Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

Oh that was not my impression.

The only impression I get from you writing like that is that you absolutely concede and awknowledge that you are very much wrong but is either too proud or too stubborn to admit it, so rather than just saying: “Alright, fair enough” you’d rather annoy me to the point that I just stop replying in order to get the ‘last word’.

That said… it was me taking a dig at your own reading skills.

I mean… Anduin did kinda take responsibility for Arthas and Daelin, or well… said that the Alliance is responsible for Arthas and Daelin.



I know right… it is weird.

Like i said Blizz shoehorned this series of quests in to give a reason for the BE’s to go Horde and increase animosity in the playerbase to justify them being there rather than the Alliance which alot of players wanted and still did for ages with the whole HE-Alliance of Lordaeron shtick from RTS WC but it is what it is-

a flimsy lore reason to rebalance player realms, increase market share to other countries and give the Horde a pretty race. Kind like when the Alliance got the savage werewolfs in the Worgen but that did’nt last long :joy:.

What ever helps you sleep at night but the weight of evidence is not on your side but hey ho you have a crap load of speculation and what if’s, maybe’s and coincidence’s and suspicions yaaay :+1: So i guess in this day and age that is the same as proof of a particular event happening, i’m sure they would love you over on the Moon landings are hoax websites, very Info Wars of you :joy:

Anyway ta ta and take care and make sure that monumental chip on your shoulder about Alliance bias does’nt weigh you down :grimacing:

Anduin is Anduin.

He’d blame himself for Sargeras’ corruption if a Titan needed cheering up.


That is true :laughing:

those who don’t choose faction of momy’s bandits maybe?

Dwarf came there to investigate the results of the destroyed Sanctum. He was the one who was gathering all the info, and he needed a rogues to spy on.
That is where Night Elves spy is appeared. Night Elf was a SPY, not a saboteur. It is stated even in his name.

The story there is about overloaded Sanctums and Alliance spies. There were no evidence anywhere which cold state that Alliance came there with a mission of sabotage.

In fact in the Ghostlands, in the finale quest regarding Night Elves, we found out the real mission of the Night Elves. Their real goal was to put moon stones on the Magical Lines, to spy over all Blood Elves in a region. But that could harm Blood Elves.

In other words Alliance there had a spying mission over a danger race. Whit a lack of info about how those magical lines work.

Why did Alliance send spies instead of army to help? There can be many reasons:

  1. In Night Elves territories Exodar landed with enemy Blood Elves. Those Blood Elves were enemies of the Alliance.
    Yes, those are different Blood Elves, elves of the crazy prince. But in that time Dark Portal was closed, and Blood Elves of the Silvermoon were still on his side.

  2. Gharitos had a war with the Blood Elves at Dalaran. Gharitos was a leader of the Alliance forces there. Dwarfs send forces to help him. So by the fact Blood Elves were enemies of the Alliance.

  3. Magical Sactums e.t.c Blood Elves were living in a magical Kingdom, and people of Azeroth know how magic can be dangerous.

All those reasons are enough to send spies.

But why Alliance did not send an army? Just a reminder, that in those times Alliance did not had a king. Alliance just a minute ago had to kill a Black Dragon who was siting in Stormwind kings room…
Those were dark and hard days for the Alliance. Also there were no Alliance bases close to Blood Elves lands.

Btw anyway in the “Good War” book, it was stated that Night Elves newer invade Blood Elves lands. I know that it was writers mistake, but anyway, that situation with Alliance spies was so unimportant that even Blizzard story writers could forget it…

-A known semi-friendly race has a conflict with Aliens that look like demons who invaded our world before, go let us send spies to our friends!

He sentenced the group around Kael to death, he didn’t declare war on Quel’thalas. And that was way before the Nightelves were even part of the story.

-Quel’thalas existed for thousands of years, why send spies at this moment after centuries of little to no contact?

In real life what the Night Elves did would so ugly that they should have been kicked from the Alliance as a result because she didn’t have the approval of Stormwind to do that. Sending spies against a neutral nation is bad, if you are worried about something you just send diplomats. There is a reason everyone tries to kill 007 (the famous english spy James Bond) when they find out what he’s doing around their base
Tyrande did a mistake that once again cost the Alliance a race that joined the Horde as a result of her action. Indeed Blizzard later continued this pattern with the Nightborne, she said those bad words to Thalyssra while Liadrin is all goody-goody two shoes with honey words (even if they sound a bit fake) and as a result another magical race and kingdom join the horde :stuck_out_tongue:

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Those blood elves were also enemies of any Alliance player, who decide to do a quests there. Velen decided to join the Alliance only after all the quests there are done.

He sentenced crowd prince and a ruler of Quel’thalas. Blood Elves were loyal to Kael until Kazak demon have opened Dark Portal. Only then Blood Elves found out that Kael gone crazy.

As for the Night Elves, they are members of the Alliance, and if Alliance need to send spies to the enemy lands, why not send Night Elves?

Because at this moment Blood Elves race was very unstable. Kael is example. And that unstable race had danger things that could harm entire world.
Why no send spies just to be sure that everything is ok?

Well, we do not have such information, who really have send those spies. Was it Tyrande, or was it Stormwind.

But spies its okish thing in WoW. For example Stormwind have send spies to spy in Orgrimmar, before BfA…

Lore-wise the Draenei don’t meet the Alliance until their starting experience ends, just like with the Bloodelves.

There are some former Allies, who have a difficult time after nearly being whiped out.
Option 1: Send spies and drive them into the Arms of our enemies, and severely damage any trust they have for us.
Option 2: Help them overcome the challanging time.

Yeah, lets go with Option 1.

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Except that the quest outright states that the dwarf was sent to Quel’thalas specifically to observe the results of a malfunctioning Arcane Sanctum. It says right in the quest.

Let me see if I can make this easier to understand.

The dwarf’s mission was to observe the results of a malfunctioning sanctum.

The Ironforge leadership, or Alliance I dunno, told the dwarf: “Go and see what happens when such an arcane sanctum malfunction.”

I wonder if it can be made easier to understand above.

Are there eye witnesses to the Night Elves going in and fiddling with the Sanctum’s functions, no.

Do they have the information to do so? Yes.
Do they have the motive to do so? Oh frick yes.

Did they do it? Possibly, it is as likely as them not having done it.

There we have the answer, it’s unknown wether they sabotaged it. Just stay at that conclusion ^^

I always have. It is just very disengenious to leave out the conveniency of a spy being sent to Quel’thalas to specifically observe the results of a malfunctioning sanctum, and a sanctum then conveniently malfunctioning, and Night Elves hanging around said sanctum with information giving them the tools to cause such a malfunction.

But I did never say that they did cause a malfunction.

Just that the possibility is indeed there, just as much as the possibility of them not doing it.

Still remeber their more or less original description " the bloodthirsty and savage beasts" :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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It’s not though…the plans written in Dwarvish were said to be “detailed” that means the Alliance already had indepth knowledge to how an Arcane Sanctum operates…that means the only thing they were after was the knowledge of what happened if one malfunctioned.

Now the notes were written in Dwarvish and were on a Night Elf stealthed near the malfunctioning Sanctum…who coincidently attacks you as you were trying to despose of the arcane anomalies there…

But since this is the Grand Alliance 1+1 = never a simple 2.

Could it have been workes out beter…yes, but that goes for allot of things, for both sides.
But everything the Grand Alliance does gets whitewashed and swept under the rug;
Dalaran Purge.
Taurajo / Mulgore Siege.
Arming and aiding the Grimtotem.
Jaina trying to flood Orgrimmar.
Alliance sinking a neutral Goblin vessel.
All the stuff involving Dazar’ Alor.
Killing Frostmane children in Dun Morogh(why isn’t this genocide btw).
Killing and displacing the Stonespire tribe in the Barrens(isn’t that genocide either?)
And more including the attacks by the Night Elves and allies in Quel’thalas.

As opposed to the Horde doing things in immediatly the most evil and heinous ways, some if wich is inexcusable, really shows the amount of #grey Blizzards writing staff so far is capable of and how onesided everything really is.

Now for the record,because I already know what responses I’ll get for simply pointing this out, this is not me blaming the player, it’s me blaming a boring and uncreative plot that gets regurgitated again and again.

I also see the irony here again,sorry but;

The Alliance player: I want us to stop being dumb goody twoshoes and do some shady stuff!
Also the Alliance player: No! You guys are delusional the Alliance is not evil, they don’t do this stuff!

How about in the expansion after this Shadowlands, Jaina and Tyrande bomb the shett out of Orgrimmar, you get some personal quest in which you draw and quarte Matron Battlewail, followed up setting on fire all the little orcish and goblin children.
Upon return Tyrande offers you a nice pair of pants and a cloak, telling you you’re a hero because those children would’ve grown up to become evil genocidal murderers one day.

Similar scenario in Thunder Bluff. The Alliance puts it to the torch, you are tasked with decapitating 15 Tauren for your victory buffet, followedup by roasting and eating 10 tauren babies.

Then you can tell the Horde! Yeaaah, we got some retribution on yo asses, but we’ll still be beter than you because remember Southshore! Or Teldrassil!


I am also quite curious about this mentality.

It is kinda the same when I point out that the Alliance are creating their own enemies.

Darkspear trolls.
Bilgewater Goblins.
Blood Elves.

I may have missed some of the Horde races.

I left tauren, orcs, forsaken and zandalari out for obvious reasons.

But the first mentioned races are all races who only joined the Horde because they were prosecuted by the Alliance. Whether it be the past Alliance or the current Alliance.

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As a rule of thumb, whenever the Horde needs an explanation for a new race, Alliance gets handed the idiot ball and villain bat. The prior ensures that it will hit itself with the latter.

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