Why do you hate Alliance side so much, blizzard?

Sorry for making sense.

I believe I said plenty of constructive, you just read none of it and decided to be offended because you have no counter arguments. Your opinion is invalid because you take no part in anything yet you comment on it.


It goes the same on the other way. Reading “Whinny alliance player” is one of the reason why I made what I should have done earlier…


I think you came in here criticising others based on your own ePeen.

You want to dismiss anyone else’s views or what text they post in based on your own ego.

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No mate, I disproved what you said by making a very long and elaborate post as to why you’re wrong. You replied to me with nothing but a snarky comment how elitist I am.

Of course that being a cutting edge raider gives me far more knowledge and insight than you on certain topics. That goes without saying. But I’m still right in my reply to you. Instead of sulking, prove me wrong. Forum is for discussion.

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I honestly hope they can come up with a solution to make the Alliance more appealing. Cross realm is not the answer IMO and ignores the issue.

You didn’t prove anything ‘mate’. You sat there going on about your ideas of what MvPs are.

You are not the first to throw insults, nor will you be the last.


In my opinion the Human and Dwarf customization reveal looks very appealing, if they do great with the rest of the Alliance that can attract players there again, maybe.

So you didn’t read anything past my first sentence and you want to be taken seriously?

It is. Removing Mythic dumb constraints is only good. When we’re 19, it’s raid off, unless we can recruit a pug. Generally speaking, those bugs became “regular” pugs. That can even make them joining the guild in the end, in a certain way.

Realms mean nothing in 2019.

Blizzard should allow cross factions play for PVE, that currently does seem like a best solution to the problem of imbalance between the factions.

Currently I go through the top voted reddit postings on /wow and it seems that there are more people upset about the Alliance getting the mechagnomes (10,2k) in comparison to how many voted for the Sylvanas Harbringer video (which is the highest voted of the three) with 8k. Besides that, there is also the controversial Zandalari racial discussion. I think that these topics are relevant to some degree and why the Alliance looks like a stepchild compared to the Horde.

I leave you guys some links to them:

reddit com/r/wow/comments/djitxr/they_had_so_much_potential/

reddit com/r/wow/comments/ae8v9z/how_to_make_people_buy_race_changes/

Of course I read your entire belittling rebuke.

So which counterarguments you have?

10,205 votes and 1,036 comments so far on Reddit

11,083 votes and 1,137 comments so far on Reddit

Poor Alliance, always downtrodden and hated by Blizzard…
Oh wait, no you’re not.

  • Massive buffs to your racials
  • Bonus XP for switching on Warmode
  • You got the bee mount everyone was hyped for
  • Allied races with OP racials that get insignificant nerfs whilst the Horde racials get nerfed into the dirt
  • Participation prizes for playing in PvP.

They did change the Zanda racial to be interruptable. It needed changing ofc. Not a huge proportion of the playerbase have a 120 Zandalari. Same for all the Allied races really.

I am bit late for the party but i have to say, as someone who playes both factions quite actively, that on BFA being alliance has felt bit lame. I am especially disappointed of quality difference with stories: horde getting exiting choices and alliance getting to name a boat. I am also unhappy how burning of Teldrassil was handled afterwards and how alliance was just “Meh” when Tyrande asked help for taking areas back. It was very big thing to happen that could have lead into amazing storyline on alliance part but instead of something cool coming out of it everyone (except nelves and worgens) were like “oh crap happens let’s move on”.

When it comes to mythics and raids, i don’t really know about those on personal level cause i don’t do them, but it does sound bad and needs a solution.

I don’t know if there is bias or not, but the fact remains that there is lot of alliance players who are unhappy and feel there is bias and that should be adressed somehow, because damage it does is real even when actual bias is not.


Goblins were part of the Horde in WC2 and fit way better in then any elves ever going to be.

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So horde gets a million cinematics and still you guys deny there is a horde bias? LMAO
Even the shadowlands cinematic like please stop faking.