Why all the hate for female leads?

Maiev ftw :green_heart:

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which one? there’s a lot of maievs in wow these days

What are you talking about ? That’s literally what you said. So go on, prove that you are right and I am wrong, show me for the racist I really am by giving me an example of that “good diversity”, like when you were talking about TES.

So there is a good diversity, and I am just stupid and or racist for not seeing. That’s what you said, so I humbly ask you to give me an example of it in movie form. Why is it so hard if it’s so evident ?

You asked me to list movies I liked. I did. I’m sure there’s diversity in there, though do you really expect me to go through IMDB and dig through the actors and actresses to find minorities?

You’re welcome to do that if you so wish. Going purely off of memory, The Descent has an all female cast and Evil Dead Rise has a trans actor in a main role. As I said, it isn’t a big deal to me either way though movies setting out to be their own thing are rather different to a game taking pre-existing characters, painting them with darker skin and then puffing out their metaphorical chests as they declare how brave, tolerant and inclusive they are.

I never asked you for a list of movie. I asked you for an example of that well done diversity which you have been barking about with your chudpanion this whole time, yet you can’t. Because in actuality you don’t have any, it seems pretty clear.

Like you mentionned horror movies, you could have mentionned Get Out for an easy out, pun intended. It’s like the black panther of horror movie, the horror movie that adresses minority themes the mainstream know. Yet it didn’t even cross your mind, which is quite telling.

how do you not see that you are being racist? these are real people and you reduce them to their race. their main value as human beings in your eyes is the colour of their skin. it’s perverse.

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I have to be very patient with people, I find. I’m not exactly the stereotype of what a lot of people like to present as the ‘ideal gay representation’.

I don’t like tokenism for many reasons, not in the least due to how it often reduces minorities such as myself to some very basic, stereotypical tropes/features that aren’t even broadly present in reality.

…so you want me to lie about my favourite horror movies and bring up specific examples to fulfill the criteria that you want to see?

In all honestly, this is becoming rather hilarious. Good job if you’re just trying to bait reactions, I guess. Though if you are indeed serious…oh dear.

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Tharodun i feel like you are seriously treading into dangerous territory. I’m certain even the most devout race activist won’t agree with your objectifying peoples races.(at least i hope so)

like this is actual racism… it’s quite bad


It’s horrific, how they act.

i think he’s going outside the realms of their ‘agenda’ into uncharted territory and i’m afraid he’s going to crash

Good old “you are racist for pointing out racism”, chuds never go out without it.

the first value you are placing on a person or character is the colour of their skin. this is prejudice

i don’t know what a chud is but it sounds vulgar and you totally overuse that word

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Hay did you hear Anduin Lothar is black. :rofl:

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No goalpost moved here. I asked for a movie example of diversity that’s “more than pandering”, and you can’t list any. While accusing me of actually being racist for not see it. Well I can’t see it if you don’t show me.

Im enjoying just reading the discussion that’s being going on for the last couple of hours xD
Tharodun mate just… stop making a fool of yourself.

I really had to jump in at the mention of Kleopatra VII… as someone who specialises in Ptolemaic Egypt, she was Macedonian, not even Greek if we judge by the standards the “Greeks” had during the Hellenistic Era xD

There’s been A LOT of blackwashing in the US of Egyptian history to fit their “woke” worldvision. Universities, particularly the US and UK have become breeding grounds for activists - both students and professors - that go along with modern political narratives to get that sweet funding and be all high and mighty in their pandering “poc” trash essays.

But beyond the present lack of grounded historical knowledge in the thread and the dreadful quoting of internet pages - lets move onto WoW.

The current story is terribly lacking, showing a tremendous amount of potential taking into account the characters and lore, but it being rubbish due to the forceful inclusion of “woke” ideology - which in turns means the exclusion of solid narrative and the total breaking of immersion a fantasy game tends to provide.

Faerin is blatlantly a DEI character, and the Arathi, like all humans in WoW, descend from the Vrykul, a culture based on Norse mythology (do you all realise how much we could’ve been exploring the human forefathers legacy through the titans with such a trope? But noooo, lets just force fake corporate inclusivity down the players gullet). Moreover, what always made WoW “inclusive” was the representation of other cultures, ehem, CULTURES, not races, through the use of fantasy races. Making Faerin black, mangled and a woman just reeks with political ideology.

WoW was created by mainly a white male team, but oh no, they’re the tyranical devils in the modern age!
Their work to pay homage to foreign cultures is being thrashed with this forced inclusivity:

  • Tauren as native americans.
  • Black Spears as African tribes / Caribbean descendants.
  • Zandalari as other African tribes / South American natives.
  • Vulpera as the desert nomands, i.e. Bedouins.
  • Dwarves as Gaels.
  • Pandarens as Chinese.
  • Gilneans and Kul Tirans as Brits.

But waaaaait a minute.

Gilneans and Kul Tirans are humans… and the Stormwindians have always been mainly white… why? Caues they’re based on European medieval culture (the latter) and early moddern age europenas (the former). BUT SURE! LETS BLACKWASH THEM TO PRETEND WE ARE AN INCLUSIVE COMPANY!

Seeing all these woke activits in the forums these days and their support for this action (to hell with the game) in society at large, is truly concerning.
And you, Tharodun, as a frenchman (are you really?), should be quite aware your nation is in thanks to this fake corporate inclusivity leftist governments are pushing.

I myself can say I’m Polish and proud that there’s still some nations in Europe that are proud of their heritage, culture, and dont see the need to undermine it with arrogant, self-righteous virtue signaling “inclusivity”.


I said that I wasn’t going over this again, sorry but I ain’t reading all dat. Scroll up and you will find what I would have answered to that.

Good way of ignoring probably one of the most solid arguements on the current situation of (obviously forced) DEI in WoW. Im off to sleep lads, you Tharodun enjoy being a virtue signaler and your irrational world vision. Let us know when you grow up so we can have an actual conversation. <3

Yes, you did or am I misreading this?


I have been having a conversation for 2 hours, you missed it. I am not staying up to 5 am so I can entertain everyone on this forum.

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this whole convo has left me feeling dirty. the thought of reducing someone to their skin colour is totally disgusting to me.
i really hope one day you come to your senses Tharodun, maybe you’re just young and going through the normal liberal phase. I hope you’ll look back and not feel too much shame over the way you objectified people (though at least a little bit of shame)

since this argument has fizzled out i’ll wish u all a good night.