Why Did You Marry The Poster Above You 💌

We were both drunk
Very drunk
Whats happenes in Booty Bay stays in Booty Bay
We already filled the pepers, so she is free to grab guys

Doesnt seem you mind it since you decided to marry me
Come give mama a kiss :kissing_heart:

I honestly can’t remember. An excess of ale will do that, but I’m told I had a good time at Brewfest.

Her name is Alice and she makes me feel like I’m in wonderland.

At gunpoint.

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Because of his black tooth

To kill this damn Vulpera!

I love a good challenge and I firmly belived, my love will change her mind :heart:

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to make a pelt wall

For her love of punting Vulpera

because I like chubby girls :stuck_out_tongue: and panda are so cute :heart:

PS: you made it hard here for me as anthropomorphic humanoid not being creepy…

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He reminded me of Retributor


I wanted a blind date, and got her. Then I married her. She never saw it coming.


She just stared deep into my eyes with her big green eyes and said ; ‘’ you wish to know the difference between other people and us ? ;They will stop at nothing to destroy our love ‘’
ı said ‘‘And we will sacrifice everything to save it.’’
Then she said ‘‘NOW YOU ARE PREPARED!!’’.
Then i told ; ''Tell them ! we are coming !!
‘‘Then dramatic darkshore music plays and we put rings each other’’

:rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

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I filled out the wrong application form.
But we stayed together, for the sake of the kids.

Name reminded me of Tofu and they say that’s healthy for you so I gave it the good ol’ college try

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'cause their name both forwards and backwards made me giggle, and they have a nice mog.

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She said she could get me anything I wanted, as long as I didn’t ask where it came from.

Mostly I asked for noodles and plum wine, but one day I’m going to push my luck and ask for peach pie.

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Always has noodles and plum wine (but may be a bigamist).

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She’s like a real worgen but in pocket version.