Why all the hate for female leads?

Why are you so invested that everyone but you myst be a secret Andrew Tate follower?
In a court case. Evidence could come forth that proves the accused is guilty. Evidence could come forth that proves the accused is innocent of accusations and charges made. Until an outcome is reached. Then opinions should not be formed.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard should have been a cautionary tale of this.
But you are too ideologically motivated.

I forgot to finish the post.
When a leader crumbles - despairs - cries - breaks down. They destroy morale. That even the [Insert leader] despairs so what hope do we have?
Then they have to actually inspire their people.

True. Also the consequences for the accused and the unchecked power of the accuser. Can take out just about anyone with an accusation. Like vigilante’s, loss of livelihood - damaged relationships with families and associates - reputation destruction - loss of income and business etc…

When not having critical thinking people inevitably become part of an angry mob that could ruin an innocent person.

100% agree. Defending people blindly is stupid but so is condemning them blindly. Make an informed decision based on facts.
The way Warner brothers handled the depp situation is a joke

If Moltensage said 2 + 2 = 4 then Warlóór would disagree.
The false accusation against Johny Depp cost him hundreds of millions of $$$ in movie deals. Millions of $$$ more to prove his innocence in an extremely public case.

All because there are narrow minded people that hearing an accusation alone is the ONLY thing that they need to condemn the accused.
The real world does not work that way. People have their time in court - The burden of evidence is based on the accuser not the accused. Presumption of innocence is a standard that should be maintained by people.

Accusation and even charges does not = guilt.
If there is a crime that took place then prove it.
Is the system perfect? nothing that humans build is perfect so will have some flaws.
There have been innocent people punished or killed because of an accusation. From capital punishment - time in prison - vigilante activity.
So those that demonize the Tate brothers because of the accusations made are not critical thinkers. Not unless they have heard both side. Prosecution and Defence. Disliking somebody does not make them guilty of accusations and charges.

Perhaps the thread has been derailed enough with talks of the Tate Brothers.

Because it’s so popular stuff in Murica right now.

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Well, in the future we will have many male leads anyway coming with Illidan, medivh, velen, etc. Maybe they also wanna prepare for that, so they get that 50% quota in the end :wink:

On a serious note, in terms of how the main story appears to me, I think mainly Alleria is problematic as a character. I don’t understand the criticism towards Faerin. She really gives me angelic vibes, when she speaks, so I don’t understand how people can dislike her so much on an emotional level. Her function in the story is also to give Anduin his faith in the light and in himself back, which is also really productive for the development of the story.

Alleria on the other hand is actively destructive to the story, because she is very overpowered and just provides easy solutions to very complex problems (don’t wanna spoiler) by just closing her eyes, having an emotional internal moment, and then acting. Very weird. Speaking of weird, her extreme visual redesign with the 4 cm eyelid makeup and the sudden sidecut really puts me off, especially since she had a very grounded hunter-design before. She’s also ruining Turalyon as a character for me by how they speak to eachother. He’s very submissive and acts in a “fake” way considering his past with the Lightforged fleet. Whatever you think about Faerin, she’s not even close to as problematic as Alleria.

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Im agreeing with you here. (First time for everything :joy:)

because men are cool. Wimen are just wimen.

People hate the bad writing. People hate the over-saturated roster. People hate the lack of strong prominent male equivalents.

Okay. Something that Warlóór can agree on.

The problem is that Males and Females will ALWAYS be different to each other. So those that does not understand femininity including the strength of femininity will almost 100% of the time push masculine as the new feminine.
So all you get is a Male with female body parts. Which nobody wants.

Look at Drakka. The mate of Thrall. Thrall had to give up leadership of the Horde in order to become the World Shaman and Aspect of Earth. Yet he could not do this alone. Even when there is that Twilight Cult questline that split him in different parts. It was Drakka that was looking out for her Male Orc. Stood by his side.
But now a “modern” adaption of Drakka will have her become the new World Shamanness Female Warrioress Shaman smashing skulls even better than the Male Orcs and summoning whirlpools and tornadoes as easy as sneezing and she will probably divorce Thrall because she don’t need no Male Orc anyway!

Above might be a bit stretched but every thing comes across like some kind of feminist power fantasy. A caricature on femininity itself.

DEI and ESG seems to be the sole priority. No matter what harm that does to the overall story or relations with the playerbase.

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It’s a slim hope, admittedly, though the simple fact that WoW has managed to survive for twenty years makes me hope that we’ll see the company respond properly to the societal shifts occurring.

It’s notorious for following trends after all and DEI/ESG/BRIDGE simply isn’t popular with the masses no matter how often it is rebranded.

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Because World of Warcraft was created based on Male preference … war ~ fighting and cool leading characters that were men and for the male audience .
Audience on video Games of 1972-2002 was almost at 100% male.

Classic WoW~ All top characters from Lore were Male
Tbc ? Again
Wotlk ?? Even more with more conflicts and war between Alliance and Horde .
Cataclysm ?? nothing changed.
Mist of Pandaria ? i completed in Remix all the quest …Again Male leading to every aspect even the dungeons/Raids that i did .

I didn’t played Draenor .
After Legion and towards Bfa we have a big change with many leading Women’s while male badass char with lore and good characters somehow they die …SAurfang , Varian etc…

The audience of WoW players is still male with 99%??

So yes , when a video game that is made for men is having the course of simply deleting and removing majority of male and replace them with female … What do you expect ?


Because people who write them are idiots.

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Saint’s Row began in 2006. Was seen as a rival to Grand Theft Auto. Saints Row Reboot released 2022. Now Saint’s Row is dead and Volition studios gone forever.
Star Wars first began and released in 1977. Disney Purchased Star Wars in 2012. Disney era Star Wars murdered the franchise including what came before it.
Doctor Who first released in 1963. Even though it was not the best the Female Doctor who was 2017. As in Woke activists infiltrated prior to 2017.
Mortal Kombat franchise first began 1992. Around Mortal Kombat 9 2011 the infestation of Wokeness began to begin.

Around the 2010s is a timeline of the rise of Wokeness. Long term franchises that spanned for decades - multiple fan events - generations of followers and more. None of these survived the Woke infestation.
While Blizzard as a company had their own issues with other titles. It did not come WoW until ShadowLands. Magnified with DragonFlight. Such as FORCED removal of Males and Females to be “inclusive” of those that find Male and Female to be “problematic”.

Saints Row is dead forever. Concord and Dustborn was EVERYTHING that the DEI and ESG people could ever dream of. But these are both failures. Reason being is that such content actually has to sell and they can not force the market HOW we spend our money. Including the content we consume.

It is not a trend. It is a plague or disease that people just survive. Much bigger Intellectual Properties with longer life spans than WoW has not survived.

There is a negative trend of failing upward. Despite abysmal outcomes they are supported by like minded people. Think of it as 100% Nepotism except for DEI / ESG. The same thing happened to comic books. The activists did not care that the stuff they put out did not actually sell and comic stores lost their livelihoods over it.


Since Battlefield 5. Arrogant anti customer people that have told people not to buy their content. They have always been listened to.
Concord is just the worst failure. 14 days after release Sony has to cut its loses at $200 million.


Nothing is supported nowdays. Storytelling is just another product along the rest. Thats why everything is weak and mild.

But Thrall is so much better? Mr high and mighty who had to cheat to kill Garrosh…

Partly. It seems that we are in the World of WomanCraft now. Kathleen Kennedy immediately declared “The Force is Female” when they took over.
I think it is that the Western content creators are held captive by activists.

For example. IGN actively marked as a negative Black Myth Wukong that it “Not Diverse Enough” which was seen as a glowing endorsement to the ACTUAL Audience - Paying Customers - Gamers and Content Consumers.
10 million sold units iwithin 5 days.

It is activism and ideology first. DEI and ESG will be at the top of their ideas board. Which is why we are in the WomanCraft era where the male characters have mothers in place of allies. For the Horde Hayla Highmountain mothers Baine Bloodhoof. for the Alliance Faerin Lothar Mothers Anduin Wrynn.



They have the power since they are self-elected and just pass dumb laws~ideas based on a freak-up-agenda.

just wait once WOW is assigned with the freak~agenda .

I flamed Thrall in this thread already as well. Try again.

Ok good for you name a well written character in WoW… Can’t think of one the books for a better job lol…