Why do you hate Alliance side so much, blizzard?

this is quite insulting,

my proposals were about keeping the faction barrier not about breaking it, but then again, it wouldn’t solve imbalance issues, making cross faction playable wouldn’t increase alliance raid player numbers…

Why is it stupid? You seem too angry to be reasonable right now.
If enough people like the Alliance better than Horde and those people want to play endgame content they can go do it, they don’t need to go join the Horde, you’re being part of the problem and then demand Blizzard implements a solution.

And yes they could implement the cross-faction PvE solution I’m all for that but since they decided not to can’t we just all go play our desired faction instead of making this game more and more one-sided and then complain about it?

Exactly, which means that keeping the faction barriers isn’t the proposal. What you said is - I’m looking for a way to open the door without unlocking it via key, without breaking it open and without touching it at all. Of course for that to work the factions need to be in some way merged or the restrictions lifted or loosened.

Let’s say that wow is currently populated by 5 million players. Let’s say that 200k are interested in mythic raiding, the rest are not. Let’s say that it used to be split 100k:100k. People moved to horde, and now it is 20k:180k. That leaves us with 20k alliance players willing to mythic raid. So you’re telling me that the remaining alliance population that does not give a damn about mythic raiding should just man up and form mythic raiding guilds. It is their fault that they are not raiding? They aren’t interested in raiding. They are RP-ing, fishing, doing PvP. Because people that are interested in raiding that used to be ally, are now horde. And since Blizzard insists on keeping TF in the game and not reward mythic raiding with absolute best gear, they aren’t exactly spawning new mythic raiders every day now, are they?


Stop being a hypocrite, I mean just look what are you saying here and think. So according to you, its ok what we have, the fact that Blizzard already made huge damage because it favored horde which did lead that a lot of the progression orientated alliance guilds switched factions over the years and than after it was done started to balance factions with racials from allied races to make things equal on that field. You do realize how the damage was at that point already done, by balancing racials again between the factions Blizzard didn’t made all those people which switched factions before to switch again because there was nothing to motivate them to switch back since the racials are equally balanced between the factions now and since there are a lot more progression orientated players now on the horde faction, its stupid that you are now blaming for the current state of the alliance the remaining alliance players.


And by that, the remaining alliance players that are not interested in raiding at all (which is fair as everyone is interested in something else)

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Yes, i do because you are part of the problem why THE HECK do you think there are “only 2” good guilds per server Yes that is right it is because people like you leave those servers and join the other faction. So 100% yes you are part of the problem if you prefer alliance but changed because of perceived faction imbalance. I am not saying you are the only one or anything like that but you are part of a systemic problem as you changed faction instead of staying making it 3 guilds then 4 and then 5 and so on. If reality is to hard on you here i am sorry.
But you are definitely not helping improve the numbers when you abandon ship the second it gets rough.

And you do not understand that THIS IS NOT a BLIZZARD created the problem it is a PLAYERBASE one. The racials HAVE NEVER been so good that you NEED it to perform in raiding, they have been so good that the Top of the Top of the Top end felt the need but the average raider never needed it.
And that is the Only thing that blizzard controls when it comes to raiding balance (when we ignore lore and all that stuff as you seem to want to looking at posts above)

Using myself as anecdote here but whatever i have yet to see an expansion where racials ment the difference between me being top or someone with the best racial being on top of the damage meters.

A change as big as you think this is takes time and it requires that people stick it out instead of abandoning the ship like you, those people can get more people to stay and then you can get a rolling effect of people staying.

I think I went too Irish there for a second. I legitimately felt that “I even considered English realms” was truly the lowest point for a second there, but to be honest, English-speaking realms are not as bad as you think. Isn’t the EU regions top Alliance server an English-speaking server?

The lack of faith is the problem for the Alliance. There is nothing stopping the Alliance from getting Cutting Edge achievements or even World First. Racials are not a barrier - desire and effort are the barrier, but Alliance have lost hope. The means of getting are still there. They just need hope.

Also, my wowprogress is utterly dire, don’t worry. I would still assume that raiding on Alliance is best on a high Alliance pop server, which there is at least one! ^^

What I’m telling you is that those 20K from your example could go raid instead of tranfering to Horde and making it worse.

Ah okay.



I considered, but I can’t afford anymore to play later in the night. I could have, when I still had more time to spend, but now is quite different. Jetlag is the reason why I can’t raid on English realms. I just can’t afford going to bed one hour late. I need some sleeping :x

The faction is only dead in your opinions all over the forums.

Here’s the weeping.

And here’s the payoff demand.

Textbook Alliance posting.

You do realize that Blizz could just “suggest” that the streamers go Alliance and all your problems would be solved, yeah? Their zombies would follow them and there you go, you can go back to complaining about horses.

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They don’t. The playerbase is the reason things are imbalanced.

Blizzard has been doing everything in their power to screw over the Horde this expansion, both in lore and by giving the Alliance more stuff like the warmode bonus and two mounts (As of 8.3) that the Horde have no equivalent to. One of which has a model the Horde can’t get (In addition to the hippo we can’t get).

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I only read your post now :stuck_out_tongue:
It probably came out wrong when I said that the Alliance not doing the content you are looking for is their problem, I mean they do what they want and all…
But who I really blame here are not them, but the ex-Alliance that left the Alliance to Horde like sheep after numbers and then complain ‘‘Alliance is dead’’.

It’s ok mate, I’m sure eventually you’ll clear that LFR Eternal Palace. If you want I can help you do a +5 so you have a bit better score too.

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Yeah, I’m sure I will too. According to you I’m on the faction that allows me do that without effort.

I blame Blizzard and not the players, the progression orientated players will always look for the ways which will give them advantage in the game + its always better to be in the faction which offers more opportunities for the endgame, especially if one offers a lot more of them than the other.

I left Alliance. However, I don’t complain about that. In fact, I don’t even care about Alliance raiding from now onwards.

Yeah a +10 and LFR requires effort bro. Btw Blood Elves are Horde, just saying. Keep queuing up, you can do it!

I see you are just an Elitist and rude.

I could make some silly generalisations about Mythic raiders but I wont.

Just ignore them, they have nothing constructive to say and have to resort to this kind of low.


Let’s not compare apples with oranges here, do we? The WM-bonus adjusts itself after the users logged into the game in the US. Back during the launch we started on an even scale but it soon favored the Horde because they were the better players in PVP. After some weeks and several complains the Alliance-players simply turned the WM off.

The reason why the Horde dominated massively was because the first warfront was extremely abused by the Horde-players for the 340 items. As we remember, the real first week did not have the restricted equipment level requirements which the Alliance later on faced. Many people simply geared themselves pretty well up there which also had a lasting impact on the WM. Several topics revolved around “whiny Alliances-players” and “why just don’t you the WM off when you can’t stand it?”.

Months later Ion and the development team introduced the weekly “Against overwheelming odds” quest which provided an extreme equipment boost. I do not remember the level anymore (390 or 400), but this was the last time you could see a true resistance coming from the players until it was nerved one or two weeks later. Ironically the Horde faced now the exact same issues the Alliance players had and many comments came back to bite them.

The next few months were rather silent. BfA lost its grace and the on-going topics about the gameplay quality had an impact on the development, especially the storytelling. This is why the 8.2 warfront and everything in 8.2.5 had a tongue-in-cheek feeling to their dialoges in the cinematic cutscenes - because this was the first time they truly acted on the criticism which plagued the game.

Now, to the mounts. As you may be aware, the Alliance did not get truly new mounts in the expansion’s beginning.

i imgur com/erXBhhW.png

Here is another popular discussion on reddit about it with almost 9000 votes about how they felt about the mounts. Feel free to go though the posts.
reddit com/r/wow/comments/9dv5v6/order_of_embers_exalted_horse_mount_vs_worgen_lvl/

I have posted it before but Ion went in a q&a into detail why the Alliance did not get any new mounts: For lore-reasons. But at this point the damage was done and they desperately try to make up for it. This is also why you get for the story-achievement a horse on the Horde’s side this time, it was likely meant to signal that they got the “message” from /wow through.

The hippo is a PVP-mount and not many people have it. I can understand the frustration about it but believe me, there are not many PVPers out there. The bee mount, however, is an Alliance-only mount because it’s bound to Stormsong’s quests and lore. And as you guessed right, they simply want to give the Alliance something back after the Horde got also two special mounts (which are ironically available to Alliance-players which should NOT have been an option).