Why character boost to 58 is good

I guess I’ll use it to boost a druid so I can fly around and herb in no time.

I really couldn’t understand your statement here . What is the reason why you are playing on a classic server then gangstar? iff you are saying this then blizz could give us raid gear and such for free aswell. we’ve cleared those raids a plenty of times.

i think leveling is a part of the classic experience.

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I play to enjoy TBC. The game starts at level 70. The ride to 60 i have done too many times. I cannot enjoy doing it again. It is a waste of time.

If there was no boost i would have not much choice. But with the boost i can skip obsolete and boring content.

Leveling is not even 1% of what you do in total n your max level char. So leveling is indeed not an important part of the game.

That’s not how this works, at all. WoW recieves very little funding compared to the massive profit it brings in. I don’t particularly care about the boost but please.


LFR is optional in Shadowlands too. Don’t like it? Don’t use it.

I’m not trying to say LFR is any similar to level boost - it’s not. Just the argument “iT iS oPtIoNaL” is not a valid one.


In this case i think it is.

Some “optional” stuff will hurt you if you do not do it while other’s will.
This boost will not hurt the ones who will not use it. You would not notice somebody who did or did not use the boost.

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Actually the game starts at level 1


Isn’t it virtually the same as LFR? Doesn’t hurt those who only do normals+ in the slightest.

Who is LFR hurting? Only the people doing LFR right?

Ye that’s my point. Boost is as fine as LFR, It’s up to a person to decide what degree of “fine” that is.


The ppl choosing to do LFR are shooting themself in the foot though.
From my past experiences no matter how easy they make LFR, the majority of pugs will still wipe to the most ridiculous stuff.
So you queue for LFR, wipe on the easiest mechanics, and in the end you’ll have wasted your own time, to (maybe) get gear that’s not even that great?

Sorry for meddling and quoting a small part to nag about. My work shift is almost over!

Who do LFR today? Nobody. At best you do it once for the story and that’s it.
It used to be popular when it was first implemented because you had nice looking mogs / tier set/ mounts And they also provided nice upgrades if you’re a solo player.

Nowadays no more sets, ugly af armors, ilvl which is 10+ lower than what you get elsewhere as solo player. And on top of that they put real mechanics to make sure it is super tedious with bad pugs.

Sure if you take it literally, yes. But it can also start at 58 with boost, no?

The real game (for me) starts at max level

Why can’t everybody play the game as they want? We are all brother’s in playing wow. Let’s just accept the boost and have some fun.


i accepted all things in retail, its not fun :frowning:
All worries, dislikes are about, classic will be lead to retail.

Will never accept a boost designed for tourist whales.
It goes against everything classic is.

Enjoy it tho.
Retail babies have ruined classic


Heh, well the real game(for me) starts at warglaives.

Why can’t everybody play the game as they want? Blizzard should add warglaives to the cash store.

Curious how you can claim retail babies ruined classic. Barely anyone asked for boost. That was blizzard decision to go through with it.

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The issue I have with the boost is that it takes us down the exact same path that made me dislike retail. Microtransactions is in my view toxic to the vanilla game philosophy. It flyes in the face of why I enjoy classic at all. Its why I wont be playing TBC. You all can enjoy it all you want, but I know I wont, because what I think will happen in the future. If it goes down this path blizzard will lose the players they gained with classic again.


With the Internet as it is nowadays there’s no excuse for being a noob, you just Google how to play your class/spec. Then you join an instance group and say 'this is my first time doing 《insert instance name》 and after your first run you are a master. You can even skip the middle part altogether.

I think Blizzard decided this by themselves. They know more people will play with a boost.
I have already 2 friends who are gonna play only because of the boost. And i got a few friends in game who are gonna boost 100% as will i.

You do not need to worry, we will get boost, but nothing else will come along.

You would be surprised :slight_smile: