Why did you roll on a pvp server if you don't want to be killed?

I did a hell of alot more research than you have it seems

Didnā€™t read this though? :wink:

or any of these

I am fine with rebalancing the servers what I am not fine with is people jumping head first into things they clearly are not prepared for. All the people who come and complain on the forums about this must be here first time because otherwise they would have know all of this would have happened because there have been plenty of warnings.


More like getting killed by groups of 40 :smiley:

You made me giggle! Iā€™m just avoiding to play except raids for a few weeks (by then the bgā€™s will probably be out) and if things donā€™t start turning the right way Iā€™ll probably just log on for raids or not at all. Rerolling is too much of a hassle for me as Iā€™ve invested too much time (by my standards) in this char and if it keeps going this way the server will eventually die due to no alliance playing on it.

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Guys, I think the problem is that majority did not understand what phase 2 means - Stop questing and start wPVP (camping / ganking in other words). Phase 2 is out, you can not do quests or dungeons anymore, love it or hate it, that how it was designed. Who to blame? Probably Blizzard who should have put a tag to PVP realms that you wont be able to lvl up in phase 2 and will be forced to start capming other players, that would have solved most problems of chosing the right realm.
Other issue I wanted to raise is phase 2 itself. In my humble opinion we had perfect wPVP in phase 1, occasional fights in lvling zones, warzone in STV etc. Different fraction were seen as players not as a resource to farm. What happened in phase 2, we all have turned into rare honor-mines which needs to be farmed. And where the best place to farm this scarce source - of course at the spawning points - FP, Boats, Graveyards. How to farm it fast and efficient - group up and kill players who is lower than you in big numbers. And is it what we call proudly wPVP? When game itself forces you to kill / farm and camp lowbies. Love it or hate it. Do you enjoy it? Is it what you wanted from wPVP? In phase 1 we had enough wPVP, incuding ganking and camping but on a different scale. Players were not seen as a resource to farm which in my opinion is a very bad idea anyway.

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This is true and has been discussed at length see below

There is only one solution

Please add your support here :slight_smile:


No one has ever become rank 14 by ganking lvl 50s, 2 hours of farming 50, is done in 30 sec of a PvP vs PvP Raid. Half the horde PvPā€™ers donā€™t understand the old rank system. Ganking lowbies is a waste of time, join a raid, and do raid vs. raid events.

I would also like to add that killing lowbies as the dominant faction is more against you as you are killing your future potential lvl 60 prey which due to constant ganking without any chance to win may just choose to sayā€¦wellā€¦I quit. People could learn from dogs :slight_smile:

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Cancel the subscription to prove your point.

Well I understand their feelings atm for the first 2 weeks on phase 2 where everyone is hyped up on wpvp

No one can quest or do anything cause the moment u set foot somewhere 40 horde come down and gank ur GOD DAMN IT BLIZZ WHY CANā€™T WE SAY ā€œBUMā€ THAT STARTS WITH AN A??? 40 v 1 or vice versa etc

If you dont like this sort of stuff, it does get annoying if u get outnumbered too many times, in short succession and have no chance etc
take break for 2 weeks etc

the pvp will settle down
I want world pvp 1v1s n such but that just wont happen for quite awhile

I was actually rank 14 in vanilla. Raid vs raid is not the best honor per hour in p2. Full stop.
Same was true on pservers where first r14s were usually rogues and hunters who soloed everything that moved in high level zones.

Any other ā€˜smart ideasā€™ you want to share?

ā€œBlizzard: stay right there! Youā€™re hired!ā€
Money for businessā€¦who cares?

Cancel the subscription to prove your point.
But then you cant whine on forums

You really think that just because that server you were on was fine, means other PvP servers were all the same, even now in Classic here in the forums you can read ā€œI donā€™t know why ppl whine, here on XY server everything is fine.ā€

Like I said already on another thread the problem is simple:

" All those pay to win games, pumping up their character with their parents credit cards and thinking they rule in PvP, then coming to a true PvP oriented game like WoW Classic and getting their a** handed to them! :grinning: Hilarious! :laughing: "

In your case if your experience differs then itā€™s because back then you were on a well ballanced server (like I said there are some like that even now in Classic according to other posts) and now if you donā€™t feel like it is ā€œfairā€ or well ballanced or anything like that it is because you might be on a server that is similar to most of the PvP servers were back then!

I have played 2 years on PvP Horde and around 2,5 years PvP Alliance side and my experience was exactly this gankfest many many times, and exactly because of that I was smart enough to choose a PvE server here on Classic.

Yes, i would like to share an idea, that you read my post, how about that. I care nothing for pservers, they are not representative for anything, and proof of nothing. There is no way anyone made any meaningful rank in Vanilla ganking lvl 50ā€™s, if you say anything else you just full of it. Next week weā€™ll know how the ranks are divided, but if you spend your time hunting lvl 50ā€™s you will be nowhere near the top.

Maybe so, but in patch 1.4 before the battlegrounds there were about 3,5k accounts on a well populated server. On classic there are more than 10k
Also in patch 1.4 you would not find loads of 60s in almost full Molten Core gear like now.

The problem here is timing and overpopulation caused by Blizzard underestimating popularity and instead of making realms they made layers.

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People wanted servers to be packed with ton of players everyone were worried servers wonā€™t be full enough, so now we all got what we wanted servers are packed.

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Iā€™m more and more feeling like Cassandra, as I have been asking for more servers since day one. PvPers at least still have some low pop servers to migrate to, but all PvE servers are overfilled. I never wanted overcrowded servers, and have said so - and asked for new servers at any given opportunity. And I have repeatedly been beaten over the head with ā€œDead serversā€.
Now could we please have some new servers!

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Why did I roll on a PvP server?
Because I love to PvP. This morning I had so much fun. Me at lvl 55 (I rerolled a few times due to various reasons), fighting several times vs. a lvl 60 mage. I died a few times, both due to me making mistakes and also due to the mage getting lucky with assistance. I knew I could kill him, if only I played my best and in the end I succeded. A friend and I (both at lvl55) managed to conquer both the mage and various others coming to his assistance. I was stoked - it was so much fun.

10-15 mages standing at a FP landing zone just AoEā€™ing isnt exactly the same experience but I am not surpised to se soo many ignorant people not being able to grasp the difference and honestly I cant understand anyone would find it fun. SS vs TM = fun, Zerging = boring as f*** and requires 0 skill.
I myself havent experienced the zergā€™s too badly (4-5 times in 1Ā½ hour), but thats only because I grind in a very remote location.

And finally - no - this has nothing to do with the experience we had in vanilla. I was there from the beta and through BC & WOTLK. Stating it was the same is a lie!

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Yep I remember I had to do this soo many times aswell in Vanilla and even in TBC!
To me it was a normal part of World of Warcraft, it was a thrill!

Hideing at secret places grinding at remote locations, islands, caves, places ppl donā€™t know about! It was a lot of fun, sharing secret grinding spot locations among friends, but now it is true I choose to play on a PvE server because i knew after many years of PvP I had enough and want to chill.

WoW Classic Launch was only a few months ago so everyone who realised this type of world PvP is not for them after all can easily reroll on a PvE server and Iā€™m sure Blizzard will open new PvE servers then as needed if needed.