Why all the hate for female leads?

Not pretending to be colorblind doesn’t make one color exclusive.

I see the inequalities and the unfairness of our society when it comes to the treatment of some people, and that such inequalities are based on the outdated concept of race.

Race is not real, there is only one humanity. But, things that aren’t real can still have tremendous amount of power. Show me one atom of justice like Terry Pratchet said. Race as a concept is sadly still very real, and very powerful, because people believe in it wether they realise it or not.

Don’t get me wrong, I strive for a colorblind world where the color of your skin would be no more importance than that of your eyes or your hair. But the difference between you and I is that I have the honesty to admit that our society isn’t there yet, and to point out ways to get closer to that goal. Meanwhile, you pretend that we are, either out of naïvité or out of a hidden desire to not see us reach that goal. I pray that in your case, it is the former.

It didn’t exist at the time outside of a few wealthy individuals thanks to Christianity and was also common in many Asian and African nations to believe in their own superiority; it was not part of mainstream biology. Black people were often the primary beneficiaries of slavery, not the Western powers, who mainly relied on their own criminals and working classes for servitude, i.e., indentured servants. Many people were unaware of how slaves were captured and were completely ignorant of the process. When the realities of the slave trade became widely known, it was widely condemned as evil, though it had been considered standard practice in Africa, with only a few European countries actively working to end it globally. I’m not going to let people criticise Europeans for establishing a moral framework they now use when their own ancestors were among the longest, largest, and most enthusiastic proponents of slavery.

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Thanks Obama

There was a strong push in the 90s to teach kids that we are all equal and that we’re all just trying to get along in this world. It feels like in the modern day there is a strong push to create hatred between races. In my lifetime it has never been as bad as it is today.

The worst thing is the fake tokenism, we grew up watching black athletes and black actors in the 80s and 90s and looking up to them, where as now we’re being told we’re racist while they dress up africans as historical europeans and tell black kids they need to hate white people.

You couldn’t do a better job of creating animosity under the guise of progressivism. What happened to the discussion about female leaders? I’m not mad about Faerin being black, tho some explanation wouldn’t be bad. In the cinematic renders that are going around she looks more like a boy, while in game she looks like a girl, that’s a better talking point.

wow. so many people spending hours with a race baiter. The thread has been derailed and all about Black people now. Racial and Identity Politics.
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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We’ve literally devolved into a debate over the meaning of words.

Exactly. This wasn’t an issue before, then when these people started appearing and forming Diversity and Inclusion groups that don’t actually do anything aside create more scandal and therefore enforce the notion that such groups are needed.

Thing is, I want to ask pertinent questions, for example, why is this diversity stuff always forced in the west, I don’t see it forced anywhere else. Chinese, Japanese and Korean entertainment features exclusively locals, Africa the same, central and north. India, idem. Not once did I hear anyone saying, much less demanding diversity in those places. It’s interesting.


OMG, I didn’t know.

If Xal’atath had 1% of the personality of Ivanova, I’m sure she could have been awesome!

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow.

Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander. Daughter of Andrei and Sofie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry butt[*] all the way back to Earth, sweetheart! I am death incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me."

[*] Censored by the Forum Machine.


No? None of the leaders can do crap outside of Player and Co help, they are bound to lose, and most highlighted characters like Faerin and Alleria have very obvious flaws, it’s not a Rey Skywalker situation

Faerin is a well-written character, but alleria ruins the story. Alleria closes her eyes, has some weird internal void conflict, and immediately has a solution for everything like the location of a certain someone or how she can trick xalatath (a void entity older than azeroth). That’s just bad writing. Her new design with the thick make-up and the new sidecut is really weird compared to how she was before as this natural highelf farstrider.

Sure I’ll bite, I posted this before. Black Panther Vs Nuw Little Mermaid.

Black Panther:
Had a 99% black cast, was internationally well received. It made sense having a 99% black cast because Wakanda stayed isolated, would be weird if a bunch of gingers were walking about, because even in a fantasy world, we know why some people are pale and some aren’t, their ancestors cannot have evolved next to one another. This is what one would call good Diversity, it showed a fantasy version of cultures that are rarely seen on screen with the classic heroes journey.

The Little Mermaid:
Took a white aka old european story story and placed a black person in it, it’s the writing equivalent of black face. It offered no actual addition to the story to race swap the main character. If they wanted another black disney princess, why not tell a fairy tale that was created by black people. Africa is rather large if you’re not aware, there’s many many cultures they also have mermaid myths and legends and fairytales.

See the difference, one showed new and different things the other was the same as you’ve had but we decided to change someone’s race.

When it comes back to the point of the thread why is there hate for female leads.

Alleria - Is doing her best Tyrannde cosplay shadowlands edition, apparently when they say the void corrupts and devours they must have meant braincells.

Moira - An entitled nepo baby that has never earned a single position she’s held. She’s entitled and smug, the writers again never let her be in the wrong, which she is if you know the old dwarf lore.

Baelgrims 2 replacesments - Well I think people probably just don’t like them that much because Baelgrim seemed cool and they killed him off for no reason other than another, quick let’s put more women in charge.

Faerin - Personally, my only issue with her is her shield is dumb, either give her a prosthetic arm which has a shield or don’t have the shield and leave her without the arm, the current version just looks like the models bugged, it’s so weird and stupid looking.

Any hate is not directed at them being female, but the way these politically charged writers are writing females. They can have no tangible flaws, you can say well Alleria does have a flaw because she’s being irrational due to the void influence, however she never actually has any consequences for her irrational actions, so it’s never a flaw.
Or they act like entitled teenagers or sit in positions that they really shouldn’t have, looking at you Moira.

Or they decide to not take a prosthetic arm, then ask; “Hey, is there something you can make to stop blows, to my stupidly designed shield, from putting so much pressure on my shoulder joint.” Why yes Faerin, it’s called a ####ing arm you dolt.

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Censorship is live and well it seems
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, you’re doing a lot of injustice towards Moira. Moira is the reason, why the Dark Iron dwarves are united and at peace now with the other Dwarves. You’re totally wrong. First of all, she married Dagran Thaurissan, who was at war with her father, Magni. It was a romeo and julia type of romance, which means that she was taking a big risk, and went through a lot of emotional pain. Then her father decided to kill her new husband by sending us to blackrock depths and “free her” (against her will). This is where Moira showed her very strong leadership personality. Instead of simply breaking down and returning to Ironforge, she actually ruled over the Dark Iron as a queen. She fought the radical elementalist opposition, and managed to control the dark iron civil war. Keep in mind, that the Dark Iron are very intelligent, sneaky, and drawn to power culturally, so that was a huge accomplishment by her. After she managed to solidify her new position as a Queen of the Dark Iron she showed character again by uniting them with Ironforge instead of trying avenge Dagran Thaurissan I. On top of that she is an excellent mother, and her kid, Dagran Thaurissan II, turned out really well, and became a scholar. You are completely wrong about Moira. She deserved her spot more than many other characters, and is one of the most important figures of the alliance. She just didn’t really get enough attention in the story in my opinion until this expansion. If you think she acts entitled, well, that’s because she is fully entitled.

Moira is the first dwarf after the Legend, Modimus Anvilmar, who united all 3 dwarven tribes. She’s one of the best and most sensible, logically congruent characters Blizzard has written so far.

No, she was kidnapped by Dagran. it wasn’t romeo and juliet more stockholm syndrome. She talks trash on Magni and acts as if she is some perfect being. Magni’s only crime was raising a daughter to be able to fight in a world constantly beset by monsters and War doesn’t seem too horrible. Dagran kidnapped Moira, because he knew that Magni would not fight back if it meant putting Moira in danger, because the Dark iron were psycho’s that intended to murder the leaders and functionally rule over the rest of the dwarf clans.

You mean by being pregnant with Dagrans heir… Real earned that position the ole fashion way aye.

She did not unite the clans, other than the dark iron, which again psycho servants of Ragnaros that wanted to kill most of the other clans. The rest of the dwarf clans were united under Magni. She basically just brought the dark irons into iron forge and promised they wont try and murder everyone this time.

Killed her husband and tried to free her against her will. Only a moron can see it that way. Magni sent functionally an elite task force to go in and rescue his daughter from the man that killed his men and kidnapped her in order to use her as a hostage, so that he could then invade and killed Magni and functionally enslave the other clans. Yeah that’s right she straight up married a dude that had step 1 murder her dad as part of his plan, but sure Moira’s not an awful person.


You need to read the book, chronicles. It’s explained there. Moira is a very sneaky, smart character.

You mean when they tried to retcon an unlikable character into not being a complete narcist. She married a man that was planning to kill her father, a father that has loved and doted on her for her entire life. Then I also believe she was planning on assassinating her uncle.

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The trouble is that there will not be any more Dark Iron Dwarf development.
War should have an aftermath. But the Dwarven wars has been largely ignored. The old grudges hatreds of the Dark Iron Dwarves toward the BronzeBeards Wildhammers and their grudges and hatreds of the Dark Iron Dwarves will not disappear.

So having a Bronzebeard ruler Moira will not sit well. Also a half blood Prince. The line of Dagran Thaurissan has been diluted. Dark Irons are not our own clan any more. But vassals of the Bronzebeards through Moira and her son.

Blizzard is trying hard to square this circle.

It’s not racism though. Nothing that he said there is racist, but there is truth in his statement.

No, the dwarves have been united once under Modimus Anvilmar. Moira managed to do that now too. Also, doing that by marriage is a completely normal, sensible strategy as well. She didn’t only do that by marriage though. There are a LOT of problems Moira solved in the story within the Dark Iron society by stomping out the ragnaros-loyal elementalists with our help. Now Dagran is half Bronzebeard and half Dark Iron. Perfect King later on to keep the Dwarves united, and on top of that he’s shaping out to be an excellent Mage. The Dark Iron have one of the best lore conclusions of any other civilization in the game thanks to this.

It was also actually Anduin Wrynn’s Idea afaik that Moira was allowed to have this position by the alliance, just as a detail. You all need to read the story a bit more, before you judge so heavily.

Some of us are proud of Poland too for standing by your national identity. I’m from England and I admire the way that you’ve handled illegal immigration. I just wish we had done the same many, many years ago.

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