Why all the hate for female leads?

Is this strawman really the hill you wish to die on mate? Your waifu is badly written, and other chars also being bad won’t change that.

For a better job you ask though? Literally the player given the power we have lorewise.

But even Jaina is written less bad than Alleria and that says a lot. Alleria, the character who has zero control over her emotions due to the void despite 10 years of training in the lore.

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Lost me on the first part if you think I like Alleria lol I already said replace her name for Sylvanas and Xal for Arthas and its the same…

Ah you mean the trope WoW Females suffer from is the best you can come up with lol

Vastly different background for Arthas and Xal. Also Xal serving the Void, while Arthas defied his master (Ner’zhul) and supposed other master (jailer).

OP asked why the hate for Female leads is currently the case. I gave the answer. Not my problem you don’t like it and went “but daaaa maaaaaan like green jesus are also bad mom”.

If you want to go more indepth then you can combine it with people raising an eyebrow if a character feels forced due to a lot of companies working with DEI Companies and currently failing on mass due to them listening to the wrong DEI companies or the wrong people inside of them which causes a backlash even on stuff that shouldnt cause a backlash as much as it does.

Blizzards lore was always flamed, but in this combination they are just begging for people being annoyed. Especially when they proceed to do this after failing spectacularly with Sylvanas only to do it again with yet another Windrunner.

Plus people know its projection from Blizzard to save their butt after that PR disaster that they will never live down which gave birth to a very “nice” insult involving a certain type of milk. There is your more indepth answer.

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Closer to 50% honestly. You’d be surprised.

Bro is reeking with that i-cel energy right there.

the problem is that there are only strong (and haughty) women and no more strong, badass men ;it’s just not balance

that’s why people grumble, before no one cried that tyran or alexetrasa was strong


garrosh stole trail’s personality in cataclysm, it was funny to see

I’m the female lead!

It is a strange narrative that females are 50% of everything. This just is not true as Males and Females have different interests.
Whilst the WoW player base may have grown. The vast majority of the player base is male.
Female WoW players do their thing but they are not close to 50%.
Trying to change it for a presumed female audience. Will lead to outcomes such as The Marvels / Madame Webb / Echo / Amazon’s Rings of Power.


I’d believe you that 50% of the playerbase is female if we were playing Final Fantasy 14.

because most of the endgame in that game revolves around crafting and decorating your personal home as well as transmog(and FF 14s transmog is one of the few things that game does better than WoW for sure).

It’s also less PvP centric and has always had a more ‘cosy’ vibe to it.

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If 50% of the WoW population were truly female then I would not be making so much gold from gifts I get by pretending to be a girl.

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I know several women that play wow but when i hear a 30%~ 50% i wonder where . I have 2 alts in 2 Guilds.

Mythic Guild-none
Casual guild with 960 ppl (not that everyone is active and we can count alts etc) Very few.

This is marketing as well but it’s really funny about how the actuall numbers are.

I keep hearing there are a lot of truck female drivers and on news they said there are like 10%.( According to the WIT Index, women made up over 10 percent of over-the-road (OTR) truck drivers and for 2023 Women Make up 12% of Truck Driver … ).

Rather to say i am working on border for nearly 4 years (i Doubt that i saw those number that the news and net are saying ) What trucks are they driving , Even the majority and by a huge amount are men . So basically they are cooking the percentage since all news begins with according with…

It gets to the point where they practiically become mascots.
Look at all these women we have got playing our games!!!
Yeah? So what? are they any good or are we forced to carry deadweight? What do you mean the Guildmaster is using the guild to farm stuff for his girlfriend??

Stuff that actual players would say.
It’s also like in construction. They advertised girls in PPE everywhere but you rarely if ever see them on sites.

Gamers that happen to be biological females. Are simply used as tools for someone else agenda. Usually as an excuse to hijack then reboot/adapt/reimagine the entire thing to fulfull an agenda.

Due to 50% of WoW players being females. It should no longer be a “boys” club or male dominated.
:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Kind of reasoning. But should it fail due to driving away the actual audience. Then boys will be blamed.

You describe different kind of gaming for different kind of audiences. Girl games usually bore males to tears and Boy games just don’t interest girls. Candy Crush Saga is an example of a Girl Game (although mobile is not gaming). Doom Eternal is an example of a Boy game.
Finding a niche and building upon it is not a bad thing. But trying to be a jack of all trades and failing at everything is another.


Yes it is lucrative pretending to be a girl. Getting free loot - cash - mounts - carries.
Even when you have teamspeak and such. The surprise that there is a girl online. Across many many many many games is evidence for those that actually play games. That female population is no where close to half.

This lie of “Women make 50% of gaming” is like the Gender wage gap myth.
Yes from the devs to players biological females have always been there. But in small numbers.

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Who hates female leads? Nobody hates female leads.
We hate BAD leads, regardless of gender.

The most recent Borderlands, i hate both antagonists, guess what? They’re 50/50 male & female. They both suck equally.

We just hate bad leads, bad characters, bad writing. Theres plenty of female leads in videogames that people love.

You’re just looking for hate, so you find it ,then you paint your reality like it.

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It did happen tbh but he’s leaving out the part about they where defending mosques from getting burned down and they where getting attacked off right wing racist groups at the time.

They where also British Muslims who have been here their whole life. Got as much right to be here and shouldn’t be held to a higher standard than some white guy doing similar stuff.

Two of them beat up a white guy due to mistaken identity and they have been arrested. So yeah, False narrative being used as an excuse to be racist.

I think a reason is also that Blizzard took away all the cool male warrior characters of the story, such as Varian, Grommash, Broxigar, Saurfang, etc. until literally nobody was left, and now Gorgonna is the strongest warrior in the game, because Blizzard killed every other relevant warrior off.

That’s only one element, but stuff like this adds up, and I think it makes people just annoyed over time, because Blizzard destroyed stuff that people loved about the game/story. They didn’t just add new characters, and reversed roles, they also sacrificed and removed many old established characters for that, which is extremely disappointing.


I think naturally “warrior” class in lore like to sacrafise themselves to save everyone else. It’s kind of the lore behind the class. Especially Orcs. I don’t think it’s anything to do with them being male.

Statistics can be very easily misrepresented.

I believe the whole 50% of gamers are girls ‘myth’ started because they basically counted moms that played Animal Crossing and Candy Crush as gamers.

Another one of those myths was 'we use only 10% of our brain! Imagine if we could use all of it!" which many boomers used to believe. Truth of the matter is that humans can only use specific regions of their brain at a time depending on what they are doing. If some part of your brain is never stimulated at all the gray matter dissolves. Children with autism are sometimes born with more brain matter but it disappears as its not used. Anyway, I digress.

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I am a human, who was born with pattern recognition, so I can see this stuff. In the end, I can be happy for women, that they have cool strong female characters to relate to, but it was very sad, that they removed the characters I really liked in the story. I believe this is the main reason you see so many posts, that have massive amount of likes, which complain about “feminism”, “woke”, etc. It’s not necessarily about what they added, it’s about what they removed imo. People just complain about what they added, because they haven’t replaced any of the stuff they destroyed. They just killed off a huge amount of loved characters, which happened to be male warriors, in only 2 expansions, and then never brought any sort of archetypical replacement.