Why did you roll on a pvp server if you don't want to be killed?

This is the exact same deal that went down in vanilla when honor system came out. People complained about getting killed while leveling and so on and look 15 years later, same thing all over again. So I am genuinely curious why did you roll on a pvp server if you don’t want pvp? And how did you not see this coming? It is just stunning to see how little people learned since last time.


As i said in another topic they are “do not put your baby in a microwave” kind of people. Everyone who search atleast basic informations about classic should have known this but no… they are crying and whining, but phase 2 was meant to be gankfest from the beginning.


I just find it insane how many are surprised by any of it.

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PvP realm type got devalued severely over time so people used to WoW over the years could expect PvP realms to be similar to retail PvP ones with very little wPvP.


I rolled on pvp cause I figured Blizzard would be abel to keep the realms semi balanced … But it looks like blizzard is just as useless now as back then when it comes to that.


Ye, cause they did it last time or promised to do it this time or did it on retail.
ehm, actually, no.

How exactly did you “figured” it?


They could have locked toon creation to faction or limit spots to people so if we have 1k horde or alli online only 1k can enter on the other faction. There are so manny systems that could have been used but nothing was done to try and reduce it. Like on my current realm it was Free migrate for both factions 3-4 times and only alli left making the problem worse each time

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Bruh this is nothing like 15 years ago. Todays gamers are too hooked up by the min/max mentality. There were moments of big W-pvp in vanilla aswell, but not at this scale. Every FP is dead, every instance is blocked by gankers who wanna farm honor. This system is clearly not built for 2019.

I agree tho, people should not roll on a PvP server if they don’t wanna get killed. But Blizz put out P2 before most casuals could hit 60. Most polls showing that 40% of the playerbase still are around 52-60. Now they can’t play at all.
So who is to say that these guys can’t complain about getting ganked where ever they go? I would be pissed too.

This will make a huge chunk of the playerbase to quit the game. I think blizz will put out BGs before P3 to be honest.


But wouldn’t people complain that they are not able to play with their friends that have named reserverved? Which was a huge argument for not transfering from massively overpopulated realms?

Expectation: Killing other players.
Reality: Getting killed by other players.


More like

Expectation : Killing and getting killed here and there.
Reality : 5-20 and even more horde / alli all zerging you.

Also trying to do any BRM dungeon atm you have to fight through players from flight path in Searing gorge or Burning stepps all the way to BRM, took me about 50 mins just to get to the dungeon… nothing fun when its like that for those that are out numbered.


this isnt exactly like it was the servers had much lower populations.

if your gonna try preach atleast do some homework before opening your mouth

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Totally agree. Before phase 2 was released my guild had about 30-40 ppl online everyday. Tonight only 5. There’s only so much you can take with corpse and FP camping etc. Unfortunately people just don’t have the patience anymore.
We couldn’t even do BRD tonight because of the amount of wpvp and then ppl leaving the group. It was a massacre.

Oh yeah sorry the servers are bigger and NO ONE KNEW UNTIL P2 came out that this was the case. Again, how did none of you see it coming?


Someone intelligent in this thread.


This. I never saw 8 mages camping a flight master with an AoE wall of death back in 2006. It’s stupid.


I think a lot of people including the OP to this thread needs to understand what you’ve just said. Well put chap.

Also people think people don’t like dying on pvp servers. We love it. We just want it balanced.



Influential streamers banged on at length about how PvP servers are the ‘real WoW’ and everyone should roll on one - those who don’t are filthy casual scrubs.

Consequently, the kind of people who allow others to do all their thinking for them simply complied like brainless sheep. Now they’re discovering the truth about PvP servers, and are shocked and bewildered - unable to cope with being ganked and unable to fight back.

On the plus side, these easily-manipulated streamer drones are like a free, unending smorgesbord for people who are actually serious about PvP. They’re like sharks in a feeding frenzy right now. I say good luck to 'em.


Because they expect it to be like retail, aka it’s more balanced population wise because of cross-faction, layers, and other mechanics not present in classic.

Horde are more dominated, which sucks, but it’s also their downfall because as they’re roaming around getting 1RP per kill in their massive 40-80man raids, I’m going round with a couple friends and getting 99RP or more per person we find. If we find a small group of 1-5 even better as we get to have a proper wpvp experience!


I don’t want to be the old gran pa here but i did a lot of wpvp and bgs with this toon during vanilla,BC, wolk.
Things are different with classic because there are a lot more players / servers , mentality changed (min/max) and a lot of informations are available via youtube/streamers and so on.
The result ? Unbalanced factions and kos everywere.