Why all the hate for female leads?

Her ship canons I think enchanted somehow based on journel

This thread is hilarious.

The excuses go from “they are badly written” to “be more like Xena” aka eye candy. I doubt any of these guys ever watched Xena for the plot. :rofl:

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it´s not because of the Females leader, it´s because of the Simp Writer behind those Females leader :exploding_head:

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Your words “The real “fact” is that in many countries (I’ll use the UK as an example) immigration is mostly not the refugees / people on boats that you are referring to. It’s people from Ukraine / Hong Kong / long term students etc”.

Nothing wrong with my reading, maybe there is with your memory.

As for Malta… entire population is less than a a Uk City.

To be fair, Netherlands more densely populated than UK. If you discount countries with an entire population count less than a single city elsewhere.

Oswald Mosely.

A racist, fascist (also a lefty and a true believer in the State of EU, the guy had a total passion (won’t let me say erect dingaling) for the idea of the state of EU), who also denied the Holocaust or saw it as a preventive measure. Nice guy really.

Many of his predictions about immigration are now accepted facts.

Just because something spoken came from the mouth of someone frowned upon, does not make their words untrue.

Not an excuse. The characters are badly written (nothing new with Blizzard). And Blizzard is currently pushing for female leads (if only to fix their PR disaster from not so long ago). Also nothing new. This in combination causes general dislike for female leads.

Blizzard has never been exceptional in writing characters but if you combine that with pushing an agenda no matter what it just flops. Same happened with Garrosh and Thrall in the past. Even Kerrigan from SC2 got flamed. Edit: Not to mention Anduin (who still gets it even today)

Sylvanas was “eye candy” for a lot of people and that didnt prevent her from getting flamed on mass even in the slightest. Alleria also doesn’t look bad and is currently getting flamed. Xalatah may very well suffer the same fate if they screw her up.

Also Xalatah is currently a meme if anything with the feet thing. Shes being ridiculed. Not exactly what I would deem praise.

I did. And I’m female. Your turn again.

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Turkey (European part) and Belgium are also more densely populated than the UK. England itself loses to Turkey.

Sure I’m not saying a racist cannot also speak the truth at times, being a bigot doesn’t mean you cannot be correct in some matters. My point was against the person claiming that a factual statement could also be racist. That simply not true, a statement that is racist cannot also be factually accurate.

If there’s a statement that is factual, but it is used in context with a racist agenda, it becomes racist by association. In that case the statement becomes both factual as well as racist - but only in that particular context; not in general.

Ssshhh you should not be noticing.
The black women are being made to be ugly and disabled (on purpose) the Black Half Elf in The War Within the Neve from Dragon Age Veilguard.

It is done on purpose. People have been noticing for years now.

This is actively false. The gender pay gap myth is more accurate.

This is very very very very very very very easily debunked.
Pay attention now. 1 person alone can not make something a success or failure. The vast majority of the ACTUAL audience not “modern audience” that companies are pandering to. Are Males.
The Marvels - Furiousa - Madame Webb :point_left: :point_left: :point_left: These proven box office failures that was made by women for women. When you look at actual tickets sold even though it was made with a female target demographic. Females did not tune in, not in the numbers that was needed in order to make it a success. It was the males.

When content is made for the actual audience. The females that it DOES attract comes and enjoys the content for what it is. Very much like the Bronies that enjoy My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Even though the target demographic of that show is female children.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are being actively burned with flops like The Acolyte tv show and Concord.
Ideology actively harming business.
I guarantee more boys than girls tuned into and remember Xena Warrior Princess and Red Sonja. Nothing preventing girls from walking into the local comic book store. But the few comic book stores that survived. Ask them about general demographics of people that come in and actually buy stuff.
Numbers don’t lie.

World of Warcraft The Woke Within / The War Within seems to be heading down the path of The Marvels - Madame Webb - Fusiousa.
Strong and competent male and female characters can coexist. The male does not have to be made inferior to the female to make a “strong woman”.

Female characters can be feminine and pretty and still be good characters.

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Yeah imma call bs. Whats your source? Overall gamers the only data I can see that its closer to 50/50 than it was like 10years ago but males still dominate by a bit.

For WoW I call uber bs because Blizzard doesnt post this data since a long while. WoW has been an outlier even back in 2017 with males vastly dominating the playerbase and I sincerely doubt we managed to get anywhere near the 50%


Xena was hot but Gabrielle was hotter before the shaved head thing.
But it was also a good story. What is your point?

Hiromu Arakawa. She is the author of the classic series: The Full Metal Alchemist.
Mangaka is actually a highly competitive career in Japan with many female writers being a part of that. When the American Woke Puritans invaded Japan’s Manga and Anime industry they demanded censorship to meet Woke sensibilities. Claiming the content produces causes Vyolence Against Women.

Yet to capitulate would be to harm real womens careers and livelihoods.
Nations like Japan and its content creators are not held captive by DEI / ESG and the rebranded IG = Inclusive Growth.
They continue to produce content that many people love, including Westerners.

You do not understand the state of the West. If actual Adolf H1tl3r was to discover the cure for cancer and change the world. Many would have the cure die with him than to extract something beneficial.
It is to say WHO says something is more important that what is actually said. Cancel Culture is an American Lefty invention spread far beyond it’s borders.

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It is wishful thinking. Lose or throw away the male audience - consumers - paying customers then the industries dies overnight.
It always happens when boy brands are hijacked then turned into girl brands.
Females will always be more socially in tune than males. Being a geek was not always “cool” for a very long time.
Even now if you go to places that have open table top gaming, its rare to see girls there. The Big Bang Theory made a joke of it the first time Penny went into the comic book store.

Gender Equality. It is a lie widely taught and accepted in the West. It has Feminist and Communist leanings. Specifically the Equity = Equal Outcome theory.
Forms a belief that everything must be and or is “equal” reality demonstrates it is not.


Just because you want something to be true, doesn´t make it true.

I don’t think having female leads is a bad thing but when every zone in the new expansion has a female leader, It kinda feels wierd like some agenda is being pushed?

Maybe It’s just me idk.


My source is that i made it the f up.

Talking to yourself?

So you don’t have any source to back up your claims and the data we have available supports the opposite. As predicted.

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I mean that’s provably false most of the western modern satellite equipment and a large portion of our tech originates from German scientists from the war (jesus blizz I cannot believe you banned that word this is dumb) that were “okay”. In other words given a pass because they were useful. Never underestimate peoples ability to turn a blind eye when it’s convenient.

Hell we’re all using tech right now that’s created from materials sourced by child slve labour in Africa.

well you don´t have any source to back your own claim of no women playing wow.

I know plenty who do play. And the younger generation has even more girls who grew up with video games than my own, so it would be highly unlikely for the numbers to go down.

And you have zero evidence to prove your claim that 50% of people that play games are female.
Generally all stats that are somewhat inaccurate show it somewhere close to 40%.

However, that’s useless information. What’s important is the distribution of these players across genres in games. Women make up a small percent of MMO players, they make up a small percent of FPS players, Moba players and an almost insignificant amount of sports and racing players. They are more dominate in what’s referred to as the cozy game markets your stardews, pokemon, zelda and your indie games markets.