Why all the hate for female leads?

It’s a balance like ying and yang I think. Maybe not exactly like ying and yang, but it’s clear that the curse of flesh is what gave the Earthen their Free will for example.

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Yeah, think so too. Neither side should win because the universe would be worse off either way.

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Seriously? These are your examples?

Even if you leave out the remaster of TLoU 1 the second game still sold 44% fewer copies and even the remaster will not change that.

The last “successful” gears of War was 3. Judgement was already pretty low in sales and I can’t even find any information about anything afterwards as if the information has been intentionally hidden.

And Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 from 2023 has sold 5 million copies compared to the 2018 Marvel’s Spider-Man which sold 22,68 million copies.

We have some real success stories here…

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I’m talking about god of war and tlou2 still sold very well, dunno what you define as a flop.

Except Wonder Woman existed long before the Rise of Wokeness. Captain Marvel is Male. The Brie Larson one… meh. There was a female version of Captain Marvel before her and before they made her androgynous to masculine in appearance.

If you mean the female Black Panther… There is the trend of a girl version of everything.

They might surprise you.

That is an odd mindset to have. Equity is the Communist concept of Equal Outcome.
So they take the South Park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtx0QV4-VxY&ab_channel=pp21
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Chopping down tall people won’t make short people taller.
Ruining established known male characters will not make the new female replacements likeable.

I like this challenge.
If Insomniac permitted Western audiences to purchase the Saudi Arabia versions then will the Woke version of Spiderman 1 and 2 sell?
The Last of Us 2 was a monumental failure. Joel was character assassinated and would never have survived for so long. But ideologically motivated Neil Druckmann wrecked the franchise. Within 2 weeks of the release of Last of Us 2 there was massive refunds, they literally could not give copies away with other purchases.

NU GoW. Incorrect. No franchise is too big to fail. Latching on to successful franchises to try and push such ideologies like DEI and ESG does kill said franchise.
Mortal Kombat is an excellent example of this.

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You might not remember. Context is King.
Neil Druckmann manipulated people into purchasing the Last of Us 2. Through deceptive and manipulative marketing. As players thought they would be playing as Joel.
It is the bait and switch that Woke are using all the time.
You want to play Joel? Well you have Abby instead.
Last of Us 2 is nothing but a failure. Now the Intellectual Property is dead with no appetite for a Last of Us 3.

Amy Hennig is the creative vision of Last of Us 1 and Uncharted 1 through 3. But she is not ideologically motivated like Neil Druckmann. THAT was the sin she committed and why Druckmann pushed her out of the games industry…to champion women in the games industry.


yeah that’s also what I think equity is metaphorically. I support diversity and inclusion, because I think content should be made for an audience, and you will have some level diversity in the audience. I don’t want to have the majority exclude the minority, hence inclusion. Everyone should be included. However, it should be reflective of what the audience and the artists want, and not follow some weird statistical top-down dictate of what some dei-manager, who probably has very little idea of warcraft and the audience, forces Blizzard to do. All this stuff is poisonous to good Art, and crafting games/stories/etc like wow is a form of art in the end.

You can say ‘meh’, but that movie made over a billion.
It was a success. Fact.

And that’s not woke/dei according to you now?

If that’s what you’re saying your arguments are becoming ever increasingly incoherent.


No you don’t, you just say it was a flop because YOU dislike it, not even gonna adress the rest of your mental gymnastics.

You could also add the HBO Last of Us series to the list.
Big success.

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Xal’Atath is actually such a good villain imo. Female hero wise, Faerin could have a cool back story, but I don’t know what it is… presumably related to the throne somehow, maybe an affair? I’ve not looked into it at all to be honest.

Your mistake is in thinking that everybody is there to enjoy the hobby. Some are there specifically to change the hobby.
Fandoms and franchises all begin with a niche. Those who enjoy the content for what it is then this grows. That that dislike the content for what it is will ruin it by making it either unrecogniseable or unlikeable to the audience.

This is reflected that time and time again. Once things have been “adapted for modern audiences” the REPLACEMENT audience never shows up. Leaving cancellations - failures - death of IP - death of companies etc…

Learn to recognise a Tourist from an actual fan.
Tourists will always place their own ideology and other things above the hobby and intellectual property itself.
For example: Star Wars “fans” that does not want Wars. Star Peace just does not work. Yet Disney Eras “High Republic” era was supposed to be just that.

Why didn’t the appearance of Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel then lead the Marvels movie to success?
She understands that nobody wants to see a Captain Marvel movie with her in it.

You argue for the sake of arguing. Reminds me of other accounts that target me.
But yes girl versions of everything. Latest examples are Female Alfred Copplepot in Batman the (Woke) Caped Crusader. Then there is Su1c1de Squad kills the justice league the female version of Victor Freeze (mandatory) Lesbian that is muscular and masculine looking.

Gender swaps - race swaps - converting characters into LGBT such lazy practices have been happening for a long time now.

Incorrect. If there are DEI/ESG success stories then perhaps something can be learned. HOWEVER what happens is sthat DEI & ESG are FORCED on successful franchises. To use other peoples success to push your ideology or agenda.

Debunking stuff like The Last of Us 2 is a success. Is not difficult.

Last of Us 1 - Amy Hennig era yes. The remakes not so much. When stuff are “adapted for modern audiences” you know it is made with agendas in mind.
This will be Neil Druckmann trying to claim Amy Hennig’s success.

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I like how Men In Black 3 makes fun of this topic in the beginning of Wu’s restaurant. Having to explain it is just… ugh.

“You arrest me?! That’s a hate crime!”

No, stupid, K’s having a go at you for delivering horrible quality product that’s not meant to be consumed by humans.

Shes a Lothar. So she is in the very least related to our Arathi Kingdom royalty pre split. She doesnt have to necessarily be related to her Arathis Emperor.

But even if she were she would only be the heir to that small Arathi Empire as the Arathor of old doesnt exist anymore and split up into several nations, including Stormwind, Lordaeron, Kul’Tiras and Gilneas (also Stromgarde, Dalaran and Alterac if we wanna make it complete) and not a single nation would accept their leadership to be replaced by an outsider. For Lordaeron alone it would spark a war with the Horde.

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Rejection of the Gift (youtube.com)
This is where warcraft players got goosebumps for example
Lords of War Part Three – Durotan (youtube.com)

Lords of War Part Two – Grommash (youtube.com)
And of course the main WoD trailer, that pretty much every player has seen.

And you know what? It’s actually really diverse, as a huge variance of people from many backgrounds get hooked by this type of stuff.

People seem to like it, look at the metacriticscore, steamreviews etc. :person_shrugging:
And Nu GoW is leaps ahead of the old ones in both writing and gameplay, so yes this is one of these success stories.

It is. It absolutely is.

I’ve said it before in other threads but male characters are treated very differently to the women in this game.

Garrosh commits war crimes and is rightly killed off for it. Arthas was corrupted and was rightfully killed off when it became apparent that he was too far gone.

Jaina and Vereesa commit war crimes, similar war crimes to Garrosh, yet both are still around and the weight of their actions - torturing civilians - was downplayed and retconned at a later date.

Vanessa murdered a kindly elderly couple in Westfall and plunged the region into chaos, she was retconned to have survived being killed in the Deadmines and given a sob story to excuse her.

Sylvanas committed atrocities to rival the Lich King, is responsible for killing and defiling countless civilians and innocents but when the time finally came to pay for her crimes, like Garrosh did, deception and deflection was used to excuse her.

Despite Arthas being in the same situation - corrupted against his will - Sylvanas was written in such a way as to lay the blame directly at Arthas’ feet.

It’s lazy writing and clearly peddled by those - both fans and writers alike - who refuse to hold their women accountable for even the most reprehensible of actions.

The same thing plays out in other settings. Final Fantasy XIV is also notorious for it.

It’s also pretty tiresome and this has been an issue in WoW even before ESG/DEI came into the picture.

I imagine such an approach doesn’t appeal to women much in the first place, as they generally want their eye candy too. It also doesn’t appeal to gay men much - certainly not me - as I’m tired of seeing the pattern play out again and again.

The easiest solution is to start killing off some of the women for a change. There’s no shortage of candidates. Vereesa gets my vote, not only due to the Purge of Dalaran but simply because we don’t need three Windrunner sisters when far more interesting characters/bloodlines have been wiped out entirely.


“Diverse” Is a politically hijacked word.
Some will champion a group of all black models as “diverse”.
It’s tricky to fully explain it on the forums.

Classic. But Men in Black International (2019) is another DEI/ESG failure.

To elaborate on Last of Us 1 Remakes.
There was a danger of indecent portrayals of minors. So obsessed with “representation” of “Lesbian minors” instead of just friends maybe childish crush that kind of stuff.
What does a childs orientation matter anyway? kids aren’t anything.

Instead of an immune kind to the zombie mushroom - cordyceps virus trying to find her way in the world. They preach ideology and agenda.


More like baited. Arthas was a C even before he became a Death Knight. At least he was written in a way where he defied both Ner’zhul and the Jailer directly while also being the best necromancer on Azeroth.

His ending in shadowlands is however an absolute insult. Neither does it excuse what Sylvanas did and her merely being ordered to get the Nelf Souls out of the maw is a joke.