Why are there no male or female Dracthyr?

The female with the white hair is just beautiful.

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The male with the black hair looks pretty boss.

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One of my favourite nonsense words.

Well, i prefer my pixels to be female in most games based on one simple factor


Wouldn’t that be 2 factors?

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Herpetology is the branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians (including frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and the gymnophiona) and reptiles

no i dont see ignored content

Nonsense word! :smiley:

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but whae :frowning:

Lmao oh dear I never noticed that

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care to explain who is what

I’m sorry, just joshing. It’s just always struck me as a funny word. But then my degree included “strange quarks”, so I have no leg to stand on really.

agree also may seem it studies herpesvirus kek

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Quite often in nature, females are larger than males. This is the case with most reptiles.

Either way, I don’t care how they look… all I care about is if the class is good and plays well.

The dragon form uses the same model for both genders. Blizz has an opportunity here to make masculinity or femininity expressible through the customization - like having more masculine or feminine features, having I dunno pink (for boy) and blue (for girl). Imagine if you could customize the color of the wing skin? That would be so sweet.

Elden Ring, while it has 2 body types, does not restrict any customization based on your character’s gender. So you can use the male body as a base and make something that’s near indistinguishable from a woman, or vice versa. You can totally put beards and body hair on female bodies. Customize the length and thickness of body hair, or even its color. You can make a woman and cover her in bright blue fur if you wanted, it’s really awesome.

And in all honesty, I like that type of customization.

Well it obviously matters to a lot of people, who want to have more feminine or masculine forms for their dragons, like we have always seen in the game.

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Hello friend, do you have a minute to talk about our Lords and Saviours, Kul Tirans?


You mean quite often males are larger while females are rarely larger? :grin:

I mean exactly what I said

Insects are the most numerous living creatures on this planet.