Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

When other commanding officials are aware, but the Sentinels answer to Tyrande and Shandris.

They must have known about this. You don’t lose a portion of your forces and not ask questions. That just shows signs of bad leadership on behalf of Tyrande and Shandris.

Because she doesn’t know who they were.
Once she does, in the future, she hates them. She wants the Naga eliminated in Darkshore.

Also, let’s not forget, Kael joins forces with the very person who tried to kill Tyrande in Zin-Azshari. That isn’t something she’d be content with.

Malfurion and Tyrande feel they know the Naga, upon seeing them on Thal’dranath. The seeds were laid and the hatred grew from there.

The fact that it was forgotten by the authors of the recent novellas speaks volumes on how Blizzard feel about that story.
When Blizzard doesn’t correct something, that lacked explanation, it usually means they wish to forget about it…pretend it never happened.

We do know what their goals was.

They wanted to use the high elven moon crystal to spy on the Blood Elves, and they were aggressively pursuing this goal too, going so far as to try and kill one Blood Elf who uncovered their plan.

Yeah… these specific details were also omitted from the chronicles.

Although it was mentioned that blood elves sabotaged the Exodar.

And that the Blood Elves defended their home from ‘threats’ like the scourge.

Without specifically mentioning Blood Elves on Azuremyst itself or Night Elves and a dwarf in Quel’thalas.

To what end? What purpose does that serve?

And once they had whatever secret they were looking for, what were they going to do? If they were only gathering information, why did they need such a large force to achieve it instead of owls and Druids of the Talon? Why were they willing to throw themselves into a war with the Blood Elves to fulfil these goals?

“They were spying” sure, I got that, it’s in the name ‘Sentinel spies’, but it answers so little.

Those commanding officials also obeyed Staghelm’s orders. At least the one issuing orders in Alterac did.

And to Malfurion, as per Elegy goes.

Sure, is Darkshore really another case of her rashness though?

Why not attack Kael’thas’ actual forces? The crazy Sunfury who were in arm’s reach from Teldrassil, on Azuremyst and Bloodmyst, shouting “For Sunstrider!” and whatnot.

They even have their own tabards and insignias.

Why send troops on the opposite side of the world, feigning a diplomatic mission through a Dwarf, spying? It doesn’t add up to her character.

Fandral on the other hand, he’s more or less a Nightmare-corrupted puppet of Xavius, who already has a history of doing these things.

Funnily enough though…

They include Shalandis Isle, still fortified by the Sentinel spies from TBC in the loyalist ending cutscene.

To add onto that, Alleria also teleports to a still Night Elven-occupied An’daroth during the Void Elf introductory questline:

I know it doesn’t mean anything in lore terms. It’s just funny to see that even when they stumble on the same story they neglected, they’ll pretend it’s not there. None of the characters are acknowledging the very obvious Night Elves standing right in front of them.

Shalandis gets a slow zoom-in during Sylvanas’ monologue too, rofl.


They don’t. The simple fact is the Horde were dying, so they gave them a “pretty” race. And my god did that work…

It was a disaster for both the Horde and Alliance, if you ask me. It introduced a WHOLE lot of people into a faction that wasn’t meant for them. The rest is history. I’m pretty sure a lot of the Horde players will agree with me, it was a bad move, catering to the exact kinda people the Horde did NOT represent.

It may have been a bold move, and a highly successful one… But the Horde isn’t the same now. And with the introduction of Allied Races, all it is now is Alliance-Lite.

A damn shame, too. But, that’s what the idiot developers are going for, so, pshaw.

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dying is the wrong word. We were just constantly fewer players than on alliance side, creating problems on PvP-realms.


Not just on pvp realms. Also in Battlegrounds, founding yourself outnumbered allot of the times from the start.

I am curious though, how other people would have solved the problem in a “beter” way?

I should also note that yes, it changed the faction’s overal look and feel…why are people only complaining at that when it comes to Blood Elves?
The Forsaken aren’t really tribalistic, honorable or the same line of savage?

How about the Alliance? Adding Shaman, space invaders, or Werewolves etc? How did not dilute the Alliance character?

I’m sorry but when it comes to the Blood Elves I can think of one foremost reason people complain…it starts with “High” and it “should’ve been Alliance”…

Besides if you’re talking about atracting the “wrong type” of people I think that’s a false over generalisation, do Vulpera not attact the “wrong type” of people either? Allot of them only playing for the cute foxes, hating the Horde itself and wanting to play on team blue?

To be honest, i think there is not a “wrong type of people”. The Horde changed, but over the years i’ve made friends with people i would have never met if bloodelves where Alliance, because they would never play an Orc/Troll/Tauren/UD.

Well, in my case, my brother plays a blood elf, I wouldn’t even play WoW anymore if it werent for my brother.

Several people in our smal guild, in fact most of them, play mainly Blood Elf characters, some of the nicest people I met.

And I don’t know about you, but I haven’t actually met all that many people that have a dislike for people who play Blood Elves, think the most of those I’ve seen, I’ve seen on these forums.

Still curious what other solution or solutions Blizzard should have gone with, though? Surely the Horde wasn’t ment to stay the crippled and “left over” faction.
Another thing I thought of…was the populace shift in Horde/Alliance…now we see more posts of Alliance players claiming their faction is “dieing” etc, I wondered why that happened though, because it surely didn’t happen the moment when the Blood Elves were released.

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True. But, the reverse is true now. I know balancing isn’t Blizzard’s strong point (or even weak point?), they just absolutely suck at it.

But not nearly as extreme as in classic.

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And they’ve been a cause for much internal strife as a result. They never really fit in, but muh two faction system.

They did, at least, fit in visually, because the Horde’s visual theme was:“Monster Races”. Undead are the same traditional cannon fodder for Heroes as Minotaurs, Orcs or Trolls. Elves typically aren’t. Hence protest march through Orgrimmar.

With that said, I don’t understand the hate for Vulpera. They’re not a traditional monster race, sure, but they would pass for a monster race and they actually fit in culturally as well. I can only assume it’s because of the “furry” craze in the dark corners of twitch chat.

I felt they stuck out visually, because the Horde theme was not really “monsters” but more “tribal”. They happened to be monsters as well, but everyone except the forsaken were tribal cultures as well.

The line about being tribalistic, honorable, or of the same line of savage doesn’t even apply to all Trolls, orcs and Tauren.

Having other traits beyond said archetype isn’t what caused internal strife for the Horde and the Forsaken. The way writers created their story did.

You can have disparate nations with opposing views on certain subjects without necessarily turning them against each other.

The first true civil war the Horde had, revolved around a specific Orc segment.

But this the game you decided to play though, you knew from the getgo that the two factions are a core game mechanic and part of the WoW universe, could it have been handled differently? Sure, but can you say it isn’t part of what makes WoW…WoW?
Maybe even one of the biggest reasons why it became(and still is) one of the most populair MMO’s out there.

I’m not going to argue with you about how controversial the inclusion of the Forsaken were to the Horde…but I’ve in all my years playing not seen as much drama about those then we still see about Blood Elves today…
I see your argument- They don’t fit, aesthetically…but why does WoW =Warhammer = Lotr - Why this need to have one faction, the Horde, Ugly and monstrous and why this need to have Legolas on the same team as Gimli and Aragorn? This isn’t Lord of the Rings Online.

I’m not sure if the part on “Vulpera hate” was just added in general or aimed at myself…I don’t hate the Vulpera, but like the Blood Elves they also attract some people with the mindset of " I hate the Horde,I only play the faction because of this race", I was simply pointing that out, as I’ve seen it said on these forums.

But maybe you can answer the question, in your own way( :wink: ), how Should have Blizzard helped the Horde population then, in that alternate universe where the Blood Elves were High Elves and available on teamBlue?
Any real suggestions on that? Because so far all I see is, " We should have gotten this!" - but the Horde…? Should it just stayed in the mud then? Outnumbered, unfinished, like in Classic?

It doesn’t,it was an overgeneralised simplification, but i said it to make a point…
Suppose I should have used “…”, for clarity.

Or… “evil”.


My “Get-Go” was WC3, where we had Alliance, Horde, Undead and Night Elves as four separate factions at the least. In a RPG, I had expected even more factions and even more freedoms to join or betray them, rather than less. Alliance and Horde were just two factions out of hundreds.

I was… let’s say, disappointed in WoW. But I was still young, so it didn’t last long. After all, I could still play NEs and I squee’d like a little girl when I found Loramus in Azshara because I was sooo sure he’d teach me to become a Demon Hunter like on the box art! Spoiler: Didn’t happen either.

As for balance, well, bad systems beget bad solutions. The Blood Elves did the job and I got my beloved retcon goats out of it, so what gives?
My suggestion would be not to create rigid, race locked factions from the start, then race popularity doesn’t become a big issue.

That would be a great idea. Make 2 different factions, with differences in mentality, and give every race a starting scenario like the Pandaren where they meet the factions on the way, and decide at level 20 whom to join.

For the record, the BEs need the Horde so much that Lor’themar made deals with the Alliance both times there was a faction war.

I kinda miss the old blood elf models.

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Both times?

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