Why all the hate for female leads?

Pretending to be someone else to then abuse desperate people doesn’t prove anything other than you not exactly being the best of people.

I don’t know, majority of my friend list is women, there are so many women on the forums, also I said closer to, not exactly 50% which is something people missed when responding. 40% is closer than 10. I’d believe it if someone told me 30-40% of the playerbase was women, but 1%? 10? No. It’s not like people sit there screaming ‘‘I’m a woman’’ when playing. Most would conceal the fact, considering the above where you’d be treated like an alien just because you have different organs between your legs.

And, yes, in FF that’s also the case, you’re right.

I did write earlier. Yes, it’s weird that every male leader is somehow killed off, removed in one way or another or simply stepped down of his own volition. It’s not like I don’t love Varian or whatever. We should get more characters like him. They can bring back characters like Wyrmbane who fit in a war-like environment perfectly. But characters like Anduin, Faerin, etc also have their place. Anduin has probably one of the best character arcs going over the entirety of wow’s story. While not always perfectly written he was done so well. And if you’re going to just sit there blaming whatever today’s company that we’re supposed to hate for the ruination of games and writing I just won’t take you seriously. It’s okay to dislike it, of course, it’s not okay to just scream the same way Erevien screams about alliance bias because you dislike a story point.

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I should’ve known that people on the forums can’t recognize a joke to save their lives.


lol ain’t that the truth.

It is funny that you would try to dictate my response. Odd to invoke Erevien like that.
You are incorrect in thinking that it is weird. Instead it is calculated. Tear down the males to elevate the females happens across many intellectual properties - franchises and industries.

It is part of Tropes of Woke Reimaginings. I did list it somewhere. But to mention the first 4.

1) No male can ever outshine a female. So male characters and franchises are sidelined and sidekicks in their own show.

*2) Push for the Woke Utopia despite setting time or universe. *

3) The male is to be inferior to the female. Even at the expense of damaging the character or franchise.

4) No female can ever be the villain. Just misunderstood and or mandatory redemption story. Extenuating circumstances for their crimes and evil acts.

4th one explains the Shattered Legacies and the Sylvannas redemption arc.

But the first 3 shows why the War Within has become a Matriarchy and male characters like Baine Bloodhoof and Anduin have new Mothers in Hayla Highmountain and Faerin Lothar.

If Anduin Wrynn stepped down then there could be a conflict of succession. Perhaps they will drive the final nail in the coffin with a new High Queen of the Alliance?

Anduin Wrynn seems to be the problem of different writers taking him in several directions. In Legion there was a coming of age. Finally he was understanding the burden of his father the burden of his King. But now he is an inconveniences that needs mother Faerin for everything.

Ignore Anduin’s feats like calling for the Light in WoW hell / the Maw.
Now a Dark Cave causes him to have a mental breakdown.

I must confess this actually made me chuckle.
What does it matter if you take it seriously or not? You either agree or disagree with facts.

Kristen Hines
Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Activision Blizzard joined 2022.
Pamela Burga
Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Blizzard Entertainment joined 2023.
:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
(Publicly available information)

It is no surprise that when DEI and ESG is the priority they have created an almost unrecognisable game that has been presented to the WoW playerbase.
To spell it out for you. They do not want the financial OUTCOMES of Concord. But they are pushing for the same Outcomes of Concord. Nobody could doubt Concord’s DEI and ESG score.

Nobody asked for a Matriarchy in the World of WomenCraft.
It has to be renamed the WomenCraft as this seems to be the theme everywhere.
Will WoW Classic be “adapted for MODERN AUDIENCES” also?

There are no strong male characters left. More specifically they are not permitted to coexist among the females.


None of this nonsense is happening in WoW. It’s literally not. :person_facepalming:t3:

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Let’s say it did happen. What would be their endgame? I would like to understand that.

Really bad writing in the entertainment industry, is often being blamed on woke/DEI or something like that. It should just be blamed on bad writing, and not mix in skincolor, sex or some message.

Blame bad writing for what it is, maybe we can change it. The main campaign is so good daym awful right now. It just keep getting worse. The smirks and hero posing is beyond cringe in the cinematics, I’ve resorted to not even care about the chapters after getting the disc quest done.

Luckily the gameplay, dungeons and raids seems to be solid, and loving some of the hero talents.

It makes no sense. They have no viable business reason to do it.

Yes there is more focus on female characters than there was in the past. But that’s a far cry from what these conspiracy nuts (because that’s what they are essentially) claim is happening.


Ah some of Copium still exists then. You are huffing that too much.
4 Is quite literally the Sylvannas Windrunner redemption arc. A mistake so big that almost entirely destroyed Sylvannas as a character. Removing agency from a woman is a very high Sin in the new Woke religion. But Shattered Legacies is what this done.

You can continue to disagree with facts. True believers can not be convinced.


I disagree. I really enjoyed it so far.

You must be new to WoW.

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4 is quite literally broken to bits by Xal’atath and Queen Ansurek.

You can continue to ignore anything that doesn’t fit your conspiracy theory. We all know you’re delusional.

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Let’s address this.
Has there been any success stories for Woke/DEI?
If they had successes then such ideologies will be championed and pushed forward. Yet when such things are introduced audiences - paying customers - content consumers reject it.

Look at Concord? Who is stopping the “modern audience” from making that a success? Dustborn is still not having a high playerbase. Where are those that support Flintlocke? Why did Saint’s Row Reboot 2022 fail.

It seems like deflection. A good game can be made if that is the priority. DEI and ESG is the priority and other things do suffer for it.
It happens to franchise after franchise - Intellectual property after Intellectual property.

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You really think that Xalatath will not have a redemption arc?


Just to name 2 very clear examples:

Wonder Woman.
Captain Marvel.

If you want to call it woke you could even add something like Black Panther to the list.


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When has a big tentacle monster had a redemption arc? (In wow anyway)

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I don’t expect one, no.
But also: You’re ignoring Queen Ansurek. As per usual you ignore what you can’t try to refute.

Your shtick is becoming very, very old and tiresome.
Everyone can see what you’re doing.

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tbf the story of warcraft is going now into the direction that the Titans are evil, and the void is what prevents the titans from controlling us like robots. Just on a sidenote, don’t wanna get into this argument from before. I only want the “equity” part to stop, where cool characters are removed or put down. I am and always have been supportive of diversity and inclusion, but I don’t want to see equity personally, because that mindset is what makes content so bad imo.

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Nu GoW, The last of us 2, Spiderman etc.

Complex thematic and I think the current situation in media is, for a huge part, responsible for it.

The last five or six years a big part of mainstream media is dominated by so called “girlboss” characters - rey from star wars and the modern version of galadriel of rings of power come to mind.

The problem here is: Nobody can connect with these characters. They are “flawless” - rey being a super powerful uber jedi who can do anything and galadriel being not just way to powerful in battle (for instance the oneshot of the mountain troll) and never called out for rash and irresponsible decisions.

They are also never “at fault” for their errors.

In short: flat and flawless characters are bland, most of the time the whole story is wraping around them and not giving them any obstacles to overcome - they are perfect from the get go - not necessary “mary sue”, but at least “fanfiction”-level of unbelievable.

Now we have the situation in wow: Many … many … male characters are dying, being replaced or just written as “sacrifical pawns” (baelgrim as an example). All while the female part of the story is being shown as “better” in some way - more cunning, wiser, stronger, etc. - it just feels forced.

I have no problem with Xal’atath being shown as cunning and “in control” - she has build up, no real problem there (even the cinematic, with her rage, as some things don’t go as planned are “in character” - she was in control up to this point). I would also have no problem with faerin being what she is (let’s be real, she is a copy of amaya from “the dragon prince” - but “more”) - it is just the way she is inserted into the story, that irks me - being a “lothar” feels like some cheap and forced way of the writers to get me to care about her, because she “has a legacy” - it doesn’t develop in a natural way. (For instance eowyn from lotr - she has build up, we see her ups and downs and the reveal of “i am no man” feels all way more impactful, because the character had time to grow).

I loved (and still love) many female characters in the story of wow. Valeera, Lilian Voss (compare her with calia menethil - lilian feels “natural” and believable, calia feels kinda bland and force to a degree), Vanessa van Cleef - the whole story of “new westfall”, lady vashj (even the shadowland version), draka, etc.

Point being: These characters are given time, a believable storyarc and they are also shown as flawed if it makes sense … ah … and they often are given other characters to bounce off of - to see their connections and emotions - which makes them even more interesting. You see them struggling (Lilian Voss), you see them fail (Lady Vashj) … you see them “die” (Lady Vashj and Vanessa - who probably “died” in the explosion … until she is needed again, which I am more than fine with).

These characters are believable, they are in positions of power because they seem competent and they are shown as equal - or, if good for the story and “in character” - to the male characters (Valeera with rexxar and varian, lady vashj with kael, vanessa as a worthy successor to edwin, lilian voss being as competent than mathias shaw).

That is storytelling, that is worldbuilding, that is a believable character, who feels “alive”.
That is the story I want to play, I want to watch … I want to be invested in.
These characters feel compelling, they feel competent and you can see reason behind their actions.

Now look at some “new characters”: alleria loosing to her emotions and lashing out - she is several thousand years old and a war veteran, who has seen way worse - why? Sidelining her husband, who was a main motiviational factor for her (in combination with arator, her son). Her “explaining” what many of the other characters have to do - they were equals before.

Jaina - where are the consequences of her actions? Was there ever a trail for her “cleansing” of dalaran (I really don’t know)? All is forgiven? Why, how are the bloodelves / the sunreavers okay with it?

Faelin - She would feel perfect as the matreon of hallowfall. A woman, who is wise beyond her years - who cares for every person under her care (could even be written as a bit of a flaw - showing her as too idealistic). She could even be shown as taking up arms and trying to defend her people … but … for gods sake … she is blind and one armed - how can she be a better soldier than any of the other able bodied and trained soldiers (male and female) under her command. Show it as a “noble trait”, but futile and flawed - she trys, but fails - in the end her caring personality and idealistic view still strengthens her people, because she forged connections with the outsiders military (alliance, horde) - she could even be believable in “showing” anduin a way - because she also has her doubts and she also fails.

On the other side: Get the remaining male characters out of the gutter - anduin and his “build up” and ptsd is a runing gag as of now. Thrall feels like a husk of his former self - if they don’t want him to show as a warchief or powerful fighter again, it is okay - give him a believable other role than - make him the uncle iroh of wow - being wise and guiding the other characters (yes, even the females) - it can even be done in a roundabout way, just keep him consistent and competent.

Magni and Moira … good god … there was so much potential. Magni is flawed … but … Moira is no saint either … why is she the one lecturing Magni and him being the one just taking it? Let there be a pushback, let both characters show their flaws but seeing them and working through them … for a shared common goal. Not one “show the way” and the other “okay, I do as you say”.


Nehhh, the void would just as soon enslave us.

Basically we are caught in between the a big cosmic war between two opposite primal powers. And both sides aren’t squeaky clean.

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