Why did 70% of players quit SoD?

Bunch of things, getting gold is not easy, yet they ramped the prices on everything to an insane amount.

PvP balance is… well, questionable at best. Some classes are globaling left right n center, while others are stuck in full vanilla mode.

PvE is also not ideal. Not sure who thought it would be a good idea to gimp all the melee by giving bosses insane armor and high resistances to bleeds and poisons. Why would this be fun ? Gnomer also is big enough and it should have easily have a few more bosses and a bit less trash.

STV… lets not even speak of it. Disaster of ecliptic proportions. Every time you play it you just wanna altf4 and not come back.

On top, yes, GDKP removal also made large communities pass on p2. You can tell yourself its not true, but ignoring gold buying and GDKP runs for a decade resulted in people learning to play with those tools. Now you remove it (Which is fine) you have to expect that a lot of people will quit because they cba doing it any other way.

And yes, if you did p1 to its full potential, you literally end up having close to nothing to do in p2.

Blizzard has 99% of the resources already there, the world/maps, BGs etc etc. Even the “rune spells” they are just hitting copy paste from retail. Having phases lasting THIS long (3 months) and producing this little ? Ofc people will quit.


70% didnt quit.

Maybe 5-10% of players dropped it. Look at the numbers of SOD around 2 weeks in (5iDs) and at p2 rn.

No matter how you slice it, i personally think STV is one of the best world pvp event i’ve ever seen, way better than ashevale where you only objective is to kill boss… never been a fan of that, 5v5 FFA is to me awesome, and most of the reward are casual friendly.

I still see a lot of people at ashenvale, they buffed the rep you’re getting, pvp was never meant to be played solo in wow ( aka 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, Rbgs, Dunjon, Raids ), and the fact you don’t like it is personnal, but thousand of people are enjoying it and i’ve never seen that much people joining in a pvp event like that so much. The fact you’re getting lags no matter the layer you’re on is the living proof of that.

People need to understand that THIS, is SOD, it’s not classic, was never meant to be, it’s just a fresh take ( not so fresh if you factor into account they basically took from Ascension project, but that’s a talk for another day ), they are experimenting, and i would never have thought that Open PVP would be brough back to the game in such a refreshing way.

And was it worth it? I mean we are a group of casual players and we only did our first Gnome two days ago. Fresh 40s, no gear, no consumables etc. and we cleared 5/6. So we did not clear it all on the first run, but we at least spent no gold. Today we will do a second run and will hopefully manage to kill it all. I mean I am not sure why everyone was aiming to clear the right on the very first run. I mean once you clear the raid, basically the game is finished, there is no need to farm for the better gear if you are able to clear the most difficult content with the current gear, isn´t it? This is one thing I like more about retail - there is actually a reason to go raid and get better gear as there is always a more difficult content that you can do.

Gkdp and more flooded S1 with so much gold it yields long term damage on the market.

Continous incentivization to complete every quest far past max level kills open world on new phase launches

Balance is absolutely horrific.

Poor scaling to monsters which makes the world in many ways feel like a joke.

Its just classic design layered with overpowered runes

These arent nessercarily bad things, just things i dont personally enjoy. The issue with runes being the focus point of class balance, is you have speccs and classes that depend on 1 ability making them overpowered.

When u load a bad kit with 1 big ability that makes them good, they end up in a position of 1 shotting, look at boomkin as a good example of this. Boomy has plummeted in pve because starsurge although on paper equalised them, in reality was ridiculous due to its 1 shot nature.

I would have preferred, runes to be in line with classic abilities. And see kits buffed to balance them out overall, right now irs just whoever smacks rhe win button fastest.

SoD isnt dead, its booming, the games not bad, nothings gonna be perfect.

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finally someone who doesn’t look at logs short sighted.

Sometimes I‘d like to have less players on the server - especially while questing. With 10 layers each one is still packed especially when I play in the evening.

I can tell you reason for that.

Millennials :slightly_smiling_face:

Main reason i quit, Gnomer run 1 cost me 50g, i only had 50 left and did not want to spend all my in game time farming to just do Gnomer !

Today was in stv event. Want to cancel my subsbsription. Never thought devs could add something like this to the game.

you mean we need to look the numbers of bots. Come on

Season of one shot meta.

Phase2 just isn’t fun. That’s all it boils down to.

Because 15% of the player base are playing Mages
5% playing Ele shammy
10% playing preist

That is 30% and it’s only those that get buffed instead of nerfed.

In other words blizztards are destroying it for everyone with their “balancing” act and showing us paying costumers that they have no idea what they are doing but act like a group of monkeys around a advanced machine…

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I dont get all the people complaining about consumable cost.

I’ve cleared the raid with my guild a couple of times with no consumables at all, no NPP, no FAPs, no elixirs. I’m a lock main tank.

Also the group was far from perfect, we had more melee dps than ranged.

Last run one guy left and we 9-manned the last boss with people doing around 130 dps :smiley:

They are not required, is easy if you do the bosses the correct way and pay attention.

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Because sod is a random roulette of a small group of degen devs who test out w/e they like without considering the actual effects to the game. It is a horrible joke led by aggbad and his gang. Boycott by not buying Blizzards products or gametime. A lot of good private servers out there with better management!

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I think phase 1 runes were amazing. Every class were fun, good and cool except for mages and perhaps warlocks. Mage healing was cool but overall mages needed some damage and ye Warlock tanks were op as hell wich was fun!
I played Hunter, druid and warrior myself.

I mean the core Idea of SoD were to make all speccs playable and that we were suppose to slow down the game and play classic the most classicly we’ve ever played it.
How many forgotten lvl 25 quest lines, and consumables we discovered. Min maxing lvl 25 was really really fun.
But now? The runes from phase 1 was even over the top. Phase 2 runes together with lvl 40 spells have taken the game far longer than Cataclysm. You have to go to Mop and beyond for a fair class comparison.
Problem is that “Mop classes” with classic mechanics and hp pools doesnt go hand in hand.

Everyone that had a duel in classic era around lvl 40 knows that the usually last for 30+ seconds. But now in phase 2 the dmg output is the most insane I’ve ever seen in a RP-game atm.
I mean who on earth is even considering using first aid in a pvp fight now? Or using a grenade? There is no time for it before someone is dead. Compare to Era where you sometimes is closing in your second potion cd…

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  1. runes are garbage/not fun nothing new just copy paste from wotlk/retail

  2. Constant class nerf/buff just buff everyone to be broken and have fun while nerfing the damage by 25% in pvp fights only leaving pve as it is, they lied to us and look at what they’re doing now, having a few classes broken while the rest are in the dirt waiting their turn and end up rerolling.

  3. it’s not era it’s not original classic so expect a lot of players and add quality of stuff changes like faster spawns or at least give credit when players damage someone else’s target if they tag it first…don’t be surprised when people become toxic and get reported when they are sick of waiting because of your dumb decisions. Season of waiting…were not kids anymore were a bunch of adults with responsibilities so at least respect our time we commit when playing your game.

  4. I remember trying out turtlewow and ascension wow 2 years ago to see what all the hype is about and i still follow their news and what they’re currently doing and I am shocked at how incompotent SoD developers are compared to these people. Why not just hire them? Or maybe take a look at what they’re doing?

  5. No matter what I say there will be a group of people defending SoD because their brain cells melted from waiting too long for spawns to the point where they can’t distinguish between quality and bad content


oh if you’re gonna ask me why not quit? i already did after i hit 40 and just look at the miserable threads here being ignored by devs for months lmao


quit at 31, SOD is cope

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Numbers for p1 was extremely bloated because everyone had atleast 2 alts they raided with. I myself raided on 4. Currently im raiding on 1. Its not the player count that dropped significantly but character count. Getting to 40 is harder than to 25. Use your :brain: for once

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Wise words from @licoricelady

I’m also quiting in few days, s2 is literally underwhelming. P1 was somehow fun, but this is giving me no hope. There is not many changes as well, it feels like era but with phases and extra skills, nothing else. They could do creative skills at least, they are not exciting at all.