Why Death knight does need a full rework

Wrath was the best when it comes to the DK as a class (didn’t play during MoP, sadly).

They need to look back a realise what made the class so fun back then. You could tank and dps as any spec, and it brought an unique set of tools to each role.

I do believe blizz have the possibility to make this happen, however with the current design philosophy it won’t most likely not happen.

1- disease 1, disease 2, main strike, offstrike
2-main strike spam, dump RP, go back to 1

that was the wrath DK rotation for tank and dps on all 3 specs, so i for one would not want that back, mop design was MILES ahead of wrath,

except legion blood which imo is the best so far due to the new DS mechanic not needing more and more mastery stacking every godam tier just to remain decent

True, it got replaced with haste stacking.

no, versatility stacking, which double dips for blood or just plain ilvl

and u dont need more and more in each tier, each point of versa has the same value, ie, versa is not devalued each tier

I meant in Legion. In Legion haste was de facto the best stat.

BfA turned to vers, though the difference between the stats is a lot lower than in Legion.

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yes, in legion u wanted to reach 29% haste unbuffed which was way easier than now

and this is different to current state… how?

Ill tell you how, we are reliant on RNG now. That is all.

The simple fact is, the class as a whole was better in Wrath purely because you had full control of everything, this was YOUR class and not the systems class.

I am ok with a little bit of RNG such as Rime/howling blast but when it is literally telling you wether or not you can play the game, that is crossing the line as it is completely out of your control. This is why so many DK players gravitate towards whatever gives them as little RNG as possible, we are literally crying out for a reduction in RNG reliance and blizzard keeps increasing it in response…


those a diferent things

what i wrote is bad because DKs were exactly the same, only diferent color, both for dps and tanking,
u used the EXACTLY same buttons, in the same order, wether u were tanking or dps and regardeless of spec, it was the peak of spec homogenization
if u moved away of that set in stone rotation ur dps drop hugely, it was set in stone, “hard coded”, and every second u were not doing the rotation u lost chucks of dps because of how runes worked and aligned

there was no freedom nor adaptation, even in talents, u either took the pve talents or the pvp talents most of the times

the only slight variation was if u wanted more magic prevention or more HP and tanking as frost sucked, and DW tanking was trash as it buffed the boss dmg

I repeat, and that is different from now…?

yes you heard it, because now you are told when to attack by RNG, there is no difference other than that RNG:

Wrath dk example:
1-2-3-3-4-4-4 repeat, utilise Procs in between such as rime or rune strike.

Current dk example:
1-2-3-2-3-2-3-2-3-2-3-2-3 repeat, sometimes ignoring procs as they can overcap you and lower your damage.


6 specs (dps/tank) exactly the same rotation
ever since cataclysm they have been diferent each expation foward
blood, unh and frost have been diferent since cataclysm, even rember the joy festerblight unholy build was in mop and wod, we never got that in DKs again saddly

I hope you are not suggesting that a wrath blood dk was the same as a wrath frost dk or unholy dk, because that would be sheer ignorance…

there were THREE specs and only 3 whic were all Tanky dps. The reason they were able to tank was because they all had inherent tanking abilities while your talents gave form to your dps setup while bolstering that baseline tank.

after which you simply chose wether to gear for tanking or dpsing and that is all you needed to determine your role as a death knight.

You were in effect a dps that could tank but i am not asking for that to return, only that we gain a sensible amount of toughness for what the class is, even if this is potentially just a temporary tank mode buff for the dps specs, lord knows it needs it for pvp and would give it a little more use in pve.

im saying the rotation was exactly the same between roles and specs, u just swaped the mainstrike and the dump spell, and macroed runestrike to all ur spells

i would change alot of BFA frost (unh not that much), but i would not go back to wrath when mop and legion had better iterations, in my opinion

but we can forget reworks in BFA as they are probably aiming them into next expantion

Have you even bothered to consider a reversion to the wrath iteration could also leave room for additional abilities, with cooldowns to break up the full static rotation?

currently they struggle to do so because the RNG just messes it up every time.

yes, RNG sucks, i would much rather have killing machine as a actual cooldown so you could choose what spell to make crit, like the next 3 strikes crit
i never liked having to track swingtimers

this could even be based on either u been stacking mastery for froststrike or versa for obliterate

the lack of RNG was one of the reasons i liked festerblight with necrotic plague so much

and yet that is inconsistant with everything else you have said, which was that you prefer the current completely dominated by RNG system over the wrath system in which everything was under your control.

not liking RNG and abhor how homogenized DKs rotation were in wrath are 2 different things, even the mop mastery build for frost was better as KM didnt relly in autoatack crits but paying atention and using ur spells on the correct time
in wod the howling blast spam became boring but a side effect of making mastery so good for frost

howling blast spam was a by-product of them changing howling blast from 2 runes and replacing obliterate every 8 seconds to 1 rune with no cooldown.

It has existed since cataclysm as a testament to how badly designed the updated system was.

yet despite this it took them 3 expansions to fix it in legion while subsequently breaking the rest of the class, if you recall frost was the worst dps spec in the history of wow at the start of legion, I don’t think it even qualified to be on that board at the start of BFA.

to really hit the point home, it still exists in the form of frostscythe spam today as after a certain crit and mastery threshold… you get the idea.

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Nope! I like to go back and use my Runeforge. It just 1 min. I like, because it is a very good RPG thing.


Too be fair, only unholy had a really basic rotation. Frost wasn’t that hardcoded. (if you played with glyph of disease, that’s a different story)
And you still had a little freedom with blood too manage your death strikes/rune taps properly. And yeah, rune strike sucked big time, like every other “on next melee strike” type attack.

I agree with you, imho the class was really bland back then, nowadays everything’s more polished, so I would say it feels better too play.
(Well, except frost. It’s like playing a rogue without the speed and all the utilites, kek)

But still my favorite expansion. Well, not because of dks, but because the current meta sucks, and it sucks since wod.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like homogenization at all, but I liked the freedom I had. The only reason I hated cataclysm was because some smartass thought it’s a good thing to force us into a “dedicated tank spec”.

All specs had all presences, and all talent trees had their own respective tanking and dps cooldowns. That’s exactly why it was good.

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