Why are so many classes designed like this?


Just wondering…

Why are so many classes designed around 1 ability doing almost all of the damage, and every thing else looks close to “Useless” ?


Because this company since Wod hired bunch of useless existences who lead game worst possible path.Shame on them.


Well those top damage abilities come from generating resources or managing DOT’s well or reacting to procs well. It’s not like a priest can just hit devouring plague every GCD and win.

Is there an actual problem statement here? Would we be better off if all spells were more equal? Would it add depth or a different skill celling or floor?


What about cooldown managing and options to choose playstyle to be more equal depends of choice (like in past) instead of Condem>everything else behind by 80%.

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yes aimed shot and condemn totally belong to this.

Company is just incompetent if, especially a covenant ability, almost does half of your dmg.

hurdur we will balance covenants lol


I don’t mind this so much on active abilities, its the passives that I object to.

Cos it’s a simple design that allows everyone to perform at an half decent level.

Immagine a class that only 5% or less of the player knows how to play at a basic level?

None, and also you made waste time and MONEY in creating a class people don’t want to play even at basic level.

And when was that the case ever in the history of the game?

The point of this is to make those abilities “feel meaningful”, however the other and more important side is that it makes all other abilities feel awful, and makes gameplay duller as a result when you’re tickling enemies 80% of the time so that you can shine for 20%.


I agree generally that the whole “one ability to rule them all” is pretty unfulfilling, but mainly due to the way it synchronises with burst big CDs which most DPS classes seem to be about ATM. It’s about maximising that cooldown to the majority of your classes potential out, which leads to specs feeling half baked outside of it.

Yet there is precedent for blizzard seemingly being unable to make rotations complex and more versatile and this being seized upon by the playerbase. In MoP raids like ToT weren’t just hard because of raid tuning, but back then parses for many specs were way lower in general regarding what a spec could theoretically out out Vs what happened. This either suggests a huge coincidence in player skill or that making your rotation reliant upon a huge combination of factors in itself doesn’t lend itself to designing encounters that are in themselves a challenge. MoP showed us you can’t make a rotation super complex and nuanced and have raids with flair, because the result is most people don’t even play their class at half potential, which means that design is wasted.

So the route blizzard appears to have adopted is they make raid encounters “busier” than rotations in themselves, because having to balance like 10 different plates in addition to watching like 7 mechanics just to actually perform even above 50% just feels very frustrating, even if the depth that spec design offered was potentially fun and creative. It just resulted in waste.

It’s like building a car with 12 features and drivers by and large only end up using 6 of them.

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It’s toxic gameplay, all those abilities work around 2 minute cool down that make them do so much, that’s why most of classes feel the same…


It’s very linear and it means when that one key skill gets nerfed on a spec it ruins it entirely.

But Blizzard probably like it from a balancing perspective as it makes their job easier.


I agree but I dislike the approach they have chosen. Raids have become overwhelmingly cluttered with abilities, intermissions and disgusting overlaps that make encounters tedious instead of engaging. It should dialed down while class complexity is dialed up ever so slightly.

We don’t even need that much more, just make fillers spell less useless like they used to be, and add some more interactions between abilities. We don’t need 30 buttons, just that the 5-8 we actively press work together.


Ya, just like in fighting games - combos. Combos literally are the difference in those games between being engaging or mind numbing.

Yeah but not nearly as many, since there are still a ton of things to keep in mind both in PvE and PvP that classes can’t really be extremely complex unless that content is a faceroll.


join a normal level dungeon and you will find out that not even that is the case.
Plenty of people running around doing sub 500 dps while during leveling every class can easy push 2k dps in dungeons

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Half decent level implies using Pyro when you have a hot streak proc.

Im well aware that most mages don’t even use combust.

Like monk or dh which both are the least played classes in the game?

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30% isn’t even most of the damage, let alone almost all of the damage.
In most cases i think the further back you go with the game, the more dominant one ability is, probably because you had less damage sources.

monk in fact have the gamestille that is more oppiste to class design.

while i dont know you but dh where always present in legion and bfa