Why all the hate for female leads?

Yes mate …whatever…

So you put a female - a male …and a non gender…

How about start an lbg topic…

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Yes as in try an actual example of any time they show these traits in game. You just linked a couple of clips that contain no context. Alleria went to check on her friend. Sure I’ll say protective but no more than any regular human would be for their friend. Her entire animostity with Xal’atah is personal revenge, she consistently acts selfishly and irrationally throughout the story for example giving away their position when surrounded by the enemy just so she can shoot an arrow at a demi god… With no reason to believe her arrow would do anything to such an entity. That’s not brave that’s her own ego and selfish revenge. I’ll give you magni though I barely count him as a main character anymore he’s basically ms word clippy at this point.

Anduin’s sacrifice I covered before, he basically just doesn’t want to have to do the work to fix things, it’s more of an attempted suicide than a heroic sacrifice. How is it self projecting, he even states the light will return by someone else. As in he is no longer going to try it’s him quitting, it’s not a heroic sacrifice, take Varians sacrifice as Anduin’s is clearly a poor attempt and mirroring:

  • Varian takes out the fell giant, saves his people,

  • Anduin fights one guy and is two scared to attempt to use the light because he’s afraid he might fail. See the others and decides they can use the light to fix things I’m not needed any more, so he jumps down hits the cannon and makes the canon miss, saves his people

  • Varian keeps on fighting knowing there’s likely no victory,

  • Anuin doesn’t even swing on a single enemy just gets backed into a corner

  • Varian, fights all the way to the enemies leader, is skewed functionally tortured to death and still dies giving a defiant yell.

  • Anduin is captured.

Sacrifices mean nothing when they are stupid/pointless or done from a selfish position.

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The only thing that i wanna add is .

There is a reason why …a random team …Manchester United made 522 million revenue in 2023 (i could put real barca…was …twice etc… )

And Worldwide revenue of all women teams was 322 million …


Imagine of Tv men Match of football between Real and Barca replaced by a female match … so we can promote Women football…**

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Look man, I make it plain simple for you.

You are factual wrong and I pointed it out with visual evidence even.

If you want to keep speaking personal opinion BS, go ahead, do so.

Doesn’t make your words any more (in)correct than they were before. If you are incapable to understand that there are different ways of being a hero in a story, like for example Frodo bringing a damn Ring to a Vulcano on the other side of the stories map and doing literally nothing else really, then idk… Enjoy your ignorance, I guess.

I have better things to do than arguing with people immune to reason.

And regarding that… I guess Jorge from Halo Reach is no Hero then by your (imo dumb) definition, because immediately after his sacrifice an entire Covenant Fleet emerges from the Slipspace after he destroyed 1 Corvette with a bomb that did aim to land on a Supercarrier.

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This isn’t the flex you think it is.


Nope because you fail to understand context. Jorge had no idea his sacrifice would be in vein. Frodo acted like a hero, Anduin just gives up, does nothing and gets captured, sorry hits a cannon then gets captured. I love that you talk about seeing reason but you fail to actually give examples of anything, or actually talk about my rebuttal to your assertions. It’s cool man just put you blinders on a carry on. Liking something that’s poorly written doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. There’s plenty of people that watch soap operas.

Mysoginy, it’s always mysoginy even if they try to cover it as “bad writing”. Because if a male were doing and saying the exact same things they’d be ok with it. It’s only a problem because they’re female, even more so if they’re black

She really is finally death incarnate.

Lol my dude, shes not gonna sleep with you.

You dont have to white knight that hard :rofl:


Who are you talking about? Do you really only see women like that? What a sad life, no wonder you’re alone

You need to stop using Females as your Honor trophy/badge brother. They are not your toys to be used.

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Its a general hate for unbelievable bland characters.

All this “women”, “race”, “disabled”… are an excuse to not pay good story writers and pretend we care because we feel “represented”.

If the character is well written, and the universe believable… it dosent matter what gender/race it is.

That is what many people mean.


Men are physically stronger and will typically excel in sports over women. That’s why the latter isn’t very popular and gets subsidized. What does that have to do with the topic though?

I think it’s not about hating women and more about lack of male characters. We have Moira as lead in first zone, then speaker lady dwarf in second, then third zone has black lady and quatermaster and her mother and last zone even spider lead character is a woman. Not even a monster can be male.
On other had Magni lost his powers and is useless, Moira’s son whatever his name is is teenager so I as 30 year old don’t care about him and Anduin is around my age and he’s just so weak and whinny.
Glass isn’t half empty or half full. There is no glass. There is zero characters like old Thrall or Illidan that I loved back in the day. Not a single character that I would say “Damn I want to be like him.”


They are poorly written, unrealistic, unbelievable, clearly pushed there for ideological multinational corporation typical PR agenda, and are done at the expense of pushing men aside to a corner, belittling them or make them pathetic/ a joke

Basically all the tropes that have made Marvel and Star wars productions tank and be poorly reviewed.

WoW has always had some cool women characters and people loved them. This was completely unecessary and just created division and controversy where there was nome before

Massive corporations treat you like idiots and you take the bait all the time just because you think you are virtue signaling.


There would literally be no hate at all if all old and new male characters wouldn’t be killed off or made just a side characters since Blizzards dirty deeds coming into light.

Because we still live in a very sexist society.

Female leads slap. Get to know.

I’ve personally been enjoying the characters and dialogue so far, can’t quite put my finger on what exactly they changed, but it’s nowhere near as cringe-inducing as Dragonflight was, which has been a pleasant surprise. To answer your question though, people don’t hate the female characters themselves, they mostly hate that the people who are writing the characters don’t seem to be able to just write characters without including their own real life political agendas. People want to play a fantasy rpg, not be fed propaganda, doesn’t really matter what particular agenda they’re trying to push, it’s still jarring and a great way to kill any immersion players have.

With all that being said, I’m personally kind of surprised that Faerin is so…meek? After seeing her in the trailer I kind of expected some badass Paladin smiting hordes of enemies while yelling stuff about the Light. Instead we got a character that was just kind of along for the ride, the only thing she really did during the campaign was being Anduin’s personal shrink who kept telling him he’s not as bad as he thinks and things are going to be okay over and over. People tend to complain about forceful, assertive female characters, but that was what I expected her to be and I’m honestly a bit disappointed that she isn’t that at all. It feels like she barely has a story of her own at all, like the only reason the character was created was to give Anduin a couple of very needed therapy sessions, and after that most likely end up becoming his queen and bearing his children. I mean, she’s even a Lothar, doesn’t get much more obvious than that. When you think about it, at first glance she might seem like a walking taking advertisement for diversity, but she’s actually more like a conservative wet dream, a fantasy tradwife.