Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

Wait, did someone claim earlier that the Night Elves were not there to Sabotage the safety of Quel’thalas?

Have they only ever quested Alliance side?

You get three documents in the same quest where you retrieve the Kaldorei orders to attack three different ley sancta, you even -see- them do it in one case!

Apart from anything else, if you send your elite troops into a neutral states sovereign territory, do you not think it is reasonable for the natives to get a bit annoyed. Come on, accept a bit of realistic thinking for a moment, the Kaldorei drove the Sin’dorei into the Horde.

Which is fine.

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Nobody is excusing anything.

It’s just bad writing.

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As always, blame Tyrande for the loss of an Elf group to the Horde :smirk:

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Oh, yes, one was Anduin, Jaina, Shaw and Genn, the other Sandwalker Vakaara, who specifically asks you not to hurt the little fox people.

No, it really is jarring.


okay, didn’t play this yet on alliance, but if the same person sends purge squads and asks to not hurt the little fox people, it’s really just dumb writing (just like much of the Horde storyline)


Lets be fair, she does have a 100% track record…

I don’t actually think it was Tyrande, to be fair, just whoever was in charge of the bows on the ground, I think they went too far with their remit, and then it was just too late to undo the damage done. After all, Tyrande and Kael’thas were pretty chill…

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That whole “we will step out and help Azeroth and never again follow a power crazy dictator who kills her own people” Reaaallly worked well for the Nightborn right :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: They traded Elisande for Sylvanus :thinking: :+1:

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This has to be 1 of the most hilarious statements i have seen from a poster on these forums :joy: :joy: :man_facepalming: :skull: The cognative dissonance here is massive. It’s like this person hasn’t been on these forums EVER to not see the constant whining about Taurajo and the Purge :joy:

Also in game Horde NPC’s still remember it such as the BE in the Baine scenario and the leatherworking Tauren in Zandalar regarding Taurajo :man_shrugging:.

You don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to whitewashing of crimes because the Horde has a crap ton of them since Vanillla and by and large almost all have been forgiven and ignored after the event. Teldrassil and Gilneas are the only 2 that are showing long term consequences (potentially) and that’s really only by Genn and Tyrande (Since Shandris is apparently fine wiith it and wants to “end the cycle of hatred” :man_facepalming: Shandris Feathermoon- The NE Sentinal General and head of the NE military)

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You want to provide proof of that because i did quest Horde side so please go ahead and show evidence if you wouldn’t mind please :thinking: :+1:

The one where you nick the Kaldorei orders is called “Into Occupied Territory” Its part of the chain revolving around the Kaldorei incursion in Quel’thalas.

The point remains that sending armed soldiers, who (Going by the first ever Night Elf you encounter in Eversong) are quite happy to just kill Thalassians going about their business. (If you don’t notice them, they do just attack you)

Is an act of War.

Don’t care how much that offends Alliance posters sensibilities, but sending a (pretty sizeable) group of soldiers into a Neutral country, and start killing said neutral country’s people is an act of War.

I mean if that is not an act of war what is?


That only counts if it is the Horde that does it.


It certainly doesn’t count if it’s the Blood Elves that do it.

Otherwise, someone would have to justify Magus Rimtori and her expedition waltzing into the Night Elven territory of Azshara to steal relics and murder anyone that comes too close of either faction.

Good ole Vanilla. Those quests got kinda awkward when the Blood Elves joined the Horde, since the questgivers loudly shout “Never trust a Blood Elf!” in your face.

Alas, the entire expedition got removed in Cata. Probably retconned due to not fitting into the narrative anymore.


Probably they were the ones sent from Outland by Prince Kael’thas so they were not really part of Silvermoon. Kael’thas never officially joined the Horde (it would be nice to hear what he thinks about it now in Shadowlands) so his followers were hostile to everyone even in Vanilla. Anyway like you said a lot of stuff from Vanilla is retconned, I think the same happened to the quests for the Forsaken attacking the Kirin Tor in Silverpine.

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The one who waltz into some ruins that the Night Elves abandoned, then again, High Elves in general are all about waltzing into places that may be sacred to ancient civilization and taking it for their own. She then betrayed the Horde by killing her escorts, she generally only really hurt the Horde and not so much the Alliance.

But no. Taking responsibility for the actions of one is not something I tend to agree on. Afterall, the Draenei would have Archimonde, Kil’jaeden, the humans, Arthas, etc etc.

Lots of problems there.

Or just because the entirety of vanilla zones were being updated? :grin:

That is why they got removed.

But you should realize that there’s a difference between removed and retconned.

I assume that both are true, because just about the entire High and Blood Elf presence from Vanilla got retconned to some degree, due to not fitting into the narrative anymore.

Actually it makes perfect sense that Blood Elves in general were hostile to the Horde and even attacking them in some cases in Vanilla or before. They are still their ancient enemy of the Second War after all at that point. I also recall in the Chronicles it is written Blood Elves were hostile to the Forsaken too and sent Sylvanas’ ambassadors away thinking they were Scourge, until TBC happened and the Forsaken being part of a faction like the Horde dissipated their doubts about them still being Scourge, and the hostile Night Elf spies in Quel’thalas sealed the final deal so that the Blood Elves would join the Horde too.

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I just read through the 3 quests in that chain starting from Investigate An'daroth and ending with Deliver the plans to An'telas. None of the quest text or the quest item description ie of the NE plans mentions anything of sabotaging the sanctums. What it does say is that the NE’s were at the leyline nexuses which we know was to put Moonstones down to spy on the BE’s in the region. That has nothing to do with sabotaging sanctums.

This is why i say this forum is cesspit of bias, headcannon and twisting lore. Some posters, especially Horde players have a tremendous chip on their shoulder and it’s pathetic :man_facepalming:

Why not simply admit that there is no proof that the NE’s sabotaged the sanctums. Could it be up speculation in a What if type scenario. Yes. Is that the same thing as stating-

No. Why can’t people on this forum simply just use what lore they have instead of adding a million pieces of headcannon or twist to it. You go on to the US forums and theres always interesting lore threads open and by and large there are more people who know and use the factual lore to make a point then simply bias and headcannon.

You’re one of the reasons the Horde has to carry the heavy burden of being villain batted time and again…imagine if it swung the other way!
Your Human Paladin would be instantly deleted the moment the Alliance does some real “Horde-like” stuff in either book or game.

/grabs mace.
Be a Good Alliance fanboy and Turn the other cheek!


No, I think we can see why you say that, and it has nothing to do with twisting lore, you simply don’t like the concept that the Alliance can do wrong. Quite how people buy so heavily into a fictional grouping in a fictional world is beyond me, but then I play both factions, and can understand that both sides can do evil at times…

What next, the Pandaren child slave labour the Alliance took to build an airstrip were Work Experience kids and willing? Perhaps the first ever Kaldorei you encounter in Eversong was not hostile and trying to kill you because they were an agent of a hostile power, perhaps they had simply mistook the character for a known criminal?

Perhaps there just happened to be a rather sizeable force of armed soldiers in a country because they fancied a vacation and decided to go prepared?

I have seen the US Forums, they certainly do not know their lore. Some do, Some Do not. Same as here.

Now, can you are can you not accept that sending a sizeable bunch of hostile armed troops to a neutral nation is a hostile action, or can we file this as yet another “The Alliance can do no wrong” thread?

Because you really are wilfully overlooking events in the game as shown if you think those Night Elves were there for innocent reasons.

Do you or do you not agree that sending belligerent armed troops to a hostile nation is an act of war.

Very simple question.


they have 3 options:

  1. neutral, which might led them to another slaughter.
  2. alliance, too much history and blood there.
  3. horde, a state of favors.
    their best interests are with the horde.