Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

I mean.

I actually think the vulpera was a fair target comparatively to the other races. But it is equally sensible that it’d push the vulpera into the Horde.

The Vulpera was afterall transporting goods for the Horde (They were hired to do so by the Horde) and the Alliance wanted to prevent these goods from reaching the Horde, and dissuade the Vulpera from working with the Horde.

I can’t say if diplomacy would have worked, it depends entirely on how much vulpera honours a deal, to which I can imagine… a lot. Especially because the Horde were also instrumental in helping their people against the Faithless Sethrak.

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Of course.
Just imagine a new race would join the horde because they actually like it :smirk:


There’s a myriad of sensible ways that could have been dealt with.

But instead, they came up with “Purge Squads” that only got renamed after much outrage.

It’s just like the whole “no witnesses” deal. How many people did they intend to kill with that? The entire cartel, which is apparently as large as “a people”?

It’s not just evil, it’s comically evil. I’m pleasantly surprised Malfurion didn’t send Assassins after Thalyssra with detailed orders to slowly poison her and bring her skin back as trophy for the Nightborne recruitment. That’d be the normal modus operandi.


The thing is, the Horde gets comically evil stuff all the time, and many alliance players blame the horde for that :frowning:

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You are exaggerating.

Having natural flaws isn’t equatable to the sweeping statement about them acting OOC thanks to some “stupid ball”.

For good or ill, the Alliance has punctually had certain mistakes. And those come about as natural as the ones the Horde could’ve shown at certain times that would’ve painted it in a flawed way too.

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Ah yes, the natural flaw of the Anduin Alliance.

Purge Squads.


There is a point when a repetitive “mishap” should start to be considered an actual flaw.

Regardless of how much of Anduin’s influence affects the overall Alliance modus, they indeed had repeated occasions, when segments of it have been shown willing to carry out actions like those.
And have trained themselves to be oblivious to what they entail.

In the story, one of the strongest pieces of “Propaganda” the Horde had against the Alliance faction , aims at highlighting precisely said hypocrisy. If writers create such pieces, its obvious they want players to note said trait.

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Ah yes, the overall Alliance modus operandi.

Purge Squads.

Right, okay :rofl:

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I think I know the answer. Orgrimmar is the only place in Horde that has barber shop. They’re no longer welcome in Lagaran as far as I know.


Picking sentence bits out of the context doesn’t change the fact that if the story portrays the Alliance as repeatedly prejudiced, racist, or oblivious to the plea of those they consider inferior, then it might be indicative of a flaw that writers left there for them.

I know its easier to wave aside any trait you don’t like and point it as some “bad writing”, but if it turns into a trend, maybe you should start considering it as something intentional.

I think you are just being disingenuous, to be honest.

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That’s exactely my point though.
When the Alliance does something shady or reprehensible it’s handing them this idiot ball, when it comes to the Horde it’s yeah but you’re a bunch of evil genocidal fascists, by default.

I can’t really lay all the blame with the Alliance players either, because this is how it goes for year after year now, and it’s Blizzard setting us all up on those roles…

Alliance does shady stuff -> yea, but idiot ball tho!
Horde does shady stuff -> Genocidal killers that need a ten thousand pound hammer of righteous Justice!

No, we call that the villain bat.

And i think that some of you find it easier to deal with stuff like this, if you tag it as something out of character, rather than accept the fact that it might be an intentional trait that writers have given the faction you play.

If the cases keep on mounting, you should probably start accepting them as something other than “punctual OOC cases”.

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I don’t know what to tell you if you think that it was in-character for the Alliance to develop a strike team to ‘cleanse’ the Vulpera with fire.

That’s something so over the top Scarlet Crusade levels of cruel.

It wasn’t any more in-character for the Alliance to do that, than it was for the Horde to briefly become the Scourge like this:


Made no sense in either of those occasions, but if we want to pretend it’s inherent of being Alliance as you say, because the writers made more than one of these cases then I don’t know what that would imply for the Horde, other than it’s pretty depressing and your natural flaw is to be bloodthirsty fiends with genocidal Scourge-like tendencies.

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I chose not to use that term, for a reason.

Well, i’ve seen Alliance torture/beat civilians and feed them to sharks, or kill troll children to deter their parents, or blow up bypassing ships for the sake of covering up their covert-ops.

The list could go on.

That would be about right.
Although i suspect that your statement goes more along the lines of tagging said occurrences as a defining trait instead of a flaw. Which wouldn’t be the case.

Regardless of how hyperbolic you want to paint it, or if you unconsciously throw in a strawman or two, the premise is a rather simple one: We have enough cases for the Alliance in order to make us wonder if those punctual acts of violence have less to do with OOC situations, and more to do with inherent traits that surface from time to time with certain segments.
It wouldn’t come as something shocking given the background of some of its races.

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If only it did happen all the time! As it stands, it’s just jarring.

You get lolpurge squads in the same patch as you get the Alliance refusing to push the advantage in Zandalar on moral grounds.

And then you also get the Nazmir intro where you find out the Alliance apparently attempted Diplomacy with the Blood Trolls at first. That’s sensible - You can negotiate with an evil blood worshipper, but not a furry.

It’s just a giant pile of derp.


I think the most logical solution to this contradiction is to see the Alliance as different people, instead of one monolithical entity.
A different person was in charge when they retreated (or were forced back?) from Zandalar, than when they deployed purge-squads in Voldun etc.

Okay, I think most how the Horde was written in BFA was a pile of derp…
Or how about Garrosh attacking the Alliance at the Wrathgate…Derp(example)!

But that doesn’t excuse the Horde…then why does it always excuse the Alliance?