not a universal thing.
What about Red Sonja? Xena the Warrior Princess? Just to name two, of the top of my head.

That was not the type I was talking about. I think that would be obvious.

My point with that remark was that he might rise to great heights in the future.
I like an underdog story; and his is just that. If you’re not similarly inclined, I suppose you’re going to feel differently about it.

That would have been fair enough - I get the feeling, but the problem was that his family were angry with him about it. Very angry. There were betraying him for not having been there for them.

Maybe you missed that part, I dunno. That’s the last that made me not like them.

Wasn’t that about the lingering anger Moira harboured for getting her husband killed because Magni was too stubborn to even consider she wasn’t kidnapped against her will?

I dunno… :person_shrugging:t3:
There’s a lot of cinematics and ‘stay a while’ bits in this campaign, so I don’t remember every bit vividly.

It was both. But it’s not like she didn’t have anybody to look after her, I mean…

Dagran sealed his fate anyway the moment he sided with Ragnaros. He would have gotten executed no matter what. By either the Alliance or the Horde.

I’m not speaking from experience here, because my dad’s great, but I believe that kids who had an absentee parent can really hold a grudge because of that. I’m not saying it’s always justified (like in the case you mentioned: being drafted as a soldier), but it is at very least understandable from an emotional PoV, I think.