Why did you quit Classic

I quit because I didn’t want to log out of my character all week to have raid buffs. I came back though, damn did I come back…

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Yeah, worse if you’re a tank/dps.
Since the consumes are twice/three times more than a healer.

I’m about to quit after my first month, got the feeling I joined in too late for Classic. Too many bots and boost sellers and boost buyers. I had more friends in private servers.

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getting world buffs was annoying, no mythic+ or arena, only one raid difficulty, bots, no anti cheat

Initially I quit because I was waiting for BGs to come out, and because it got boring to wait for loot prio on Onslaught Girdle and Band of Accuria for my Ret. Could have stayed for Eye of Rag but didn’t drop during the time, so at least I didn’t feel bad about not raiding.

Then I came back for the BGs, but the honor point system was beyond broken, and BGs were laggy because of the amount of people trying to rank, so I passed.

Then I came back again for BWL / ZG to enjoy the PvE, but got kicked from my guild cause I forgot signing for 2 ZG evening raids cause I was PvPing on Retail.

Then once again, I quit towards the very end of AQ because Shadowlands started, and because all the people I PvP-d with quit. I’m not looking to get back into it until they announce TBC. It’ll be much easier to raid Naxx at that point as well.

My ret is still sitting with a tier2.5 token (and Hand of Rag) in his bags cause I just don’t want to log on until TBC is announced, at which point, I will certainly level up a warrior next to my Pally. I actually can’t wait to do the old ZG-Naxx farm groups I used to do with my buddies back in the day.

Edit: although, if they finally just make all the servers for all the old expansions, I’d rush to Cataclysm straight away. Maybe farm up Corr. Ashbringer and transfer to Cata after so I can transmog.

I never “quit” classic I just needed some breaks.

the only thing I “quit” on purpose was phase2 since I totally knew it would become a total clown fiesta.

I mean what would happen if you lock the BiS gear for the best DPS class behind open world ganking? doesn’t require a 200 IQ to predict what would happen

I stopped playing Classic, because SL launched. It also was beause consumes and requirement to raid in Naxx was too expensive and required me to farm gold and materials for way too long. I dont want to play Classic to farm, so I quit to join Retail which is more casual friendly. Otherwise my goal for Classic was to level to 60, clear BWL and get the C’thun kill I never managed in vanilla. All these goals was met, when SL launched.

I do return to Classic to level alts just to enjoy the slow pace and aesthetics of Classic.

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I quit the game everyday because i need to sleep and work but then i will log in again!

I kept getting tons of characters up to 30’s and sometimes 40’s but struggled finding groups for specific dungeons I needed(well, wanted) for say XP, or class quests, better gear, etc.

I KNOW you can level 1-60 completely solo, but you miss a decent chunk of the game without playing with others like elite/group open world quests and areas, dungeons, etc. For quite a few dungeons it’s neigh impossible to get a full group willing to run something normally, not boost.

Trying to get SFK on my paladin, Gnomer in general, RFD… Uldaman is often a tough one to get a group, harder to get one to finish. That’s all on the higher pop realms, on lower poop stuff like RP it’s usually even a bit rougher for certain dungeons.

I really enjoy Classic, but sadly the community and how it’s played has drastically changed over the years to the point I don’t really get full enjoyment out of it. Classic also has far less ‘solo’ content at max, and since I’m not interested in raid-time schedules and trying to pug in the way people do pugs in 2021… Doesn’t leave me much to do.

Another problem is the amount of bots I can just go and find like clockwork in certain zones doing the SAME things since last year. It’s very clear that Blizzard can’t really ‘detect’ a lot of bots and relies entirely on player reports and then a GM to investigate, and THEN action but it doesn’t seem to work out that well.

You don’t need a full group for those dungeons. 5 players is just the maximum of players that can enter those dungeons together, not a requirement.

SFK will not be done by alliance groups that often because it’s simply very far from the alliance starting zones. Also the part for the paladin quest is quite at the beginning of the dungeon, i was able to do the quest solo it at lvl 24.

Yes, I’m sure you’re just able to do every dungeon without out leveling it to the point of it not being relevant without someone with aggro/tanky abilities or heals. I also was not able to solo through all the way through first boss, open the gate and all the mobs to the stables for my paladin quest. Alas.

I do have roughly 35 characters in the ways between 20-40 though. I’m sure my experiences on 5 different servers are just ‘wrong’ arbitrarily. Trying to negate someones experiences or points with your own is bad public discourse 101.

Your ability to repeat something over and over doesn’t automatically mean you understand what you are doing. I am not saying your experience is “wrong”, i really believe that you tell the truth. Other players might not experienced the game like you did and that makes me wonder why is that the case?^^

I loved P1, lvled as a mage so I had a literal blast. I got the pre-raid bis done in dungeons + crafting and got into MC with the guild. After a few weeks it became boring to cast frostbolt over and over so I quit.

After 4 months, I think BWL was already out a while, I came back to level a priest. Got it to 60, joined a bad guild, applied to a serious guild and started to raid AQ40 in the final weeks and finally Naxx from the start, which we cleared a few weeks ago.

Tired of being top 1 every raid? :frowning:

This post - i could copy/paste it as my response!
I played this morning and… it was rubbish to be honest.
4 people in STV. 2 in redridge.
/4 was just wts boost, wts summon
i rolled a lvl 1 hunter because cheese fighting with autoshot was honestly the most fun thing i could do. I was alone, i might add.

I think for me I just didn’t find the constant mandatory farming for world buffs and consumables worth it, I had to bend my life around doing these things with work times getting home from raid. I think I wouldn’t have minded it as much if the content was at the time was necessary for it. But as it was really really disappointingly easy it just seemed like a massive waste. I wasn’t interested in log chasing when all I did was press frostbolt.

I also had a falling out with an IRL friend that I played with on Classic, my guild went from 2 raid teams to 1 so I stopped just before AQ came out having my nature resist set out. I see with Naxx out that progression wise that seems harder for more guilds which has me interested again.

As I don’t have too much to do on SL atmI’ve started a new character but it looks like leveling and any content other than raids look a bit dead compared to what it used to be like for me. I assume nowadays instead of getting pre raid bis you can just go striaght to doing like alt MC, AQ 20 and ZG raids?? If any anyone is doing a reroll project of some sort or something where I can raid let me know :smiley:

I quit once and think Ill do it again. Why? Just like many people mentioned - tons of bots and blizzard doing nothing about it. Type /who blackrock depths on any PvP server and you will see 40-80 rogues pickpocketing 24/7. On PvE servers there are herb farming bots, because you can’t kill them.

I mean on private servers you would be banned instantly if you used a bot and a big company says that “ThEy ArE tRyIng”… Just like in any other game - cheating kills all fun and it looks like blizzard hackors can’t handle it, or maybe they don’t care.

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  • Too hard to found ppl on my server to do elite quests.
  • Too hard to found ppl on my server to do raids elite quests such as Nathanos.
  • Not many group for the end dg, the most dg i saw it was BWD for the access, no more.
  • I was tired to play with only Auto-attack and 1 or 2 spells in raid
  • I was tired to play with a pet perma die in raid
  • I was tired to wast time in trash raids and for finaly to fight with a boss who has less spells than a Cataclysme dg boss.
  • I was tired about this poor graphic cause #nochange players

Well… poor gameplay, poor mecanic, poor graphic, hard to find group (on my server), why should i continue ? :confused:

So many people here ‘want to play with others’ but are guildless and can’t form/start together with like-minded people xD

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I quit a couple of weeks before AQ released. My server had was almost dead (~500 players left; 4-5k items on AH each day) and I wanted to prepare for AQ so I transferred to a much bigger server. But I quickly realised that actually the endgame content is not enjoyable in of itself. It’s only enjoyable when you are with your friends. I missed my old guild and since I was stuck on a huge server I just unsubbed from the game. The moment that my 3-month server transfer CD was up I transferred my characters back to the dead server, and the game has been so much better for it. The server is now completely dead (now 120 players left & 1k items on AH each day) but I’m still having fun with my guildmates. Moving back to dead server revived my interest in the game.

Quitting the game is just part of being a Wow player. Every now and again you get too into it and you burn yourself out. I have played the game since 2005 and in my experience it’s a very difficult game to play “responsibly”. I can go a year without playing it, or I can play 80 hours in a week. There’s no middle ground.