Why all the hate for female leads?

I don’t go to metacritic all the time - I was looking around specifically for WoW reviews for half a day or two just to figure out what people were thinking about the new expansion.

I don’t use Reddit anymore, either, but I went and had a look. I also watched some video reviews from YouTube on the subject.

I was curious about it for one day and spent a few hours looking through it, and now I’m being accused of living in a bubble.


Well then shut up about it, would you?

You’re the 4th person who tells me they disagree with my interpretation of the story while, in the same breath, admitting they didn’t actually engage with the story, either through not listening to it or skipping it.

Do you also critique movies you don’t watch because you missed the last bus to the cinema before the showing, or write restaurant reviews when ordering a water there?

Moira is being an extremely toxic daughter - which is fine, you can have that in a story obviously. She is angry and resentful that he wasn’t there for here, but the thing is he was literally turned to diamond for almost the entire time, then drafted into a war. He might as well have been literally dead, there is absolutely nothing he could have done.

So okay, we have a negative toxic character; that doesn’t make the writer toxic of course, but then comes the follow-up: Azeroth arbitrarily releases him from duty the moment he basically commits suicide, and now he has to apologise to her. She is for a long time not even happy that he’s alive! So she gets to behave like that, he forgives her, and the writer sees this as a happy ending. She apparently did nothing wrong.

What a happy ending is reveals a lot about the character of a writer, let me say that.

And once he does all that and has finished proving his own competence and power, he retires as king even though he could be there for her as king since she’s generally hanging out in the throne room…

This of course results in one of the 4 zone endings where a male character basically tries or succeeds to commit suicide and ends up handing the mantle to woman who, by her own admission, isn’t ready for the responsibility.

Do I think this is getting toxic? Yes, I do, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It’s very obvious that the writer, whoever it is, has a pathological dislike of masculinity.

Well thank you, but I’m fine. Man, it’s too bad you can only blink twice when using Shimmer. :confused:

Thankfully I expected Blizzard to write offensively bad stories at this point, so I had my guard up.

The good news is that the world is great and the story is short.

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Men who cry about these things are usually single and watch a lot of Andrew Tate type content.

They are frustrated with their personal life and try to antagonise the opposite sex.

I know many real life examples of people like this who after they had a relationship they no longer acted that way.

It’s the same with feminists who hate men or incels who hate women. This thing manifests both sides.


Even my wife hate it^^

How does that fit into your logic?


TLDR version of reviews, gameplay good, story dogwater. But if you’ve been subbing wow for the story for the last 10 years then you’re some kinda sadomasochist in the first place.

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Nah people are generally flaming it outside the WoW circles. Story and gameplay alike.

It’s always funny to me how people who criticise WoW are being called out as being inside a bubble.

They’re not - we are!

This is quite a lot of commitment for a company “not” relying on cheap ESG loans

You can wait as much as you want I am not here to convince you of anything. WoW going down the DEI hole is clear.


I’m ok with Alleria and Zal’Atath. Don’t know much or care about the queen or the earthen women we deal with. As you can tell by lack of names used here, the story isn’t something I pay much attention to.

Translation: My self worth is dependent on female validation.
For the sane and well adjusted of the world. Legitimate criticism does exist.

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Very strange that you chose to completely ignore the fact that I criticised feminists as well.

Do you watch a lot of Andrew Tate? Also when was the last time you interacted with a woman IRL? (besides your mom)

I’m surpised people started hate Faerin. They so mean her.

I liked Faerin, she is badass

To me legimate critisism isn’t A FEMALE CHARACTER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHERE IS MY 80’s OILED MUSCLE MAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Which is what 99,99999999999999999999999% of all these posts are all about.

For the record i am not a fan of every pandering that media nowadays does but i have no idea what people cry about Faerin as she didn’t replace no one or to me didn’t fly off as superman clearing the zone with one hit.

Or is the whining all about that she isn’t 11/10 supermodel with gigantic boobs?

I have an ethical question for you people.

So there’s a terrible disease, let’s say, it kills indiscriminately. Young, old, men, women. A mad scientist discovers the cure, but his methods are horrific, I’m talking about cruel experiments, genocide, all that.

Do we discard this cure because he obtained it the wrong way? Is it ethical to discard the respective cure because it was obtained in a horrific way? Is it also ethical to discard it if it means the people who died for it to happen would have died for nothing?

I know it’s off topic, but I’m really curious to know how you people might solve this moral dilemma.

I fail to see the moral dilemma, but maybe it’s just me.

The people who have been horrifically treated aren’t going to get un horrifically treated by not using the cure. The scientist should be punished for their crimes, people should be given the cure.

A moral dilemma to me would be.

So there’s a terrible disease, let’s say, it kills indiscriminately. Young, old, men, women. A mad scientist discovers the cure, but to produce the cure requires horrific, I’m talking about cruel experiments, genocide, all that to 10% of the global population. Do you do it?

For me the answer is not unless you’re left with absolutely zero alternative. As in all measures to contain the disease have failed, the species is about to go extinct.

I am not fan of every pit of writing but calling something cheesy and stereotypical when people constantly just want 80’s oiled muscle strong stereotypic hero characters is just funny to me.

There would be no hate for them if there were equally many manly men NPCs leading the way for us along with the women.
Finished the campaign so far and it definitely is extremely female centric. The only male who i thought was awesome (Baelgrim) was killed in a stupid manner.

Thank you for the answer.

I think people are not necessarily disappointed with women being represented overall, they are disappointed with how Men are being represented, and that the story doesn’t appeal to men as much anymore, as men usually get drawn to other vibes and atmospheres.

It is not hate, it is directing attention to imbalance in a world of supposed diversity.

It is funny that Andrew Tate is the new boogey man. Like how “those people” freak out when you mention former American President Donald J Trump.

The funny thing about this way of thinking is that it actively discriminates against females with large breasts. The talk of “inclusion” always EXCLUDES females with larger than B-Cup breasts. As they are demonized as “unrealistic portrayal of women” despite themselves being living breathing women.

The pre Woke era permitted females of all body shapes to be able to cosplay as characters they chose to. Now they “nerf the bewbs” or make them masculine and androgynous. It minimizes the pool of characters to cosplay as.

Stellar Blade could bring back feminine women with actual curves and shape again. Why shame them for their looks pysique and body type?

You either failed to understand or willfully ignorant.
There was always female characters. Wrath of the Lich King arguably the best expansion of WoW. Sylvannas and Jaina was prominent characters then.

To spell it out. It is the Luke Skywalker and Rey Palpatine Skywalker dynamic.
Good and Competent male characters are not permitted to coexist.

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dont heve hate against them but honest feel like wise did not push it as far theny did i feel