Why did you roll on a pvp server if you don't want to be killed?

But they did step in. They blocked free transfers on Ally side from most realms exactly because of that. The intent is there, they just did it too late.

Touché I think you have me, however, i’ve got a better solution New PvE server please - (Solution to PvP issues) - #3 by Warecs-hydraxian-waterlords


Yeah sadly I’m starting to realise aswell that it was dumbness that made them choose PvP, not some little mistake or something, those threads with all the whining and crying are truly pathetic!

I play on PvE because I know I couldn’t take the pressure PvP realms put on a player and all the ganking and corps camping, I have played many years on PvP servers and for me it was easy to choose PvE this time around instead.

With all the youtube vids about Vanilla PvP those players had all the info they needed to make the right choice! They were dumb (and lazy to do a 5 min research) and now “demand paid transfers” etc… pathetic.

Well what can you do, younger generation is weak.
All those checkpoints in modern games every 5 minutes… lol

All those pay to win games, pumping up their character with their parents credit cards and thinking they rule in PvP, then coming to a true PvP oriented game like WoW Classic and getting their a** handed to them! :laughing: Hilarious! :grinning: :smiley:


Are all PvE server completely full with long queues every day?
If not, which I think is the case. Why would another PvE server be needed?

Are you aiming at moving these players to the current PvE servers?

Well if so to answer your question the PvE servers are Full, Full and High Pop respectively so there simply isn’t the room.

Well if all PvE servers are full and a couple thousand people sit in queue every day, Blizzard will put up another PvE server in time.
If it’s only a couple hundred people at peak times, they’ll let you sit in queue for 10 minutes.

Maybe, very maybe Blizzard will listen to all the people complaining on the forums about their choice on rolling on a PvP server and wanting a transfer to a PvE server they’ll add another PvE server too.
(Blizzard reads the forums, just doesn’t respond to them like they used to back in the day)

But if people really want to get out of a PvP server and get on a PvE server, they should all mass try on the current ones, deal with the massive queues for a little while and basically tell Blizzard “Hey, there is a high demand for more PvE servers”
This method will work far better, then getting on the forums.
Blizzard knows, people will quit playing if they have to sit in queue all day every day, just to get on a PvE server and thus give people what they seem to demand.

It’s not like Classic seems to be going anywhere after P6 is released, so it won’t hurt at all at this stage to reroll on a new server.

I’m so with you on this, I think many people are too.

I bet the ones complaining about wPvP being ‘unfair’ will be the first to roll pre-mades in BGs against PUGs though. I am sure there will be a few names currently complaining who will be defending how ‘fair’ it is.


I think i finally understood - its the generation of crybabies, who grew up on carebear servers watching retarded streamers, prefer copying them to using own brain, and choose to cry on forums instead of gathering ppl and fighting back :joy:

You should take it easy with Shazzrah’s alliance players. Too many players rolling to Pyrewood and we have a hard time doing quests because of invaders. Stay there and leave us alone! Starting zones and barrens chat is literally filled with Shazz hate.

To be fair, it’s not the players’ fault Blizzard put 15000 players in a world designed for 3000.

Of course it won’t be like Vanilla.


… and this is the reason why we need more PvE servers. Thanks. Everything is in short supply, even standing room in Stormwind :slight_smile:

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im much more frustrated by lvl 60 full epic geared people on 100% speed mounts chasing and farming low lvl people for easy honor in 50ish areas like felwood and ungoro for hours straight. somewhat i feel sorry about these small d*ck cockroaches who compensate this way, because they cant be succesfull on even fighting grounds against similar geared enemies. they are sooo try hard, i can visualise these mouthbreather manchilds as they chase you for minutes just to kill with 2 critical hits


Weird to visualise their private parts, but lets do it some more…

Wow… Gross.

well, i wasnt talking about their private parts, but in todays world im not surprised that you think about “that” in the first moment…

You literally described the size

yet, the only part you focused on from my post, is the “small d*ck” :slight_smile: gross

We’re still focusing on it.

Is it your favourite part of the male body?


I did a hell of alot more research than you have it seems. Have you already forgot that were only where 4 servers in total, when people decide where to play? No one could have know that Blizzard would screw it up so badly. And you now try to lay the blame on the players who by chance ended up on unbalanced servers. You are just crying because you are afraid Blizzard will take an active stance and work to rebalance the servers, which will mean you will lose the easy mode. Funny to see it is only hordes (The major dominant factor) that are trying to defend and justify this imbalance as something “natural”, and try to make it looks like people a complaining about when PvP, when the reality is that they complain about the imbalance. In truth is a major screw up, on the side of Blizzard.


The reality is the faction balance is completely fine. Everyone with common sense can see that. Everyone with common sense can see the scale of the complaints, then conclude the reason for the complaints.

It’s a convenient excuse that is easier than blaming yourself.


The problem is NOT that its a pvp realm, the problem is when your level 52, and trying to level and REPEATEDLY gangs of 60 players kill you, over and over. You have NO defense, no chance and gain nothing by fighting them sins you WILL lose.
Where is the fun, the scum that engage
in these gang-feasts should go fight there own level instead. But no, they chose to gank the free targets… the problem is it WILL kill the new player stream, no one wants to play on a server where you can hit 60.