Why did you quit Classic

I’ve never liked classic and begged for changes, what people see as hardcore is in reality just boring and poorly designed.
I quit after AQ, I’m back on waiting for tbc i don’t play or raid, though i remain subbed.

Ah! Another one, old rules, or rules in general not being enforced. Like zone disruption and being unable to do quests or, farm level appropriate mobs to even earn gold for yourself because there’s level 60’s farming every little thing. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/13150

This is worse on servers with 10k people and no layers so there’s like NOTHING you can farm outside of instances reliably.

There’s just honestly no integrity anymore. If Blizzard enforced old rules especially but also current ones it would’ve been a big help. Plus if they made changes when they saw stuff like boosts and GDKP being out of control and harming stuff because a decent chunk of people that do those tend to either buy gold or sell it.

With GDKP, bots, boost sellers. I am quitting classic and wow

I started at the very beginning of Classic… August 2019, was it? I leveled a mage to 60. Did the same with the rogue. I wanted to re-experience all that nostalgia of leveling, going through old maps, killing Edwin Van Cleef again, summoning Stitches in Duskwood, waging endless war in Stranglethorn… i get all that and I was happy. We even had a guild of old pals, we used to play this with back in the day.

Well I was never interested in neither raiding, nor hardcore PvP, so after leveling two characters I decided it is time to move on. I think I left even before release of BWL. Still dont regret it, though!

Got to the end of AQ40 and stopped. Constantly farming for consumables and faffing about with world buffs was dull. Also, 40 man raids, they were just a bit too impersonal. To be honest, collecting + healing gear to spam downranked FH wasn’t hard or challenging or much fun.

Never really found people to play with.
Would’ve been more fun to not only do PUGs, you know? Recently came back, and while I understand that classic is over, finding a Pug is almost impossible. In addition to that, GDKP runs feel bad as well, because most gold seems to be bought.

Could somebody please explain me what is a GDKP-run?

A run where you bid for gear in gold. At the end of the run all gold used to pay for the gear is split among raiders or among carry group.


Well, SL happened for me. I was thinking to just try it and get back to Classic, but it sucked me in to this day.

But, its not only SL, it is Naxx and its enourmous demand for gold and raid consumables and I didnt want to grind so much, esp not having grind capable character.
There is also internet and classic information available - seeing how many hardcore grind and speedkilling whole raids totally demotivated me, iconic vanilla bosses were cheapened and made me like the game less every day.

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