Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

See this is what i mean,pathethic attempts to potray my reply as “Alliance Good-Horde Evil” :man_facepalming: You lot are F’ing idiots i swear to God. My reply to you and my general gist is stop saying sh!t that simply isn’t true in Lore…How hard is that to understand. I could give 2 flying F’s which faction it is or which character it is IF there is actual Lore in black and white that backs anybodies statement.

Jesus a bunch of F’ing children running around wetting yourselves on here about Blue team this and Red team that with most times not having a shred of evidence to back it except headcannon.

What is wrong with you people, you’re supposed to be adults. You would all make horrible lawyers as someone who is in the profession can attest to :skull: :unamused: :expressionless:

If you had actually bothered to read the thread instead of jumping in half arsed to defend “muh Horde honour and Alliance bias rah rah rah” then you would have known i already said the NE’s being there was a crappy move on behalf of Tyrande,that they had done aggressive/hostile stuff in the Ghostlands and by no means were they innocent just because they may have had valid worries/concerns. That they should of used diplomatic methods rather than spying and that Ironforge also messed up by allowing its ambassador to be used as a spy.

The Alliance were being idiots and wrong in the ghostlands,i have no issue with admitting that because the lore shows it happened :man_shrugging: I have in countless threads mentioned that the Alliance has it’s list of crimes from Vanilla to BFA and those should be accepted and owned up to- it makes the faction better, more interesting and creates an actuall reason for aggression from other factions against the Alliance which is also great for storytelling.

When you do find one to help you, let me know, I do actually know several Lawyers, though am not one myself, and your manner of argument is not one in keeping with that profession.

So let me just get the basis of your wording right, dodging between the insults. You agree that the Alliance and Horde have done bad things, you agree that the Kaldorei aggression was a bit surreal (I can actually make sense of it, -if- the events of TBC happened in a certain order) and so you came to a thread about why Blood Elves need the Horde and started this up why? Why not just have stayed on topic? The Blood Elves needed the Horde at the time because of Alliance aggression. If you agree with that, why argue? The Kaldorei aggression at the time -could- make sense, but that would be me applying my own headcanon as to when the events of TBC happened in relation to each other, like if the Draenei starting zones canonically happened before the Blood Elf ones, suddenly the Kaldorei actions make sense, and are a tragic, but understandable “Getting the first punch in”

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This discussion about the Night Elf activities in Quel’Thalas are really painful to read. So much lost potential to have a proper discussion about the lore.

Talking past each other.

But when it comes to the Blood elves drifting towards the Horde. I think those seeds were for once well-planted during WCIII. Even if Kael’thas went off to Outlands, I would assume some word/messengers would reach Quel’Thalas with word of what Garithos tried to do.

Executing the Blood elf crown prince for trying to survive with aid of the Naga during a suicide mission… Obviously Garithos didn’t represented only a local presence of Alliance forces, but still it probably didn’t do much good in the overall faith in the Alliance.

(And I would assume the Forsaken might present another argument to reinforce that thinking - being abandoned/shunned by the Alliance after breaking free, although Sylvanas killing Garithos/human survivors herself…)

In any case. Sometimes the writing of Blizzard can be a bit weird, but I find the Blood elves joining the Horde not so far-fetched and at least has a long build-up since WCIII.


As a matter of fact.

Rommath and a couple of unnamed Blood Elves were in the exact same situation as Kael’thas, seeing as they were with him from Quel’thalas to Lordaeron to Outland and then sent back to Silvermoon at some point.

So yes, the Blood Elves in Silvermon City would very much have gotten the information of what happened.

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I did stay on topic- i read every post in the thread up to the point about NE’s apparently sabotaging the sanctums and then i commented why the belief that it was done 100% by them was false, and i also read every reply after that. i did’nt make my post to take the topic away from the question at hand and i even gave in game and out of game reasons for why the BE’s were made part of the Horde at the time.

I didn’t make my post to derail the thread, there are many lore reasons as to why the BE went Horde and posters using the supposed “sabotage” when it’s not even confirmed that happened does’nt need to be 1. The lore as horrible as it is with Blizz writing is all we have and to propagate half truths does a diservice to the current lore community and to anybody who is new to the game who is on here to learn, for them to think certain events happened when they didn’t.

Yes well i don’t know how lawyers in Italy do it but in the UK we have various methods of presentation but thanks for your concern with regards to my methods and professional ethics,i’ll be sure to let the Bar Council know you disapprove :+1:

Yeh, that moment when the bridge caved and Tyrande almost died for Kael’thas was when they opened their eyes and cried:
“These bastards! They’ll burn for this!”

And so it came to pass.


Probably more the moment when Garithos sent Kaelon a suicide mission and when he survived with help sentenced have m to death.

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I’m reading this and hearing a Nixxiom / Moocluck voice, fyi.

Oh and Brigante is British afaik…?
Why did you think Italian?

The lawyer lines also came out of no-where…So you’re a lawyer, is that it?
And we’re supposed to believe a lawyer wouldn’t twist facts to serve their case? Like it matters where on the world you practice.

posted this on my phone where i can’t change my Forum-character, just fyi.

The help given to Kael by Tyrande was nice, but doesn’t give her the right to send Troops to spy on Quel’thalas. Even if her concerns are partly justified.

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I think it may be because his character has an Italian name.

Brigante means brigand/bandit in Italian.

No it doesn’t give her that right.

But seeing how overzealous and aggressive those Sentinels were, I doubt they were sent by Tyrande.

You can say that again.
It was even forgotten by the author of the novella when Malfurion and Lorash were exchanging words.

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True that, and utterly coincidental given that I don’t speak any Italian beyond being able to say ‘Goodbye’ and apparently ‘Bandit’, which I think would have to need a very specific scenario in which to be useful! I do occasionally get whispers in game in Italian, which is awkward.

I actually chose the name because I’m a big fan of Celtic history and lore, and the Brigantes were the Celtic Briton tribe who ruled the area I grew up in, also the world is linked to the Goddess Brigantia, ‘The High One’ and their territories were often referred to as Brigantium ‘The High places’. Given that another name used to refer to Quel’thalas is ‘The High Home’ it seemed like a suitable name for zealous Quel’dorei parents to have named a child :smiley:

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Whyever they would have to spy on them in the first place, considering…

High Elves now have their own distinct faction – “Silvermoon Remnant”. This faction is allied with the Alliance and is at war with the Horde. Not all High Elves are a part of this faction.
(Patch 1.6 Notes)

… what’s left of Silvermoon was still Alliance aligned as late as mid-Vanilla. Could’ve just send people there normally and ask what’s up.

(Since the faction was removed from regular gameplay rather quick, one wonders if someone on the dev team didn’t get the memo about Blood Elves going Horde yet when he implemented it)

Reading this (tbh i don’t remember very much from classic as it was so long ago) this seems the most propable reason, or maybe they refer to the highelves that joined the alliance and the " Not all High Elves are a part of this faction. "-part refers to the majority that later joined the Horde. But just not getting the memo seems more likely.

To be honest: Neither do I.

I mostly remember emotional points and the release of TBC left me very confused about the lore at the time. Without research, I couldn’t pinpoint why exactly anymore however.

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Where did i twist facts? Go on, show me were i did it instead of just chatting crap :man_shrugging: Link the post in this thread were i twisted the lore? I’ll wait.


What is this nonsense, because I can tell you all something it isn’t…a court of law.

At the beginning of this diskussion you posted half a quote and implied that it was sure that night elves didn’t sabotage the sanctum instead of posting the whole quote and saying that neither their guilt nor their innocence are proven.

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