Why character boost to 58 is good

You’re asking if it’s okay to pay to skip ‘mandatory content’.
This 58 boost however isn’t skipping any ‘mandatory content’ since hellfire peninsula starts at 58, exactly where the boost ends.
Stop using mandatory. Because nothing in a game you voluntarily play can be mandatory.

I must say you are entertaining. It is kind of fun to watch you make yourself mad about something you cannot influence.

Too bad we are not on the same server, i could have had some fun with you.

You wouldn’t last a day on a high pop server

I didn’t bring up mandatory content, you pro boosters did.

The thing is this is a video game and it doesn’t have to be unequal, I don’t care if you’re Melinda Gates, you make money and can afford it and don’t mind spending it, it’s not fair to those that don’t have €60 laying around for a boost plain and simple.

I’m not so much against boosting as I’m against the pro arguments here geez.
So following the trail we must be able to buy raid boost to skip some irelevant trash there, buy attunement, heck why not the gear itself cuz plainly speaking most are there only for the BIS items. Just shop the gear from previous phases for people to ketchup.

Man, skipping 1 quest out of 10 is not the same thing as skipping the entire leveling process.
Why you even though this is a good argument? Amazing really.


Because im trying to make a point about skipping content.

the bottem line is we all skip content. And there is a fine line between would should be allowed and what not. Boosting is in the clear as far as i am concerned

Your examples are indeed a few bridges to far, but it will not come to that.

You cannot disconnect this from real life.
One base example would be that if i had enough money.

I just pay some dude 5000 bucks so i can log in like 2 months later and i am all decked out in bis gear and stacks of gold.

So? people have better gear than me, that’s not fair. The game isn’t meant to be fair either, when you get over that, come back and make a decent point.

I’m not here to convince you on anything because that’s like trying to describe colors to a blind person, I’ve already made my point

Your point is that you have no point

You did make your point and it’s wrong, 100% wrong, this game is not egalitarian. If it was there would be no need to sell a boost as everyone would be at max level from the start.

Seems you are going in circles.
Saying the same nonsense twice doesn’t make it true.

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You are making a great argument here Dottie.
You say you work hard irl so you have nice stuff.
The same goes in game. You work hard ish you get nice level,nice gear and so on.
But now you don’t have to “work hard” just to use VISA.
It’s against the MMORPG gameplay.

That’s all there is to all this Boosting saga.

If this addition was indeed legitimate and not a cash infusion then boosts would be free and limited for those who don’t have a 58/60 char.
But what people here actually want is boosting to 70 as they say they don’t like leveling but end game.
Blizzard is not a stupid company. They placed the 58 boost in between what players want or don’t want in this game so it won’t fully annoy any camp and semi please both.

What I don’t get tho, is why players are defending the boots that much coming with weird arguments. It’s like they need permission or a clear concious to get it.
Those who are complaining against are doing so to Blizzard because this is a ****y move from them. As I said, if help was really intended then the boost would be free.

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Levelling is not working hard, it’s just questing and time consuming.

I don’t think anyone who is for the boost has said that.

I don’t need anything to clear my conscience as it’s not cloudly, will I use it, probably not, but that depends on the price.

A company wants to make money, what a surprise. Limiting it to those who already have a 60 is defeating the main purpose of it, to go straight into TBCC content, without the tedious levelling to get there. And don’t start strawmanning that to include other stuff, like reps and gear.

yes this is the main reason i want boost

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I wonder how many anti-boosters have paid for realm transfer instead of leveling from scratch again on the target server.

But blizzard said they brought in the boost to help new players catch up. I guess they where wrong and you are right?

sure im not a new player i played classic tbc wotlk cata mop wod legion bfa and now playin shadowlands
but i want to play enha shaman
the reason i didn’t play classic again since begining was becuase i don’t like leveling anymore
so skiping that is win for me cause i saw all quest all zones and everything in this game
so i’m allowed to play only tbc content

You can use the boost however you want. So yea

Yes, wow is p2w atm.

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