This is why I said earlier that it was pointless to debate with him, No matter what you say or put forward he will just reply “it’s still automation” he’s already showed many times he doesn’t even know how it works on the basic terms. It’s pointless. It’s just going to go back and forth. You could give him the holy grail of proof he will still deny it, It doesn’t fit his cause or agenda of hating multiboxing.
I’m ok with someone hating multiboxing but don’t just make terms or things up to go against it.
In a normal situation to control 10 characters, you would need to switch between each acc and perform actions one acc at a time.
3rd party software used for multi-boxing is allowing reduction of human intervention to a minimum to perform one action across e.g. 10 accounts at the same time.
There are generally more complaints on the forums about multibox farming characters than PvP.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen 30 accounts in one BG, however after farming my rank 4 PvP essence I’ve barely set foot in another battleground this expansion. Multiboxers were a rare sight during that slog.
I am not a fan of multiboxing myself and I wouldn’t shed a tear if it was no longer allowed. However Blizzard’s stance is that it’s no different to a coordinated group in PvP or other activities.
I don’t have an issue with people complaining, I dislike that people can’t constructively stick to one topic, so we end up with this endless cycle. I get the impression I’m not the only one who would love to see them all properly merged into one:-
If the 10 characters need the human input to perform the action, by definition they are not autonomous. That the input is being multiplexed doesn’t change that fundamental requirement.
They do act under the input given by the player just the input is given once and then continuously repeated by the 3rd party software.
In multi-boxing input is simply given more frequently but that input is then repeated across multiple characters same as in botting.
So the fundamental difference between botting and multi-boxing is the level of automation, autonomy and difference in frequency of the human input. Other than that both techniques rely on the same solution which is allowing one human user to control multiple characters at the same time which is otherwise impossible.
I’m simply pointing out that macro systems can be used to emulate botting and this is further proven by the fact that some games did prohibit the use of them in the game.
For example, back in 2009, I was playing MMORPG called Rising Force Online which was published by Codemasters, and people were abusing the macro system to perform a set of actions and then modifying macros so the same set of actions is performed after X sec of delay. Effectively you could press a macro button and walk away from your PC for X amount of time and your character was performing actions for some time without your intervention.