Why did you roll on a pvp server if you don't want to be killed?

If everybody used their brains like you’re doing Syl, I guess the forums would be pretty boring to read… so I’m not sure it would be a good thing :rofl:

None of you took a minute to think about your decision to roll on a PvP server before commiting? Server imbalance have always been a thing, some are even and many are not. Like I said elsewhere, I saw this coming and many others did too so why are there still people here complaining about this?

Everyone knew the servers were going to be huge.
People knew that pserver people who are absolutely extreme would be on PvP and make the experience horrible for many.
Everyone SHOULD know that servers can be so ridiculusly uneven.

You could even tell before P2 if your server had imbalance or not yet you just hang around…or?

So how…just how is this surprising to anyone that it turned out this way?


Oh boy, here we “carebears” are care free in our pve server, faction balance won’t matter that much, and theres still wpvp events being organized for those who want some pvp.

Maybe y’all should have not let your ego dictate where you roll.


No one knew how it was going to be. Talking to people like you is pointless as you don’t understand why people roll on a pvp server.


I’m afraid to say that most of not all of these people lack common sense.

No the game makers are not going to step in and ensure there are an equal number of players on each side. Anywone who thought that is a unintelligent, deluded or uninformed probably all three.

Yes on every pvp server one faction will rise to numerical dominance and the game may become unplayable if you don’t want to be outnumbered 2, 3 or worse to 1.

No you will not be able to level a toon functionally after phase 2 I even recall blizzard alluding to this in the phase 2 announcement.

Yes one faction will be framed for honour

No the racials arent balanced

No PvP realms are not the True wow experience - assuming you don’t count being constantly ganked

Yes the intelligent, infomred and rational peope among us did know this and either rolled pve or ensured we were on the numerically dominant side.

Yes this information was made easily available before launch.

Yes everyone is sick of the “faction balance posted”

Yes theres i way to fix this and only one Ive created a post to create a new pve realm.


I knew how it was going to be and most people who use their brain knew it. Why did you not?

What you really mean to say is that you didn’t do any type of research before so hardcorelly rolled pvp with all your hardcore friends. The things I listed are the things everyone knew unless you literally never read a single thing about classic beforehand.


That’s a cheap excuse to cry over wPvP ( ganging ). Even if the factions were 50%-50% , you would pretty much encounter fights at the same interval.

Stop crying. Go to PvE server and have fun, flower power …


How ignorant are you m8?..

This explanation seems most accurate to me.
Rolling on pvp server on launch was kinda “cool” thing, full Classic experience.
On top of it, before warmode on retail, there wasnt real wpvp, people didnt care much about wpvp, they were happiliy questing along eachother. So, many thought it will stay that way on Classic, not accounting on many nostalgic vets who wanted to relive Tarren Mill vs Southshore times.

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Well believe it or not some people download the game and pick a server and play with friends. Believe it or not some people didn’t even know there was research to be done. It’s this elitist attitude that separates people on this common problem that needs to be rectified.


Tarren Mill vs Southshore is alive on pve realms to, atleast on Mirage… raid.groups fight there almost 0-24 since honor system was launched… and the best thing is that you actually can chooose to join;)


You can re-roll on a PvE server and then your ‘problem’ is over. A simple fix you can do yourself and leave those who like being ganked and ganking to carry on having their fun.

I’m looking forward to leveling a new character on a normal realm tbh. The peace and quiet. I’m sick of the tryhards on PvP realms they make the game toxic and no fun.

Zhubull described it well.

Mirage has some great wPvP going on and as a PvE server it’s optional. You can camp or be camped for as long as you want and then go back to doing whatever until you want to scratch your wPvP itch again.

Lmao, stop calling AOE camping flight points “pvp”.

There’s a reason this sh*t stopped when bgs came out, it is the absolute bottom barrel of “”""“pvp”"""" in a game where pvp is considered an afterthought.

Stop putting world pvp on a pedestal it does not deserve.

It’s not an elitist attitude it’s being smart and thinking ahead. You say you want it balanced yet says you did no research at all. If you are so casual you can’t even just have a quick look at what you are signing up for maybe you are better off on a pve server?


Are you completely clueless? People were expecting a vanilla like experience, that is why they rolled PvP Server. Server imbalance were never this extreme in vanilla, and the game world was never design for 5 times the people, as blizzard are trying to put in today. (Hit! This is why they used layering) Do a little research before posting. (Even better role Alliance on a full server, and try for yourself, then we can talk).

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Yeah they expected a vanilla experience when there have been warnings for months that it won’t be. People have been warned about the pserver people for ages and how they roll. We knew the servers were going to be huge. We knew P2 would be absolutely awful on a pvp server.

You did not do any research either (like Elandra) else you would not make this post. I’m sorry your experience with classic is not what you expected it to be but honestly you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you had spent a few minutes reading up on what to expect.

I did unlike everyone here who is SO SURPRISED by how P2 turned out.


I can’t believe how many times people say this. No we went onto a pvp server because we like pvp. It’s not the ganking that’s the issue, it’s the ratio and consistency of it being horde only due to faction imbalance.

Please stop with the go to a pve crap.


You only like PvP when the factions are even and numbers are balanced. That’s called Battlegrounds in WoW. Servers haven’t been balanced for years, if at all, and likely never will be. To expect otherwise is foolish.

Have you been living under a rock since WoW originally launched? Everyone, even people who quit the game years ago, knew PvP servers were going to turn into a sh*tshow as soon as wPvP took off, especially if there were no BGs.

So keep protesting even though the solution to your ‘problem’ is in your hands.