Why all the hate for female leads?

Why wouldn’t you want to be like Faerin? She’s a badass.

It is perfectly ok to have some expansions with a stronger female presence and others with a stronger male presence (Being careful to realistically include both sides regardless of what kind of story you are telling)

What we cannot do is enter a gender supremacy trend when it comes to future storytelling, regardless of it being male, female or any other gender conformity,


This, exactly this. Well written female characters shouldn’t come at the expense of the male characters, and well written male characters shouldn’t come at the expense of female ones. If you have to drag down the other gender to make your character look good, your writing is bad.

And in WoW’s case almost every character and main plot is terribly written


I think you should play the Hallowfall questlines and revisit your answer.

I don’t really think people hate the female leads. “Problem” is, that there seem to be only female leads so far in the expansion.


You sound like an Male Orc feminist.
From what a lot of people are saying across the forums. Especially with renaming it as “The Woke Within”.

There seems to be a radical change in direction. Simply put: The World of Warcraft has become a Matriarchy.
Matriarchy’s are societies and kingdoms of female rulership. But they only exist in comics and fantasy as the real world would they would not survive or not be conquered.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion. However that is not what happens. Competent and strong males can not coexist alongside competent and strong females. Why has Anduin Wrynn become the “Mansell in distress” (female damsel) in need of a Strong Independent (androgynous) Black Half Elf Woman to come and save him.

DEI and ESG = Diversity Equity Inclusion and Environmental Social Governance is being rebranded to IG = Inclusive Growth which just means more DEI but under a different name.

[Deep sigh] You have to see the world outside of your bubble.
By trying to hunt the Misogyny boogeyman you will see Misogyny everywhere.
Sylvannas Windrunner is Undead. The Forsaken are an entire faction of Undead. Was Arthas Menethil the Lich King a misogynist when he killed Sylvannas?
Some would say he was just out to destroy the kingdom of Quel Thelas. The Scourge by design are meant to weaken Azeroth for Burning Legion invasion.

The thing about Tourists is that they will always put their own agenda’s and ideology above the hobby.
You may dream of your Matriarchy where females run the world and males are subservient and inferior. But even in a fantasy setting that does not quite work.



Men love watching men’s sport* fact … how the **** you end up saying about strength and psychical stronger and that’s why isn’t popular is astonished dumb.

A smart person at least … above the monkey intelligence would think before …writing and posting nonsenses that doesn’t even make senses .

It’s like i read/watch some Kamala supporters that talk about coconut trees and being unburden…

Honestly, I haven’t seen the main"contender" yet ( faerin seems to raise a lot of controversy, I’m curious if it’s because she’s poorly written or because people insta hate her for her looks), but so far the most badass characters were Khadgar and Baelgrim being literally the epitome of heros and selflessness. So people saying there are only female leaders and that it’s the reason they dislike it are being disingenuous tbh.
DF (at least the campaign available on launch) was a grossly disguised ideology but TWW is really far from that. Now it doesn’t mean the story will be great, but at least I feel immersed in a fantasy world and not in the middle of a political debate. If people have issue with female leaders in this context then it’s their problem. Same as I don’t want blizzard to involve politics in their story, players should also be self conscious about not projecting politics into stuff that is not.

Imma whoop Xal’atath a** for what she did to my beloved Khadgar in Dalaran though.

This is such a cynical and mean-spirited way to look at these characters. I am sorry for you that you cannot experience these characters’ stories other than through the lense of their gender and race.


The problem is not that people hate female leads. If you look for example at Xena- The Princess Warrior, it was in top3 most viewed show in the 90th in most countries, especially NA and Europe. But what they did was to create a strong female character without diminishing the male characters. When Xena had Hercules in her episodes, Hercules was not a stupid white male uncapable of anything, he was a equal to Xena.
What the modern entertaiment industry is doing is to replace and diminish the male characters.
There are tons of example:

  • Rei from the new Star Wars movies: she literally today was a homeless looking into garbage for food and next day she was a jedi master capable of defeating the best sith warrior without any training and effort
  • Michael Burnham from Star Trek- Discovery: literally a space Jesus in the "new Star Trek universe: , not to mention that every male character around her was either stupid, uncapable of anything, dork, etc
  • Batwoman series: another flop that literally poop on Batman and anything related to his character just to elevate her
    …and the list can continue.

And this is what piss off people: the replacement and diminishing of male characters in movies, TV series, games, etc.
Instead to create stories where female and male characters are equals and fight side by side for justice and good, they either replace male characters with female (like they did with Star Wars by replacing Luke with Rei) or they diminish/remove/delete a renowned male character to make room for a female character (like they did with the last Terminator movie).
And what’s funny, these are the same people that cry for equality and inclusion. How ironic.


Hard to like/dislike any lead in wow because they do not exist. And no I do not mean in real world but in wow. They just plot devices most of the time, acting as they should just to push the plot instead of having a coherent personality, and when the plot don’t need them they simply cease to exist completly.

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Which is a fair complaint. However, the definition what a “good, well written character” is, varies subjectively.

I have seen people call Astarion from BG3 “a badly written character” despite Astarion being one of the most well written characters I have seen in years. Also for a fact BG3 is praised universally for its writing.

In case on WoW, I think Blizzard did reach the “It’s ok enough to not be bad” border, which is fine by me. I don’t expect MMORPGs to be as good as a fully dedicated singleplayer story game like BG3. WoW has so many target audiences, it is even a wonder they managed to pull something like TWW off, considering all the processes in the company (bureaucracy, corpo suits, etc.)

Sure, the writing is far from “stellar”. But it isn’t bad in my eyes with TWW.

So far, I have not seen a single quest yet that left me so unsatisfied that I would say “this didn’t felt like a closed story”.

Tbf, as a guy I have to say here, this is likely how every women feels in a mens world.

So, perhaps consider this “a shift of perspective”.

Perhaps you are not paying attention.
The High King of the Alliance is supposed to be a leader. Inspiring his people and the other races of the Alliance.

Time stamp. 2:20. Subject Warlords of Draenor Trailer.
:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

Grommash Hellscream leader of the Iron Horde. Moves the Iron Star in position then leaps through a wall of flames to bury Gorehowl his axe in the face of Mannaroth the demon that seeks to enslave the Orc race.

THIS is leadership Inspiration for the Horde. For the Alliance it is an Orc that may be a worthy challenge.

The Maw is supposed to be World of Warcraft’s version of hell. So Anduin Wrynn calling forth the Light and it responding in Hell/The Maw. His conviction and willpower can be an inspiration to the rest of the Alliance.

Now being written as a manbaby that all but cries on the shoulders of the females around him. Who is this supposed to inspire? Who will want to follow him?
Female game characters are being made ugly - androgynous - masculine etc… on purpose. The Game Devs have been doing that by design for years now. It is quite literally by design.

Don’t believe your lying eyes. Correct?


It is baffling to me that you pose the very questions that Anduin asks of himself and all you see is weakness and wokeness. Can you not conceive of a strong leader who has gone through a traumatic event and doubts himself afterwards? Are you not interested in that person’s story anymore, just because they stopped mowing through enemy hordes?

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They did well to steer away from the Go’ell green jesus stuff. Prior to this, Thrall was the most badass character in the story and loved by everyone, and they managed to ruin it in one expansion by overcooking it to the max.

There has been enough time for him to make a redemption though, after they completely buried his character for Legion. But with all the “girl powa” going around I think they are more likely to kill him off than to allow him to get in the way.

Bad characters. Too lame and bland when strong “male” emotions/actions are needed. Too clumsy and brutish when gentle “female” emotions/actions are needed.


Woah. It’s almost like they’re related or something. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

it’s the companies woke agenda that gets us all. Most of the world is already sick of it during work and nobody wants it when they sit down to play a game and relax.


First of all, I’m a man, I love women and I’m happy about them having the freedom they didn’t have 50 years ago.

That said, filling a whole expansion with only women and at the same time deleting all men from existence and any relevant role doesn’t seem right, especially because most of us are men, and generally we do not like coward and insecure behavior like Andruin’s.

And then there’s the whole woke DEI thing and the physical representation of it (Faerin) which absolutely makes no sense to me. I’m okay with women, I’m okay with blacks, I’m okay with disabled people, but I’m not okay with this mixture they created with the sole purpose of cleaning their bad image about women and harassment.


I don’t know man, I literally couldn’t care less who is portrayed as the badass in a videogame. As long as it’s me; and they’re calling me Champion 'n stuff so I’m good.

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