Naww, poor hordies losing when the odds are even.
In spite of having a whole minute lead to ally base, horde consistently loses, how could that be? Are the super gimped towers breaking the horde? Are the blizzards on the bridge which you can just run through without getting slowed anyway stopping the horde… hmmm…
It’s been this way since day one. The map has always favoured an Alliance zerg. Horde can win, but we have to defend and give our guys up north a little more time. Unfortunately most people don’t understand this and if they do, they don’t want to do it.
I suppose hordes been busy ganking and griefing alliance, instead of farming to that sweet epic mount. Team with most epic mounts wins.
OH - and remember carrot on a stick for that extra speed trolololol
Because the map is set for an Ally victory by Blizzard, it favors them a lot. That’s why I’m not wasting my precious time on that unfair BG.
1-0 in AV
4-1 in WSG
Done for today ¯ \ _ (ツ)_ / ¯
Its not about winning or drag out losing, its about most honor per hour. End of story.
As said above by various posters, Alterac Valley naturally strongly favours Alliance, it’s an upwards battle for Horde, due to map design being asymmetrical.
Can someone please explain how “AV is naturally ally favored”? I’m just curious about your explanation and why you’re parroting this.
It’s always been like that. Back in Vanilla when i played alliance we won 3/4 AV’s while loosing 8/10 WSG or AB.
So no explanation? Just “heh, just the way the cookie crumbles buddy”
I see horde not utilizing the most OP strategy(which I’m not gonna tell you BTW), which surely would have granted them more victories in AV
Horde did not discover alliance backdoor entrance yet due to narrow vision, so they rush north like headless chimps and lose due to time limit.
In additional, they have no brains to leave small team to stop alliance at bottleneck to win some time.
They can win when outnumber or outorganize (premade vs pug)
Just simple horde stuff.
Delete this
It’s simply displayed by the data. Most agree it is by design more suited towards alliance victory rather than horde.
If you have two sides of equally unorganised 40+ people on each side, and one side always win, something is favoured towards the side always winning, no?
Alli are better at PvE, AV is PvE so naturally they win, simple really.
Again, you’re giving the same non argument. specifics!
-> horde
-> strategy
topkek haven’t you experienced p2?
Its been the same for 15 years, map favours Alliance, simple
MAX horde cope.
Then prove me wrong instead of saying “you’re wrong because i say so”