Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

It was a simpler time when High Elves did not have glowy eyes.

But it was easier for blizz to just copy-paste the newly created Blood Elf model and then cover up the green glow with blue.

Yeah dude, don’t you remember how Lor’themar helped the Alliance dethrone Sylvanas? It seems the BEs just cant let go of that human potential :triumph:


Well, I would not say that time really count. It was not so much as making a deal with the Alliance and more so just following Saurfang who made a deal with the Alliance.

Dealing with the Alliance by proxy?

It is also two totally different “deals”. Whereas the first one was rejoining the Alliance, the other is just… well, the same MoP story where they help get rid of someone more dangerous.

Blood Elves do have a history of doing that.

Cooperating with those they do not like too much in order to save the world from greater threats.


I agree completely with this.

It completely messes up with the timeline of events.
Was Ghostlands just focused on Drathir?

Maybe this was just a reflection on the fact that the Night Elves stand for everything Sylvanas stands against. They are about life and it living in balance with nature.
Perhaps it’s a reminder on who she and Saurfang waged war on, at the start of the Fourth War?

I don’t know - it is messy and you are right. Blizzard should have further explained this story. It is unfinished and their presence being shown in Legion and BFA, makes a slight mockery of the Blood Elf starter zone.

Well, if you look at the Blood Elf evolution throughout that very same expansion….it’s like it’s all over the place…
Firstly they’re dark, grim, mana addicted survivors of a horrific onslaught completely decimating a grand civilization build on amazing magics… fallen and turning to demonic energy to empower themselves to deal with a hostile world.

And then….it’s ‘uhh yeah, We forgot Horde wasn’t supposed to be all dark and grim since WC3 and uhh’ POOOF, Muru the snow angel bravely sacrifices him/her/itself to empower the Sunwell! And all is good again in the World…of the Sin’Dorei, and they’re High Elf again in all but name…

I’m not sure what or if there was a grand plan there, but it looked like a huge zigzagging redline to come out at the starting point again. And I personnaly feel restoring everything to the status quo in Elfdom was a big waste of drama and story potential, it also greatly diminished the inclusion of any interresting lore and playable race potential in High Elves for the Alliance…because why? They’re practically the same thing, except that the High Elf these days is nothing but a plot device in the Sin’dorei storyline who happen to be friendly npcs on the Alliance.


I agree.
I can see why they closed that circle in TBC, but it has made a lot of things redundant in Blood Elf society, which were truly gripping in TBC.
Blood Elf Warlocks, Blood Elf Light-Draining Paladins.

Now, it did open some doors for other stories such as the Quel’Delar quest chain which was my favorite questline in all of WoTLK (yes, blood elf bias), but - I don’t know…the Sunwell has made the magical-side of the Blood Elves feel very diminished.
These days, all we see are Blood Elf Paladins, that behave more like Human and Draenei Paladins and Blood Elven Rangers, that are just the same as High Elven and Night Elven Rangers.

Well that was mainly the Sunfury Blood Elves on Outland.

The Silvermoon Blood Elves took to primarily draining the magic out of beings. Yes, fel and demonic magics did enter Silvermoon, but those practices weren’t on the scale of the Sunfury and Illidari.

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Really Brigante,you could’nt help but throw that jab in aye :man_facepalming: The “Abuse” was a two way street,i gave as good as i got. Like i said before you came half arsed and halfway into the thread and the 1st thing you even said was disparagingly sarcastic dismissing what was said about the NE’s actions or lack thereoff in the thread previously.

You got something to say then say it directly rather than dropping it indirectly to this “lawyer”.

Very well, I did not like your tone, perhaps that is a failing of purely text based communication, which is notoriously bad for conveying such things, but it came across as an arrogant refusal to admit that the Alliance could do any wrong, ever. Any suggestion that they had you simply refused to accept, and belittled anyone who made the suggestion.

As I said, and others have since stated, I can see why the Kaldorei actions made -sense-, even if they were objectively wrong.

If (and I presume this is how it happened, as otherwise the Kaldorei were just bonkers) the events on Bloodmyst isle had happened -before- the events in Eversong and Ghostlands, then the Kaldorei actions made a certain degree of sense.

Whilst initially the first Kaldorei you meet as a Draenei player is horrified by your appearance, and refers to you as an Eredar, (which is factually correct, Draenei is just the name the exiled Eredar who refused to bend the knee to the Legion gave themselves), it later becomes apparent on Bloodmyst isle, that there are Blood Elves up to no good, and in league with powers ultimately of Legion origin. This is right on the Kaldorei’s doorstep, so obviously is going to send alarm bells ringing.

The Kaldorei would have been unaware at that point that the Blood Elves encountered were part of Kael’thas’ Sunfury warband, and not Quel’thalas itself, who were at the time equally unaware of how far Kael’thas had gone, even Rommath at that time did not know what the power sources he brought back to Silvermoon were, simply that they worked at keeping the city intact. He would have had no reason to suspect they were Fel, or that the person he should have been able to trust, his Crown Prince, was in league with Fel Powers.

It is therefore natural that the Kaldorei would want to know what the heck is going on, why Blood Elves are messing with demons and in their garden so to speak, so sent troops.

Unfortunately, the troops they sent went a little over the top, and started hostile operations against the wrong people. Not Kael’thas’ troops who had committed the acts on Bloodmyst Isle, but the Elves under Lor’themar’s rule, who had in fact done nothing wrong. Said Elves were understandably annoyed at this unprovoked set of attacks, which interestingly, were against Arcane targets, not Fel ones, so would have leapt to the conclusion that this was an orchestrated attack on the things keeping them alive, remember the Blood Elves did not drain Fel to live, it was Arcane energy that sustained them. We can see quite clearly what happens to a Thalassian Elf who drains Fel to survive, They become a Felblood Elf. Not a Blood Elf.

If events happened in that order, then Kaldorei sending troops to Quel’thalas is a bit of a bizarre one. The sensible thing would have been to send an envoy to Lor’themar going “Your people are invading an island off our coast, do you want war, because you’ll get it!” Given that the Kaldorei were part of the Alliance, and the Sin’dorei were at that time a neutral nation with no allies, it seems unlikely that the response from Lor’themar would have been “Yeah, bring it!” but more a “What? What are you on about, tell me more, I genuinely have no idea what you mean!”

Sending troops was always going to escalate things. It massively didn’t help that said troops immediately started undertaking hostile activities against the Sin’dorei without at that time any knowledge of Fel involvement. Only person who saw a Fel Crystal from the Alliance was Professor Anvilward, and he didn’t exactly get the chance to tell anyone about it.

So whilst the Kaldorei, in that scenario would have had valid reason to be concerned about Quel’thalas, they still massively botched how they went about it, and instead did send troops with hostile intent to a Neutral country to carry out operations.

That is an act of War, (and this is the scenario that makes chronological sense!)

The Kaldorei were unaware they were punching the wrong guy, and the Sin’dorei had no idea why they were getting punched, Hilarity, and enmity ensues.

The other alternative is that the Kaldorei just decided to attack Quel’thalas for the giggles, which makes no sense to me, given their hitherto insular outlook on the world.


Would have been nice to be on the “good” side instead of taking part in mass genocide. I only enjoy that in GTA V but not in a roleplaying game lol.

Yeah and mr. Racist A-hole Gary almost got their prince executed for surviving a suicide mission he sent them on.

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Just like a certain…Staghelm someone…who had a certain degree of control over the Night Elves at the time this debacle unraveled.


Not just Staghelm (I’m giving Tyrande the benefit of the doubt here, ALTHOUGH we all know the Sentinels were under her direct orders, so a group of Sentinels spies couldn’t have reached Quel’thalas WITHOUT her direct consent), but also presumably independent (or at least, I hope so) Night Elves POACHERS (yes, poachers, you read it well) have been known to regularly travel to Quel’thalas to hunt lynxes and other wild animals, like they owned the place (basically the Night Elves are doing the same in Quel’thalas that the Orcs do in Ashenvale as well) as indicated in this quest:


The springpaw that inhabit this region are known for their high quality pelts. We’ve even seen night elf scum travel to these lands just to poach them.

Our skirmishes with the Amani have put a bit of a strain on our supply of gear and our rangers don’t have much time to hunt for pelts anymore. If you’d be willing to lend a hand by collecting springpaw pelts, I’d be happy to reward you with a hand-crafted piece of armor. You’ll find springpaw stalkers all around the woods north of here.

So as you can see Night Elves always had a morbid interest in Quel’thalas and the Blood Elves anyway (like that guy that in Darkshore during Vanilla times wanted to study Blood Elf brains in order to…research their corruption, right) , for a lot of different reasons…and probably envy is one of them :stuck_out_tongue:

Its weird, Fandral Staghelm seems to be a pretty cool guy when he abused nature and forced his will upon it by building Teldrassil, and yet suddenly is a get out of guilt free card when it comes to attacking Quel’thalas.

Its almost like…he was a good guy when it suited some, but clearly a bad guy and nothing to do with them the instant anything morally questionable happens…

Or -Maybe- he was just always a bad guy and Alliance, all the way through?

Agree though, It is pretty funny how people go “n-no, the Kaldorei did not do that!”


Blood elves are team red and that’s good.

More important is that we need new leadership with a spine. I sense the return of the true king will create a new age of unity for the sin’dorei.

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Perfectly fitting. Kael’thas will have that speech.

Gameplay. We have to be part of a faction, we can’t be neutral.

But yeah, the Horde’s pretty useless.

Even with their entire army they couldn’t defend Lordaeron. And that’s when they had ample time to prepare. If the Alliance was to launch a surprise attack on Silvermoon the Horde would be completely useless.

Our only real connection to the Horde and the one who convinced us to join just flew away.

The Horde’s been flirting far too closely with our ancient enemies lately, such as the Zandalari.

And joining the Horde’s offensives seems to be sapping us of our resources. We could’ve driven the scourge out of Quel’thalas by now but Lor’themar can’t even be bothered to have Kael’thas’ statues torn down. Let alone defending the nation from threats on our very doorstep.

Without the Forsaken we’re part of a faction the rest of the continent is hostile to. We have zero reason to be in the Horde. At all.

Nice bait but it fails on basic logic. For example. Our enemy is the Amani. Not the zandalari. But even a faithless like you will bow when Kael makes his great return.

Zandalari aided the Amani numerous times.

And Kael’thas is a disgrace who should stay in the Maw.

Kael’thas will be redeemed. Just read the alpha leaks.

And Amani are the enemy of Zandalar too since they aided Zul.

Try again.