Why all the hate for female leads?

Yup totally

Yeah. She’s awesome and I’m very curious on where they’re going to go with her.

Future love interest for Anduin?
Future enemy of us when her emperor shows up?

intriguing possibilities.

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I hate all the females in TWW…
cuz I hate spiders.
Even if I turn them to crabs,I still hate them, cuz my fav food is crabs!
I want all lady crabs in my boiling water.

I was something wished Anduin become happy. Since his life was hard. Lost parents as much young.
If Anduin and Faerin in fall love and marring after he get back light’s bless or not. I would glad.

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the part where she told that she is used having one arm and dont want better artificial one sounded like she wants to be a victim instead of improving made her meh. I doubt anybody without an arm would say no to a decent artificial one, i have a broken leg and I sometimes get so sick of it that I want to replace it :grin:

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Not all females in TWW are spiders.
What are you even talking about?

I did not see her as ‘wanting to be a victim’. I saw it as: She got to be a good fighter and live her life with her disability, and having to change and get used to a new way of fighting and working, would take time; and with the recent threats, there isn’t time for that.


But yet Boogeyman is the EXACT description. Many are infected with NPC thinking programmed what to think and say.

Trying to brand somebody as “bad people” for daring to listen to someone you don’t approve of is little different to those that physically or otherwise attack others for voting for former American President Donald Trump.

Presumption of innocence exists. Calling someone a criminal that have not been convicted could be slanderous and defamatory.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Tell us that you are an anti-white racist without telling use you are an anti white racist.
You might disagree but: It’s okay to be White.
Does it matter? I might not be White. You are quick to demonize this demographic of people.
“Middle aged White guy” is not an insult.

Comic book stores have shut down because of this. Games studios have shut down because of this. Other people don’t bury their heads in the sand.

This has been happening for years. Activists infiltrate the games industry but actively want to dominate and control it.
Crystal Dynamic’s version of Lara Croft looks like a Tr4ns woman.

It is part of the “Tropes of Woke reimaginings”
Feminine females and masculine males are problematic so androgynous characters or masculine females and feminine males are pushed instead.
Which is why when the gender swapped Freeze for the Su1c1de squad kills the justice league. They made her a masculine lesbian. Seems that LGBT is mandatory at some points now. But Feminine Lesbians do exist.


Listen, I live in the same city as him. Don’t tell me bull**it you see on brain rot bot spam TikToks and YouTube shorts.

My country, Romania, is corrupt. All politicians here do what he does to dodge the law. When you get arrested frequently like him, it’s because they have evidence.

The difference is that if you know who to bribe and who to talk to, they look the other way. Do you think he moved out of the UK to perform illegal businesses because he likes Romania too much? :joy:

Also, the city is full of his gambling services. He has a gambling business he runs with some mafia lords form Bulgaria. The gambling stores of Andrew Tate are always the hotspot for criminal activities and shady business in town. All known ex-convicts, mafia lords and crazy people in Romania support Andrew Tate. I never saw/met 1 sane person who supports him.

Romania is also sadly #1 in the EU when it comes to sexual trafficking. Andrew Tate and his mafia friends are known to recruit young women from the countryside and from Moldova (a neighbour poor country) for sex business. I believe you know how the process goes and what happens to them. I can provide investigations done by local journalists on him if you want, but it’s in romanian so you won’t understand.

Sorry, but you are brain dead and a clown. Try to touch some grass and get off the internet right wing pipeline.

You are no different than the crazy feminists who hate men. Literally the same phenomenon, just different political sides.


Dude, these are all first person accounts without any evidence. Could be true, could be made up. You can’t expect everybody to believe everything you say, just because you insist on it.

I’ve watched my share of hours of discussions by and with the Tate brothers, and I will allow myself my own conclusions, with or without your permission, thank you.

Most writers do not know how to write female characters anymore.

Blizzard had also forgotten how to write male characters most of the time.
It’s just a time period we live in now sadly.

Not a single character so far this expansion is memorable, nobody is cool. Everybody is boring, makes stupid decisions, Windrunner was angry at that main villain woman, so she decided to fire an arrow against her while tons of enemies were there. Anduin screams no, obviously alterting everyone. Then comes a showdown between the ladies, Windrunner gets mad and her hand glows with power, she pushes the other woman and just slightly smiles.

I am sitting here thinking “well that was weird”.

Anduin is still a weak crybaby. Thrall doesn’t do anything, he is just there.

I feel like I am in a world where everyone silently is waiting for me to unleash some godlike power to save the day, but they won’t say it they just exist, waiting. It’s like every character knows what I will do so they just chill and goof around with the script.


Strange place in your mind. There is something in Western countries called: The Presumption of Innocence. Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Since accusations arrersts and charges have very high Social and Legal consequences.

Just like feminists is not an argument.
Simply put. Wait until the things have played out in the courts.

People like you that lack criticial thinking. Believed Amber Heard and targetted Johnny Depp. 6 years - Millions of $$$ - an all star legal team to clear his name.
When evidence was presented - he had his day in court - succesfully sued her for defamation. Then all of a sudden the useful idiots that targetted Johnny Depp disappeared overnight.

Thinking for yourself and not bow down to NPC programming where others tell you how to think. Must be too difficult.

This is simply echo chamber mentality. Try to insulate oneself from different opinions and those you may diagree with. Narrowing your view of the world.

Incorrect. The Western Entertainment industry is held captive to Woke activists.
IGN tries to punish Black Myth Wukong with a negative score for its “lack of Diversity” something that only made it more popular with the paying customers - content consumers - player base.

Forced to conform to the ideology…or Else.
Outside of the West they make good female characters. Inside of the West it is becoming more rare.

Tear down the males to elevate the females. While the High King practically cries on everyones shoulder the girls are getting things done. Blizzard ALREADY Sat Thrall and Bane down in Oribos during the Sylvannas expansion - Shadowlands.

Why are the Neurubian males being ignored here? The General and Vizier are both very cunning individuals in opposing the voidubians. I’m already enjoying this zone.

And then there is: Brann Bronzebeard, Magni Bronzebeard, Councilward Merrix, (my favorite so far!), Thrall, Dagran, and the dwarf who nuked himself at the meadery to save his people. There’s plenty of males!


im a white dude. I just feel people like you are ridiculous. You take anything that’s not a straight white male as political or oppression

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Should tell him more rights for others (who had less before), does not mean less for them. It’s not cake! It’s like when you’re so used to being at the top equality feels like oppression.

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I don’t think people hate female lead per se.
However it would be nice if there was one (1) male that was actually worth his pronoun in this game.
It’s either strong/amazing/peerless/ woman or a hypersensitive/depressed/attention-seeker man, get’s old fast.

I mean look at Anduin and Thrall, 2 example of male leads in this game.
Wimps, both of them.

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Right. So women and femininity is only reduced down to their looks. Women don’t exist just to only look pretty for everyone.

Nobody appreciates attractive women in games more than women. It’s like how men want the dude characters to look like Conan The Barbarian. They don’t put muscle-bound alpha male characters with their tops off and muscles popping out everywhere for the women, they do it for the men, because men aspire to be like that and look up to that character archtype, it’s the male superhero fantasy.

And not being able to understand the example of taking a beautiful model to base your video game character on, only to make her more ugly on purpose, it’s quite insulting to the model. And the men don’t care because she’s ugly, the men just look at the comparisons with the original human model and think we’re living in a clown world.

Go look at the people complaining about the modern Lara Croft, it’s all women, who liked the Angelina Jolie style athletic Lara Croft.

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Macho emotionless brute?

Right, why do they wear make up then.

If you go onto r/GirlGamers on Reddit, and it’s a pretty big community, it’s always posted how we’re tired of being reduced to bikini chainmail Barbies, and want more variety of women that aren’t just looks! I love diversity. Give me a muscle bound, armor clad, orc woman with an eye patch and I’ll adore it. Give me some aged and scared Kul Tiran pirate who has wrinkles and has turned grey, but is still kicking it. Give me the butchest human female imaginable and let her win an arm wrestling contest. I want more than just looks, and so do many others.