Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

… what are you even saying?

Dude… you can’t go around calling other people dense if you absolutely refuse to read the quest


It clearly says that he was not there to observe an already malfunctioning Arcane Sanctum?!

It quite clearly states that he was there to observe the results of a malfunctioning sanctum.

I linked you the quest several times, you can go read it yourself.

Shiar, it has numbered sources directing you to in-game quests and text that reference those events.

Wowpedia is a collection of information brought by a variety of people, there is a specific speculation section for people’s interpretations, and one where they state the actual lore.

This is the actual lore.

The entirety of TBC lore is confusing (and terrible) :neutral_face:
But that is also a part of Blizzard’s past quest design form.

Sigh…Once again where in the quest does it say the NE’s SABOTAGED the sanctum. Like point it out. The text where it says NE’s sabotaged the sanctum. Any proof except for the inane thing you keep repeating about the Dwarf observing the malfcunction which i already stated happened.

The source it has at the end of the line " Sentinel spies were sent to Quel’Thalas by the night elves in order spy on the activities of the blood elves and sabotage them" is the Rogue quest Combining Forces which has you pickpocket lacy handkerchief from the Sentinal Leader and follows on to the quest Return the Reports which has the quest item Stack of Reports to hand in.

Now nothing in any off the above quests used as citation to state NE sabotage mentions NE sabotage :man_shrugging:. Like i said before commumty edits and interpretation.

No, I explained to you that the dwarf was not there to observe an already malfunctioning arcane sanctum, but that he was …sent here as a spy to observe the results of it.

He was sent specifically to observe the results of a malfunctioning arcane sanctum.

It says in the quest I linked, black and white, in plain english :neutral_face:

You want to keep twisting it though.

Which has nothing to do with what i asked you OR what you have been arguing about in this thread- Which was the NE’s sabotaged the sanctum SO once again in plain english- Where does that quest or any quest in game state explicitly state they did this? It’s not a hard question to understand or answer. I provided in game proof they didn’t so were’s yours if you’re so sure :man_shrugging:

No, you did not.

You provided two quests that are naturally set BEFORE the ending quest which I linked… which you purposefully omitted to suit your bias I imagine.

And then you lean up against the speculation of an NPC that do not read the documents and thus do not know any more than she did before.

And where does it say that they did not?
I provided proof that it is equally likely that they did.

And this does nothing to change the reality on the ground- He was sent to observe a malfunctioning/already malfunctioned sanctum is not the same as he was sent to observe the sanctum by the NE’s because they sabotaged it :man_shrugging:

What are you even arguing here- That the sanctum had already malfunctioned when he was sent- Okay…AND?? We know that from the previous quest when we are sent there to help fix it. How again is that the NE’s fault :man_facepalming:

No, that is what you are trying to argue.

What the quest says is that the dwarf was sent to observe the results of a malfunctioning arcane sanctum.

You are completely disregarding a key word in this.

He was -sent- to observe the results of a malfunctioning arcane sanctum.
Did you know that the Dwarf is from ironforge? I am sure you see where this is going.

Okay you seriously have some paranoia issues. The quests i provided were’nt done to reaffirm Bias :joy: They are what is available to answer the question at hand. That quest gives a REASON for the sanctums malfunctioning whilst all you have is Headcannon- jesus you’re dense.

The follow up text as stated by Aeldon Sunbrand and posted by another poster in this thread also states that it was unlikely the NE’s sabotaged the sanctums and was more likely overuse which we know can happen beecause we helped fix it previously :man_shrugging:

Yes. It is at that time believed reasoning for the malfunction before encountering the darnassian spy.

I know that chronology is hard to follow in old World of Warcraft zones, but it is not THAT hard.

Read… the… quest… no, he does not state that it is unlikely that the NE’s sabotaged it.

The other Blood Elf though, yes, she continues the previous speculation… but she does not know what is written in the documents, and her guess is as good as any.

Jesus you’re grasping at straws here :joy: So him being sent there to observe a malfunctioning sanctum is proof that the NE’s sabotaged them because he was Alliance and that’s prooof enough :joy: :man_facepalming: Go to sleep man. You’re done. Like i said so about 10 posts ago- HEADCANNON :joy:.

I’m done :joy: :skull:

What ever you say Savotar :+1: You iz correctings and me is wrang obviouslingzzly :+1: :joy: :skull:

Maybe the dwarf will be present in Shadowlands so he can clear up what he and the Night Elves were really doing there? :stuck_out_tongue:

but probably not, actually maybe it will be Kael’thas to diss the Alliance even more :stuck_out_tongue:


:joy: Yes that is what is needed and if he says in quest text that yes the EVIL NE’s sabotaged the sanctums to kill dem BE’s Bruv becuz of magic is bad innit :joy: then i will eat humble pie on this forum gladly :+1:

No straws are being grasped.

But sure, if you wish to believe that the news of a malfunctioning sanctum reached Ironforge over a couple of many weeks, or however long it realistically takes to travel from Silvermoon to Ironforge, give him the assignment, get him to Silvermoon before the malfuctioning arcane sanctum is dealt with.

All power to you.

I have already said.

It is possible that it could all just be a coincidence, that the Arcane Sanctum did in fact just malfunction due to the Blood Elves powering it up a little too much, conveniently while the dwarf who was sent specifically to observe the results of a malfunctioning Arcane Sanctum is there.

But as I mentioned, it is VERY convenient with all the facts presented.

Facts you purposefully omitted.

I am not entirely sure why you are so smug.
Because you are indeed quite wrong.

Nor have I ever said that the Night Elves did in fact sabotage the Arcane Sanctum, I may not be the best at english, granted, but I am not THAT bad… atleast I can read the actual quest text.

As mentioned, what I provided is a simple quest you omitted that broadens the perspective…

You are welcome.

:+1: :joy: :skull:

And me writing like that was not a dig at your english to stop feeding your paranoia. It was just me having some fun that had nothing to do with you. I had no impression you were’nt a native english speaker nor would i give a toss about that. i have no need to disparge someone’s language skills etc to make a point :man_shrugging:

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Sickening that Blizzard will not even give CLEAR blame to the Alliance in Horde questing though and even the sabotage of a simple building (not a major crime after all, attacking Blood Elves like in the Ghostlands was worse) is left in doubt because the Alliance can never be blamed for what they do. So even in Horde quests the Alliance cannot be clearly put at blame when they are meant to be hostile because the Blood Elves have to join the Horde at all costs. Even back then Blizzard had a severe Anduin syndrome after all.

Also notice that the spies are Night Elves and a Dwarf. Even inside the Alliance the blame can never be on Humans but it has to be other races, namely Night Elves who clearly Blizzard dislike with a passion (and clearly they regret having them on Alliance at this point)