Why all the hate for female leads?

Well, even in this sense it’s diverse. WoD and Legion appealed to Men and Women from all backgrounds on the whole planet. That’s an extreme level of diversity. Some of the recent themes in wow appeal to a very specific bubble of progressive people in western countries. That’s less diverse. Think about it! Wanna know some Fantasy genres with the most diverse audience on the entire planet? Naruto and Dragonball Z. Wanna know why the audience is so extremely diverse? Because the virtues and themes appeal universally on a global level, which is actually maximum diverse. Meanwhile a lot of very recent warcraft content appeals to a specific urban subculture of people living in gentrified areas or gated communities in america, and some parts of western europe. That’s not diverse.

He was definitely arrogant but he genuinely meant well, all things considered. Not to mention as unpleasant as it is, the vast majority of people in Stratholme were already lost.

Varian was also very arrogant and also hot headed but still very much a hero. For Arthas, I think the main issue was losing the support of Jaina and Uther as well as having far too much weight atop his shoulders. Lordaeron was basically already lost at that point, too.

I’d wager many people saw him as a tragic figure, ultimately. That doesn’t excuse what he did but he’d already been taken out back in WOTLK and given a fitting sendoff. To squander that out of spite was definitely one of the most jarring plot points of Shadowlands.

Sylvanas could have had a similar ending, acknowledging the person she used to be before being risen into undeath without making excuses for what she did when she gained her freedom from the Lich King.

That wasn’t what you asked. Stop trying to move the goalposts.

You asked:

Answer: Yes.
You’ve been given various examples.
And that’s it. Simple as that.

I think this is part of what will make the Arathi Emperor ‘evil’. He will claim right to rule over all the human kingdoms in the name of the light.
Of course I suspect Fairin will choose our side; maybe because by then she’ll be romantically involved with Anduin or maybe just because she’s become our friend and ‘it’s the right thing to do’.

You are overthinking things. To help you out a bit. Bronies = Adult males that are fans of shows My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Even though the target audience is female children they enjoy the content for what it is.

Other than people shaming them there is nothing wrong with them enjoying content for what it is. Show makers will still aim to produce things for female children audiences. No matter the Bronies fandom population.

If show makers was to now change things as in target adult males. Then they will ruin everything that once made it: My Little Ponies Friendship is Magic. So you will lose the Bronies anyway as well as the INTENDED audience of female children.

This is what is happening so often that now memes are appearing of: Where is this “Modern Audience”?
You see real customers and audiences are being cast aside for this phantom “Modern Audience”. Where were they when Disney Star Wars the Acolyte audience rating dropped as low as 13%? Why scream now that Disney refused to green light a 2nd season?

Dragonball is practically culture in Western countries. With literal generations of fans launching a Kamehameha as children. Those that enjoy Dragonball and Anime for what it is.
NATURAL Diversity is very different from the attempts to Politically Manufacture Diversity today.

What does a Dragonball fan look like? all races - all demographics - who the hell cares.
Yet if there were people that say announced themselves as LGBT Dragonball Fans or Black Dragonball fans. Such people have exposed themselves as outsiders trying to push agendas or an ideology. Since you as a fan to some extent are not relevant. We’re all Dragonball fans.

Seen different movies - Argue what is or is not canon - Argue Who will win, healthy behaviours as ultimately it is information exchange with common interests. The FANDOM or hobby being the priority.
Calling for LGBT or “Diverse representation” in DragonBall is something that would cause the fandom to unite against you.
I against my brother. My brother and I against our cousin. My brother cousin and I against the neighbours. All of us against the stranger.
Blizzard Entertainment ALWAYS hide natural diversity. Blizzcon first started in 2005 non Americans would travel there for Blizzcon. People of all demographics orientations WHATEVER will show up. United by a common interests of Blizzard Entertainment products.

Even faction Pride: Are you Alliance or Horde? did and still does divide people.
Politically Manufactured Diversity is doing irreparable harm to Blizzard Entertainment.

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I think it comes down to the bad writing of female characters over the past few years, because they needed to “be empowered”, to please woke and feminists.

So instead of creating interesting plots and stories, to make those characters interesting, the writers just started handing out “power” left and right, and made them leaders and the center point through multiple expansions, simply “because”.

Primarily thinking of Sylvanas here, who got butchered.

There has been strong female characters in WoW ever since the beginning. But because they were pushed as an agenda, people have become “anti-female” minded, and now immediately start rolling their eyes whenever they see a female character, even when it fits the story perfectly “.


No one inherently dislikes female leads; the issue arises when they are tokenized or when their prominence comes at the expense of male leads, often driven by ideological agendas within corporations or among individual staff members who believe they have the right to reshape narratives to fit their views.

Another problem is that many writers hired for these projects often come from failed ventures in film or theater, entering the video game industry with little relevant experience. Instead of working in the indie scene to build their credentials, they secure positions at major studios where they lack a nuanced understanding of femininity. Their portrayal of female strength often boils down to superficial stereotypes, such as equating strength with aggression or making female characters adopt traditionally masculine traits. This approach can alienate players, including men who appreciate complex, well-rounded female characters rather than those who are simply masculine in their traits and behaviours.


Female leaders are jut bad even in real life. They use emotions too often. Which is a no-no.

So you are gonna play the actual “no u are racist for pointing out racial misrepresentation” uh, too bad I thought you seemed smarter than most of them. Literally I said :sob:

Literally my first line I said it wasn’t great to have a beast race portraying a minority.

Obviously considering you can’t read.

dude needs to chill with the quotation marks completely misrepresenting what people are saying. such a cowardly way to argue


You know it gets to the point of four or five people thinking you’re a racist, then you might want to look in the mirror. I’m amazed someone acts like this in the modern day and can’t understand basic world building.


You’re doing it again. Ignoring the points raised in favour of a strawman argument.

I’ve encountered a lot of your ilk in my time. You pretend to be ‘progressive’ and then the moment people desire something more than just lazy pandering that is actually elaborate you start freaking out.

The only reason I even responded to you in the first place was to highlight - mostly for the benefit of third party observers - that there’s viable reasons for people to not want tokenism, especially if they’re minorities themselves.

I wish it were the case but there are a lot of posters who behave in such a manner, particularly on the Argent Dawn server forum.

There’s a nice little phrase to counter that.

‘Two wrongs don’t make a right.’


i think he’s ran out of strawmen to attack

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  1. Ancient Coins: Coins minted during her reign often feature her likeness. These images can offer insights into how she was depicted in her time, though they are sometimes stylized to convey specific attributes or royal symbolism.

  2. Sculptures and Busts: There are a few surviving sculptures and busts that are believed to represent Cleopatra. For example, the famous “Berlin Cleopatra” bust and the “Venus of the Louvre” statue are often associated with her, though their authenticity as depictions of Cleopatra is debated.

  3. Historical Descriptions: Ancient writers like Plutarch and Dio Cassius described Cleopatra. Plutarch, in his Life of Antony, provides some descriptions of her physical appearance and charisma, though these are often more focused on her charm and presence than detailed physical features.

  4. Roman Coinage and Art: Roman sources, including coins and artwork, sometimes depict Cleopatra, particularly in the context of her relationship with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. These depictions are often influenced by Roman artistic conventions and political contexts.

This is like me trying to convince people William the conqueror was actually anglo saxon. it’s totally pointless to try and change random historical facts simply because race is the trendiest subject right now. just accept what is considered fact by all respectable sources and move on.

Actually, it’s more akin to trying to convince someone like Tariq Nasheed that the original Scots weren’t a race of black pygmy dwarfs.

SIMP detected.

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Careful they don’t like the R word.

I forgot …

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That’s in my backlog. I don’t get to go to the cinema as often as I’d like as I live in the middle of nowhere. So once I can watch it at home relatively cheap on Amazon Prime then I’ll likely watch it one weekend.


You were called out for randomly throwing around the ‘chud’ accusation, originally and then taking the most deceptive and disingenuous interpretation of the points raised in response.

I, myself, mostly responded to point out that - especially as a gay guy - I do not like seeing my sexuality or any minority given the ‘tokenism’ treatment.

You’re free to disagree if you wish though I do not consider it a particularly controversial stance to take.