Why all the hate for female leads?

Why are you assuming no women goes natural without makeup?

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That would be a start tbh.
But I would prefer a man that is not afraid of doing what needs to be done.
Someone who put his feelings and well being aside, to protect and provide for his people.
Strong in both mind and physique, unyielding in the face of challenges and always striving to be better.

That is an echo-chamber, not only that but Reddit is left leaning, progressive and political by nature, it’s not a representation of reality, and far more so than the WoW forums even. You’re talking about a literal activist subreddit.

I’ve heard and seen from countless females in game, out of game, in the real world about what they like in games. Infact just yesterday a guy in one of my discords posted his campfire picture, which included 3 characters designed by his wife, and they were all designed to look pretty/attractive/feminine while his character looked brutal, you couldn’t get more stereotypical.

All the “slutmogs” I’ve seen in game over the years were created and worn by the female gamers I know.

Sure, mostly naturally beautiful woman or tomboys.
Again, a minority.

Beauty for woman is an incredible important factor, it has always been and will always be.
Now, you like it or not, that’s on you.

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You are so innocent and brainwashed by the internet that you cannot comprehend a world where the judicial system is corrupt and can be bribed.

It’s also so strange that all it takes for you is someone to say things that you want to hear and you like/defend him no matter what. You don’t care what they do or represent you just want to hear the words that make you feel good.

Andrew Tate even had step by step videos on his website on how to traffic women using the loverboy method which he later deleted and people like you still defend him because you like when he blames society for your frustrations in life.

Strange way of living with 0 awareness. I bet that if I start to say “WokeCraft” stuff you will like me too. :joy::skull:

If you understand romanian I can provide you links to investigations done by local journalists, but you don’t. Keep watching YouTube shorts instead. :joy:

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You really can not see how deranged you come across. Never stated that Andrew and Tristan Tate are innocent angels that have not done a single thing wrong their entire lives.
I am Simply stating that one should allow things to play out in the courts BEFORE condemnations.

The same thing happened to actor Johnny Depp. Until he cleared his name. People that think like you are little different to a L1nch mob that hunts down anyone before they are PROVEN innocent or guilty.

You speak of “brainwashed by the internet” but have probably never met the Tate brothers or have any connections to the alleged victims of alleged crimes.

Being willing to listen to other points of view regardless of you agree/disagree like/dislike the person or subject mentioned is simply critical thinking. Not NPC programming.

You keep calling me a NPC but you literally just repeat what’s said in YouTube shorts posted by Tate bot accounts. I feel like I’m talking to a YouTube short.

How can I take you seriously when you claim to have critical thinking but for you it’s more logical that the Tate conspiracy is real and the whole world is against him because he “tells the truth” and it is not logical that a sexual trafficker from the UK moved to Romania (the #1 EU country for sex trafficking) because it’s easier business and the judicial system is corrupt.

Insane. There will be never a trial. We have ex communist leaders who killed people in our revolution who are still free. There will never be a “fair trial” in Romania. That’s the point and that’s why he moved here. :joy:

Of course not, and I didn’t say that. People are many things, their gender being one of them. Doesn’t mean it isn’t insulting though. You can insult people simply by calling their feet hideous, and gender is certainly a bigger part of a person than that.

On the other hand, I do in fact believe that gender can be boiled down quite well and captured accurately, at least in the abstract, as long as you understand that it very specifically deals with the gender of the person, ignoring all other traits about a person.

And beauty is a large part of being a woman. It’s one of those things you get just for being female. Some get it more, some get it less; just as some men get more upper body strength naturally than others.

You can of course make hideous characters without a bad motive as a writer, but that’s not what’s going on here.

The problem I have with these games and developers is the way in which they’re just rude. Star Wars Outlaws made a character that had no reason to look ugly, took a beautiful actress, and just made her so for several reasons:

  1. To spite men who want to look at beautiful women - that’s the big one
  2. To make this a heroic and powerful expression of femininity to spite beautiful women so they can feel worse about themselves
  3. To spite conservatives who place value politically in differences between the genders
  4. To spite Star Wars fans; not only did they make her ugly, but they also managed to make her hair and clothes look like a bad 70’s clothing parody, which they should, but without the Star Wars hallmarks bolted on top of it.

It’s all just spite, and that’s the thing that gets people even if they can’t really quite nail why. They just know.

It’s very rare for women to get a face like the one in Star Wars: Outlaws, which is probably why they couldn’t find one. Think about the faces you walk past every day - how often do you see a jawline or cheeks or hair like that on a woman? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. Not even once, in all my years.

And then of course they just made a bad Star Wars game, which is also going to cause upset but that can’t necessarily be put down to malice, though given what this studio was capable of in the past it’s… strange.

WoW had those things in far greater quantities than it does today.

The thing about these examples is that they’re also deeply charismatic and beautiful characters. I don’t know if you were trying to invent an ugly character with this list, but you failed. :stuck_out_tongue: In fact, you pretty much hit every single 80’s comic book tropes one after the other.

The kind of characters I’m talking about is a person that is either needlessly uncharismatic or non-relatable, and is made that way that it is due to an ugly or spiteful motive from the writer rather than as a plot device to drive a narrative.

Put simply for any company to succeed they must give the paying customer - content consumer - player base what they want.

Now that Concord is a proven failure people can observe what went wrong. Compared too things like Stellar Blade that is welcomed a feminine character that yes is bit but also a good character.

Concord $200 million and 8 years to produce. First week lost 95% of the player base. The 2nd Week Sony pulls the plug and cancels Concord.

A game made specifically targeting the “modern audience” with DEI and ESG being the sole focus.
20 years ago Eve of Stellar Blade will not have stood out. But in the new Woke era she does.

Not just Concord but Disney Star Wars the Acolyte that cost $180 million to produce. Season 1 was so poorly received that audience score was lowest 13% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Companies can not afford to invest hundreds of millions of $$$ on things that does not sell that audiences does not want. The activist might champion DEI and ESG however they do not purchase - consume the content - play the games or tune in in high enough numbers to make it a success.

And while that’s perfectly reasonable as a statement. What you’re seeing here in WoW is not rectifying this, it’s vindictively doing the same the other sex. Instead of raising female characters up they dragged males down.

I love the idea of that sub for the most part but if you disagree with the hivemind for a bit, even if you’re right you just get buried in downvotes and sometimes people would just respond in a very toxic way. I’m mostly lurking but I see many who are just alienated because they’re a little different. Like who’s gonna tell them about all the women using “slutmogs” in wow. Even I did once or twice in the past just to see why people like it so much.

Or people seeing the opinion of someone who left their brain behind before writing and the title is that all men are like that. I can’t imagine being a dude in a time where this is normal. The sub just went way too far from the initial safe space / let us be treated properly idea.

Please don’t misunderstand though, if you like the thing you described I’m not judging.

I think that male characters really needed some diversity in writing, because until Anduin became king in Legion it was either big strong man or making fun of a man who’s just a complete loser. There’s a place for both characters like Anduin who are going through a growth phase currently and are much different than the “norm” and the good ol strong men. We just lack a but of that now, but maybe they could bring Wyrmbane, who was last in BFA, for example. You also have characters like Genn or Turalyon that I’ve barely seen anything of since Shadowlands. Considering how much I liked this expansion story compared to Dragonflight/Shadowlands, I do believe they can deliver on things now and in the next 2 expansions.

Because it’s in trend to be anti woke. There have been women leads in all history and many video games, but there was no such thing as “woke”.

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The problem is they had that moment, they had Anduin in a cutscene doubting if he could be the king, then him finding resolve and realising that he didn’t have to be a king the way his father was. Then they just yeet this kind of fundemental development and make Anduin a whiner again for no real reason. That was a real pivitol life moment for him and they just undermine it constantly.

I want to see a lot more stronger women as NPC/story characters.

In the real world I’d like to see women being treated as equals and given more respect.

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Maybe they’re trying to make it realistic is my guess. You don’t get instantly motivated to do something without ever having a falling off and who knows what the dude did for these years. (but also I’ll start the max level campaign today so maybe I’m missing something)

My guess is the writing team doesn’t pay any real attention to what’s come before, the TWW has been so lackadaisical with established lore, character and world development that they probably don’t even know that situation in legion happened.

You keep talking past and around points made.
Wait for things to play out in a court of law first.
There is a presumption of innocence because there is a very real risk to the accused or charged.
Do not become a mob - online or offline that attacked person(s) on the allegation(s) alone.
I describe it as NPC programming because that is what it is. Critical thinking - questioning what you’re taught or told - thinking for yourself regardless of if it is popular or unpopular - having your own mind. Such things are not tolerable for some.

If the reader uses their internet search engine: Curriculum against Tate’s. Then will see that from University to primary schools their programmed what to think. It produces people that have the: I learned from school high school university that the Tate brothers are bad people. Many won’t even question it and what is taught.

That’s because it’s very easy to accuse someone but harder to defend against an accusation.

Which is why, the emphasis is on the accuser to prove the case.

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It should not be forgotten that Aduin Wrynn has the responsibility of High King. During Battle the battle for Undercity Anduin said to Warchief Sylvannas “you may have put Teldrassil to the torch. But I failed those who burned”.

The current Devs of Blizzard Entertainment have been mishandling their characters for years now.

A leader is supposed to be an inspiration to their people. When lost confused or scared they look to their leaders for guidance - direction - order. Should all else loose their heads and given in to hyseria and panicking and despair the leader should be the one person that keeps their cool is collected rational and works through it.

For example Lorthemat Theron led his people through the events of the Purge of Dalaran. Taking charge and given instructions.
When a leade

You keep choosing to ignore my points or use reasoning. You repeat the same ideas from YouTube shorts continuously because you are emotionally invested in Andrew Tate.

For that, I will end this discussion here. You are unable to debate objectively.

Have a great day and I wish you will find peace and happiness in your life.