Why are you silent Blizz

The comedy of this situation is that these same guys that chose op racial over fast ques are gonna be the same people complaining that they are hard stuck on 1.5k rating.

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People ruin things for other people. Nothing new just move on and sit in que

No it isn’t. Classic isn’t Retail.

It’s not narrow-mindedness. I simply accept the game for what it is, and for what it is intended to be.

I don’t ask for changes to a game that is designed as a faithful recreation, that would go directly against the design principles of said recreation, just because it would be more convenient for me that way.

This is not TBC vanilla. This is TBCC, they have fixed numerous things. This should also be fixed.


No, it should not.

What they fixed were errors, old design decisions revised later (like Rating requirements), and a balancing problem that never made sense (pally seals).

The Horde BG Queues are not something that goes against the original design intent. BGs in TBC were intended to be faction vs. faction.


A functional system must be prioritised.


dear OP
everything is broken about this game, you just haven’t realize that yet.
just forget it & enjoy! But if you can’t enjoy? then save your time & quit.

What issues does alliance have from this?

The system is completely functional.

“Functional” != “Convenient to someone”

“Functional” == “Working according to the specififcations”


It will be reduced, but so far I heard that people like TBC PvP more than SL for not being OTK burst fiesta.

Server disbalance and pvp representation.

Well some of our ex allies are known for their ability to reroll into Horde with boosts. They might be root of your queue problem.

It’s always amusing all these threads about how to fix the ‘problem’ for horde but not to fix the problem on Alliance which is a lower population that would continue to lower in favor for the heavier populated faction(horde) just like in retail to snowball so much more because Horde do have superior racials unlike retail currently.

I don’t feel any of this

1-2h queues for 10 minutes matches lol! That is not a functional system. Bring on HvH BGs Blizzard :muscle:

I want it, NOW

Said the dwarf priest.

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Okay Mr orc.

That’s why 16% of arena players play orc.
5% arena players play dwarf.

Yeah your right they must be op so many dwarfs in PvP.

Let me guess you picked orc because you wanted to look like the incredible hulk not for racials :+1:

I don’t know about you, but one of the world top priests straight out saying that Dwarf Priest is the strongest of every racial for priest. Kinda trust his words over yours.


I’m saying actual statistics so it’s nothing to do with my “word”

The world top priest as you put it is sitting rank 180 right now I guess all the undead priests ahead of him are just pretending to be better.

Infact the top 10 teams right now all have an undead priest