Why can't I transfer a character to a realm I already have characters on?

Recently high population servers were locked so that you can’t transfer or create new characters on them. I understand why Blizzard did this since the queues and lags on some realms were a big problem.

I was planning on moving my lvl 70 character from Gehennas to Golemagg so I can play with my friends who play on Golemagg (they started recently to play). Both realms are now locked due to their high population. I already have characters on both realms and I can play on them and I can even make new characters there. Why can’t I move my lvl 70 to Golemagg when I still have “a spot” there and can log in and play my alts and “occupy a slot”, nothing really changes in terms of realm population if I move my lvl 70 there since I already play other characters there. Of course I could just play a character I already have on Golemagg, but it’s quite frustrating that I am not allowed to move my main that I’ve spent a lot of time on and prepared for WOTLK so that I can play with my friends. It’s one thing to prevent people who have never played on those servers to enter them to control the population, but this is not the case for people who already play on them.

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I don’t think the transfer system can be set to check for characters already on a realm. And if it could wouldn’t most people just make a character there so they can transfer?

If you already have characters there why not play those with your friends, or maybe even use a boost?

I’ve invested a lot of time on my main, played it since start of classic, got pvp title you can’t get anymore and other stuff and I prefer playing on that character.

You could move it after they release the realms.

btw this is the Era forums not the Wrath forums.

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Just make a ticket on your battle net account and see what they say.

This is the wrong forum, you might get a better answer in the correct forum: WotLK. This forum is for Classic (lvl 60) Warcraft.

That will do nothing.

Imaging not having system like that in place in 2022

Imagine not being able to post on the correct forum in 2022.

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