As others have said, do not try to hide behing casual, in order to promote your agenda. Trust me, I am also not big fan of “applying” to groups and being rejected, but in time I learned not to pay attention to it.
What’s more important, there are hundreds of thousands of players like you. Simple make a group, literally write in description something like “this is for those who would like automated mythic+ and hate logistics around group organizing” and I assure you, you will get 20 applications in no time.
So, learn to pull small effort in order to achieve something, rather than requiring something which doesn’t make sense at all, which is in this case m+ automated tool. You literally need zero effort to achieve what you want, but you require even that to be removed and tailored to your own needs.
With PUG content the leader is in control of who joins their team. Most people do not want the first four random other people to join their team. That is why the tool is there, however if you want to treat it that way you are free to do so and take the first four (in the right roles) who apply.
The harder or more organised the content the more impractical it is to do that. You want people to fill specific roles. That goes for raiding, dungeons, heroic warfronts, and pvp.
Players have a choice, they can either stick with the auto queue content, or they can venture into the world of PuG content. There is plenty of choice for both.
Normal and Heroic dungeons are queueable. Shouldn’t that fit for your “casual needs”? If you want an autoqueue for mythic dungeons they have to be made easier, thats the point. I think with normal and hc there is enough easy content available.
Btw, I know plenty of casuals doing regular +10 or so…
Not to argue against or pro, reminds me an incident why it wouldn’t work.
A guildie of mine - a returning player. Whispers me if I could help him on a +6 or so. My character done 15-17 in time, at the time 2nd highest rated on her class and spec in realm (as told to me by someone, as I do not have the addon). I say sure I have some time before going off.
My guildie telling group leader saying - inv. this and that player, she has x and y ilevel, and so on. And then this +6 running group insistedto find out my score. My guildie did not know it, I had no clue of it and then they debated if I should be invited. And them my guildie got bit annoyed and said : “she has done the darn 15-17 in time” and someone then supposedly had responded with “But that’s too high, those players are kind of rude and would quit mid run” - I logged my +10 rogue and we pretended I am someone else.
How getting ino +6 as dps THEY NEEDED had to be such of a rocket science is beyond me. As i didn’t need it, I just wanted to help a guildie. And when my rogue did half of the groups damage, then i couldn’t but just laugh in gchat about the whole event.
Well I quit at the end of WoD so my old character isn’t even available to select to post on. I guess I have to log in with her in the game to have her selectable in the forums, and I’m not going to download a massive game just so I can satisfy you.
I was speaking very generally about WoW, not dungeons or raids specifically. I would have thought how I barely focused on instanced content in my post, and instead focused on the lack of moderately challenging content outside of high-end pve (that doesn’t require timetables, pre-made groups or hanging around for ages making a pug…and such content need not necessarily be in an instance) would have made this obvious but I guess it’s easier to call bs on me than actually read.
So even if you are doing “too high” content, that’s also a problem now
Man, I don’t get why the community creates problems here and there and everywhere. Not a MDI class… Not gonna inv! A little too low… Not gonna inv! A little too high… Not gonna Inv!
Some people with high io scores can be a little toxic, some just have no patience for mistakes or want everything done quick and fast. They forget not everyone who plays is at their level. So people don’t always want high io score players in their groups.
Tbh if someone with a high io is helping out a guild member they are hardly likely to be toxic, rage at others, or quit. They are just there to help the party. So it was silly on the leader’s part.
Success rate of these dungeons would probably be horrible if they even start. Imaging queuing a +8 and land in Shrine with tyrannical with 3 shadowpriest dps. You can just insta-leave because you won’t be able to beat the 2nd and last boss…
Lol please stop beating around the bush and admit this has nothing to do with “roles”, you specifically want to exclude people whose ilevel doesn’t overgear the dungeon and raider io score shows they haven’t memorized all the mechanics. It’s ironic that the elitists only want to make the game easier with LFG tool by on grouping with people who overgear the content.
I feel this has always been thing of the internet - the us, them, elitism, underdog etc subcultures. I know there are 15+ key runners, who are so head into their you-know-where (lets remain polite), but I find the presumption that someone doing 5-10 or 15 are X-kind of person or is behaving defacto like Y or Z is kind of weird.
People somehow seem to want to surround them with just certain type of people, and then complain as if there’s no community. We actually see it in classic too. The cleavers, non cleavers, the roleplayers, the high-enders, the ones from private servers, the ones from modern and so on and so on. People seek labels to use and exclude or add people to their lists.
When I organise M+ - I do ask people their ilevel and performance too, but mainly to figure out which key/dungeon is better. I will not make a i400 returning shaman heal a 15 kings rest on hard-trash week. I will probably make them go dps, and get my usual 440 retri heal me and so on.
I think toxic people are toxic anywhere. It is human trait to lack any common manners and politeness. I know some really soft and carebear-type of gladiators and dps heros, whose dps makes me scared as it feels unhuman. Nicest players I’ve ever met.
And then I’ve met this mid range player, who seemed to be so negative and hateful towards anyone and made me think one is stuck in the mid range just because they so toxic themselves and people do not stick around to progress together.
Stop feeding the troll people. This person made a post 5 days ago wether to get bfa or not to try out retail. Now SINdolf has made a post how long 1-120 takes and is thinking about trying retail…
i totally agree. Which is why I used the word ‘some’. It’s the same as this myth that all mythic raiders are toxic and horrible people. I have met some amazing high end players.
Yes, I stand by my statement 100% that mythic dungeons should have a queue option for people who don’t want to go through a harsh vetting process with no guarantees of even getting a group every time they log in and make it more accessible for everyone. If that’s “trolling” then so are the elitists here mocking others for not having a close circle of hardcore friends to group with whenever they want.