Why Did You Marry The Poster Above You 💌

He completed my collection of one full size worgen and two travel size.

When I stack the little ones they almost balance out.

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A true monk won’t turn down someone whose name begins with ‘Ale’.

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Because I was looking forward to quelling the unrest between the Blood Elf and the Draenei.
Also because she has great hair.
Also, because she’s a monk.


I needed someone to do the housework while I’m away doing Souldefiler stuff.

That spinning whirlwind kick is fantastic for spin drying.

I love emo and gothic chicks!
no one knows what it’s like
behind blue eyes UwU

because hes black

Married to keep the Quel’dorei blood clean.


She throw me magics balls with sparkles :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Needed to get some excersice… what could be better then someone who needs walks all the time?


She slew a army of succubi :wink:

Because I like Unholy warriors.

Female blood elves are cute :upside_down_face:

Because an Apple told me to ‘think different’, wait… did an Apple really talk to me? I think one must have somewhere at some time because I remember it happening.

in the event of her demise, a taxidermist could make sure my other garden ornaments have a new friend…

Because he knows how to have a interesting conversation in bed… dhu!

Then she found out Alagondar likes to talk about his toy trains.

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Because she’s a red head

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Because she have hair

Because they’re (un)dead like me!

It seemed like a good idea after 15 flagons of mead…