Why did 70% of players quit SoD?

What are you talking about? SoD is extremely popular, did you see hundreds of mages doing stockade constantly? No way they are not having fun

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PvE has 1 overly easy raid and no dungeons.
PvP is a burst meta with 0 skill and 0 counterplay.
PvP event is a laggy mess with layering issues.
Bots are running rampant again, openly botting in a capital city while being in their own bot guild, openly taunting Blizzard.

Game is a big steaming pile of dog doodoo.


The phase is a bit lacking, but i still see busy cities and lots of pugs running. This is just more dooming from the usual panic merchants.

Do you mean hundreds of bots? I also think they are having good times and memorable journey :blush:

Because almost every hunter left the game after 27 feb! :stuck_out_tongue:

phase 2 is better than phase 1 in everyway

especially in people quitting and bots ramparting

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Why did 70% of players quit SoD?
Cause the classes are being balanced for pvp > pve

As a PvP player, this is 100% just not true. If this was remotely true Cooldown durations would be equalised.

An instance of this can be observed with Dispersion for Priests. Its 2-minute cooldown poses no problem in PvE; in fact, it significantly aids the raid by enabling them to evade damage mechanics and regenerate a substantial amount of mana per fight. On the contrary, consider the Warrior’s equivalent, Shield Wall. While it serves as an impressive damage reduction ability, assisting Warriors in surviving impending damage, it operates on a lengthy 30-minute cooldown and doesn’t match up to the effectiveness of Dispersion. The concern here is not about adapting these abilities for PvE; instead, it revolves around tailoring them for PvP. The cooldowns should ideally be consistent, either set at 2 minutes or 30 minutes. Having one usable 15 times more frequently than the other is because Blizzard are focusing on the 70 minutes we play a week, instead of the remaining 167 hours.

Layering issues is a huge one too and “minor” imbalance in pvp?`The imbalance is pretty massive tbh

Its minor. Ppl with skill issues are blowing stuff out of proportion as usual

Because it’s terrible.

Devs ruined this game when they nerfed everyone at P2 release. Warrior, Feral, Hunter, and I can continue forever. All of theses were heavy nerfed in P1/P2 transition, when no one asked for that.

Then P2 come with atrocious class balance and they didn’t revert P1/P2 nerfs. They continue doing whatever they want.

Removal of GDKP, forced to play with edited by moderator in pugs and get ninjalooted by boomers with 0 risk of ban.

Sure we flee away lol. What a show this game is becoming.

I had a blast in BFD playing pumper Fury Warrior Dual Wield.

What a shame to see this P2 … I should have left earlier. See you, not gonna resub.

Seethe more GDKP pleb

I do agree with most points.

How is difficulty compared to retail, though? Because it is nowhere near.

  1. The game is completely imbalanced, regular updates are changing meta’s constantly, players of a good class one week are rejected from raids the next due to over tuned nerfs.

  2. PvP needs to be a better driving factor for a game mode like this, sure we get the new raid but once people are doing a clear each reset, there is no incentive to play outside of that. PvP would keep some people coming back to build up rank for level 60, but the balance for PvP is all over the place.

  3. A temp game mode with phases that make everything from the last phase pointless. For so many reason people just give up and wait for the next phase. Like anyone playing Warrior Tank right now probably just gave up on Phase 2, same with people who grinded Shockadin gear just to be nerfed out of the meta probably just threw in the towel.

There is no incentive to keep playing in a phase once there is resistance, if your class or spec gets a nerf, you may as well just give up and wait for phase 3 and see if it is any better.

Also they announced the Exp and gold boost too far in advance, everyone who was levelling new characters to try and get around the nerfs just stopped playing while they wait for the update. This might not seem like a big issue in a normal game mode, but in a 3 month phase, basically getting a large part of the player base to quit for a week or more is a huge amount of down time.

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without gdkp i have no gold to raid or motivation to raid with chars i have good gear on. why would i join boomer PUGs who cant even buff people and roll on everything even if they dont need it.

Hahahahahah cry more GDKP pleb go uninstall now and begone you little tumour

almost 600 posts, immediate response and always toxic. you need love and should do something about your loneliness


I mean, I don’t mind GDKP. It’s not my favorite raid system, but at least you get something and it create an env where good players are more willing to help lower people because they gonna get something from it. + in GDKP, you don’t care about parse, it’s all about a balanced raids. Yes, everyone hate when someone come as a whale and buy everything because he work in oil. But that’s like 1% of the GDKP.

Since the removal of GDKP, what we got is a lot of ninja looter and good players don’t want to go in pugs anymore because why would they ? Their alt are still level 25 and they ain’t gonna level them or they raid in guilds. Also in pugs, people really care about parse and the meta because you know theses day a 3rd party website is more important than doing raid mechanic …

I was very skeptical when they said they gonna ban GDKP in Phase 2, I already knew this was the end for pugs.

But when I saw the opening of LF-EU (most populated server), I saw the amount of bots and the gold price going lower and lower. My 1500 Golds are now worth less than 100 dollar, due to the amount of bots.

Even without GDKP, there’s way to much gold buyers because they simply are to lazy to farm themselves (or don’t have enough time). It’s a reality that no one can dismiss, otherwise there would be no bot if there’s no demand. Ironically, GDKP make gold rise in price and reduce the amount of people that can buy them.

GDKP is also not banned in Asian servers because it’s their default loot system lmao.

Sadly, you can not change player habit in 2 days. They play like that since 2019. I can’t blame them, but yeah the amount of alts in P2 is very low we can’t even form 3 raids. And they want guilds to play 20-man raid later, how is that possible can you imagine the amount of people that left for 10-man pugs when they saw no-GDKP ? Imagine with 10 more ppl per raid lmao, you’ll have only a handfull of pugs that clear per server.

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skill issue